Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 511 Shadow Crown (Second)

"Then am I authorized to carry out this operation?" Agent Victoria Hand pushed his glasses, "You know my style, I don't care about casualties. Especially when those special operations teams are not S.H.I.E.L.D. special operations teams, they are Hydra."

"A Hydra that can be transformed, especially a Hydra in a factory. The armed men among them cannot be wasted." Salomon refers to the Hydra workers who are now sweating in the transformation work of the sky carrier. After hard work washes away the imprint of Hydra on their minds, they will become another special warfare team under the command of Agent Hand.

The same is true for those low-level managers of Hydra. Salomon urgently needs to fill them into the administrative system to reduce the administrative pressure of the Immortal City. In the case of owning artificial intelligence, Salomon still has not implemented paperless office. He was well aware that the paperless office would lead to artificial intelligence taking over the Eternal City, something that would never be allowed to happen - the first mission of those special operations teams was to move the Samaritan's server to the receiving location, so the "first mission" that Agent Victoria Hand said was not accurate, it was not the first job that the conservative Hydra special operations team took on.

Agent Victoria Hand didn't know much about artificial intelligence either, she only knew that the Immortal City had a decent chain of command.

"We want to live. This kind of lucky guy is rare. The biological laboratory needs him." Salomon forwarded the file of the shadow creature to Agent Hand on the holographic projection desktop and then left. There are other jobs waiting for him in the Immortal City. But he stopped suddenly and looked back at Agent Hand. "I don't mind if you help Agent Coulson, really," he said. "Although we are not traveling together, if necessary, try to help him and save his life."

"Why?" Agent Hand's lens reflected the blue light of the holographic projection table, making it impossible to see his eyes clearly.

"The future of mankind needs him." Salomon said truthfully, but this sentence has different understandings in different people's ears. Agent Hand belongs to the one who can understand part of it. She asked, "Is this a prophecy? Will it happen 100 percent, like you predicted my death?"

Salomon nodded.

"I understand." Agent Hand accepted the order.

On the other hand, Stephanie also transferred to the next step after promoting the secret bill. She is preparing to launch an attack on Whitehall, another mountain in Hydra. For this matter, she specifically asked her father to discuss it, but Gideon Malik, an old fox, persuaded her daughter not to be too impulsive. Whitehall is a full-fledged Nazi Hydra and knows the whole Hydra. It was reasonable for the conservative Hydra to save some secret service personnel before, but if that guy finds out that the conservatives are planning to attack him, then no one will be able to please.

Gideon Malik couldn't help but recall the conversation he and his brother had with Whitehall in prison when he was younger. It was a poisonous snake with a gentle mask, and Gideon Malik sent shivers down his spine just thinking about him. He didn't expect that Whitehall actually knew the secrets of the Malik family well, even including the previous generation of Malik family patriarch, the cheating methods used by his father in the ceremony.

When the Nazi Hydra gained the upper hand, many conservative Hydra took refuge in Whitehall and the Red Skull. Presumably at that time, the emerging Nazi Hydra faction spied on Hydra's ancient secrets. Gideon Malik didn't know how much Whitehall knew, and he didn't dare to completely tear himself apart from that monster Whitehall. The notched white stone hidden in "Paradise Lost" has always been in his heart. Gideon Malik hated himself for being weak, for cheating and getting his brother killed. But whenever he tried to betray Whitehall, the stone would calm him down in the most ruthless way, forcing him to admit that he was indeed afraid of Whitehall.

"This is the master's order, father." Stephanie was a little dissatisfied with her father's weakness and hesitation. "He wants to eat the biological research results in Whitehall's hands. He and I went to Nazi Hydra's youth training camp. We also discovered the product of Whitehall's eugenics. Obviously, Whitehall, an old guy who has returned to youth, has many plans."

Gideon Malik sighed. His daughter saw the power of Salomon, and after being persuaded to abandon the ancient belief of Hydra, he immediately became a fanatic of converts. He saw his daughter help Salomon form power and gradually expand. However, so far he has not dared to tell Stephanie the truth about the Malik family, because it will only make her spurn the ancient belief of Hydra even more, and pay more attention to the organization established by Salomon.

"You are now nominally in charge of the Congressional Gray Squad operation, and there are some things you must know." Gideon Malik said earnestly. Taking the wine glass from his daughter, he smiled gratifiedly. No matter what, my daughter still cares about herself. He looked at the well-behaved daughter who was sitting in a dignified posture, "How do you say that sentence? Cut off one head and grow two heads. This sentence is the truth. Hydra will not perish. In the information released by Black Widow, many so-called Hydras are idiots who are very close to Alexander Pierce. They are Hydra when necessary, but not when it is not necessary. Do you understand me when I say that?"

Stephanie nodded, she understood what her father meant—those officials who were supposed to be Hydra were actually just tentacles extended by Hydra, and officials who had received black money were not core members. However, even so, it does not mean that Hydra can be easily wiped out. The Malik family's early and secret cutting played a role, allowing the conservative Hydra to be alone in this storm.

"Hydra is America." Gideon Malick said surprisingly. He smiled and said, "Don't be so surprised. After so many years of operation, the results of the paperclip project have spread all over the country. All walks of life, even the military, have us... no, Hydra people. Important figures in this country have received political donations. If a thorough attack on Hydra means a complete attack on the economy, military, medicine, and politics of the United States. So don't think that the government will spare no effort to attack Hydra. No, it’s just bad luck that hasn’t been cut clean. Sometimes agents are not even needed, and those bad luck will commit suicide with important information. As long as there is a need, everyone can be a Hydra.”

Stephanie said she understood.

It doesn't matter who is Hydra, only who is suspected of being Hydra is important. This is good news for politicians. As long as political opponents are questioned, all efforts made by political opponents will be in vain. Next time there will be no such absurd thing as being shot eight times in the back and committing suicide. Hydra is the best excuse.

"If you want to offer him the crown of shadows, then you have to learn how to be a catfish in the entire system." Gideon Malik educated his daughter as a presidential adviser, "If you want to be the indispensable person around him, then you have to reflect your irreplaceable value, which is related to the future of the Malik family. Whether the chaos caused by the death of Alexander Pierce will end for a while, and everyone in the administrative system is in danger. When the time comes, only you can sort out the relationship of Hydra in the government, so that the crown of shadows will also be worn on your head."

"And I will become the queen." Stephanie said with a smile, imagining the future.

"I will pick a target for you first, my old friend Baron Wolfgang von Strucker." Gideon Malik said, "He is very close to Whitehall, and he is a pawn destined to be abandoned."

Ask for a ticket!

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