Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 512 Antarctic Exploration (Part 1)

The dry and cold snow powder was forced into the gap of the scarf along with the strong wind. He exhaled a breath of hot air, but soon the moisture condensed into ice on the scarf. The thick wool socks in the thermal boots are frozen hard, and the heavy cashmere windproof pants seem to have condensed into lumps due to the sweat from climbing the snow-capped mountains before. It seems that after walking a few steps, the pants will collide with each other and make a crisp sound, just like playing triangles when I was a child. The polar day is fading, and the dark red light stubbornly pollutes the distant sky. The strong wind blows snow powder across the ice cap, covering the front like thick white smoke, and everything seems to be covered by thick clouds like industrial pollution, becoming blurred.

This is not the coast where scientific expedition teams from various countries are stationed, but a thick ice sheet near the pole. There are no seals or penguins here, just cracks in the snow-covered ice sheets and the huge glaciers that cover the Antarctic continent.

As long as he closes his eyes, he can hear the tooth-piercing groans of the ice layers rolling against each other, as if the pulse of this land has been beating from ancient times to the present. This movement causes the ice sheet to crack, and the huge pressure squeezes out the air bubbles in the ice layer, making Antarctic ice extremely pure. He'd thought about taking two back to put in his wine glass, but he dismissed the foolish idea because some hardy archaea were waiting to revive in the ice.

This is not the best season for Antarctic scientific research. The exploration in the past few months has yielded nothing, but they must continue and cannot leave. They must continue to unearth the secrets hidden deep under the Antarctic ice cap, in search of a rare metal and the remains of a cosmic god. And the reason why he was able to participate in this scientific examination task is because the second semester has ended, and Wakanda has not found the target, so he is urgently needed for magic prophecy.

He bounced a few times on the spot. Although he didn't jump up, he just tiptoed his heels, but he felt that he had warmed up again. He kept going, because the base was just ahead. Salomon secretly cursed his negligence in his heart. He forgot the dangers of the Antarctic environment. Instead of wearing three layers of cold-proof and sweat-absorbing clothing, he only relied on relatively thin clothing and magic to resist the cold. The thermals had done irreversible damage, and the ensuing bad luck left him in dire straits.

His fingers were frozen and he couldn't even put the hanging ring on himself.

He should have brought Dave, that stupid guy was probably the only human druid on Earth after Balthazar died. He believed that Dave must have learned the magic of Balthazar's bottom of the box. The druid must know the spell of manipulating the direction of the wind. He didn't want to find a way to use the advanced restoration spell to grow his fingers back after his fingers were frozen.

To make matters worse, even if he could use it, he couldn't be here. There is a mysterious power here that can interfere with spells. If you cast positive energy spells for healing, it is very likely that tissue will grow due to energy interference. In other words, he may grow two fingers. He also can't transform into an elemental creature. If he transforms into an air elemental, he may be blown away. If he becomes a water elemental, he will freeze. If he becomes a fire elemental, he will be extinguished. If he becomes an earth elemental, he will sink. But that's okay, the Wakanda prefab house is not far away, and he will be there later.

He had a hunch that he might develop a few chilblains. If he really lost his ears or toes from the cold, he really had to go back to Karma Taj to read the book and learn how to regenerate his severed limb.

The remains of the Cosmos have affected the climate of the region. This is the conclusion drawn by Wakanda scientists. They believe that the Antarctic anti-vibration gold is also very likely to be buried here. The abnormal energy signal here conceals the special signal from the anti-vibration gold, which makes the metal detector commonly used in Wakanda invalid.

The reason why vibrating gold is indestructible and not damaged by mechanical and thermal stress is that vibrating gold can form a composite lattice with other negatively charged elements, form hexahedral covalent bonds with adjacent molecules, and curl into a tube to form a structure similar to carbon nanotubes. This structure can cope with sudden external forces very well, and is even more stable than the strong metal bond atomic arrangement structure of vibrating metal itself. Anti-vibration gold seems to be even more magical. It works in the opposite direction of vibrating gold. This Antarctic vibrating gold will send out vibrations in an unknown way, weakening the metal bonds in nearby metals, causing the solid metal to liquefy.

It is this vibration that the Wakandas detect.

Vibranium is a metal that conforms to the first law of thermodynamics. It can form metal bonds and ionic bonds to adapt to different forms and functions, and supports Wakanda's technological tree with its own strength. The negatively charged element lattice of vibrating gold is stacked in three-dimensional space, forming a certain structure that makes the natural lattice electrically neutral. When the external kinetic energy destroys this special piezoelectric crystal, the charges are rearranged, so that a potential difference is formed on both sides of the lattice to generate a current, and the kinetic energy is converted into electrical energy.

Princess Su Rui is developing a nanoscale capacitor and intends to apply it to the Black Panther suit.

If the vibration metal is the hardest shield in the world, then the anti vibration metal is the sharpest spear in the world. This is also the basis for the cooperation between Salomon and Wakanda, especially when the current Wakanda King T'Chaka is determined to open up to the outside world, Wakanda must firmly hold this resource in its hands.

"You don't have to come here together." Salomon sat on the small bench next to the electric heater holding his gorgeous big teacup. He felt itchy in his toes, probably frostbite. Salomon took a sip of tea and sighed contentedly - he brought this teacup along with his clothes, because he felt that he might not have any tea in Antarctica. At first, those Wakanda scientists were puzzled by the requirement to carry tea, but soon they knew how comfortable it is to have a cup of hot tea in a icy environment.

"Am I still going to be bored in the dungeon studying tanks? You're squeezing labor!" Princess Su Rui rolled her eyes and continued to study the geological structure near the South Pole. Vibrating gold and anti-vibrating gold both came to the earth through meteorites. The powerful kinetic energy will inevitably change the geological structure, especially the special metal comet of anti-vibrating gold, which is very likely to form basins and mountains at the landing point, just like the current residence of the Black Panther tribe and the residence of the White Ape tribe.

Su Rui intends to start with the scanned geological structure to find the landing point of the anti-vibration gold meteorite.

The first place to explore is near Vinson Peak in Antarctica, the main peak of the Aylesworth Mountains. However, the Wakanda found nothing and could only explore along the Aylesworth Mountains, which stand on the east side of the Ronnie Ice Shelf, and are divided into two roads, the North Sentinel Ridge and the South Heritage Ridge. Fortunately, the Wakanda aircraft are of good quality and capable of crossing the poles. During the fruitless exploration trip, the abnormal weather detected by the satellite caught Su Rui's attention, and she ordered the exploration team exploring the South Heritage Ridge to move towards the pole.

She thinks that if the information given by Salomon is correct, the wreckage of the Cosmic God is very likely to be in this place, and the anti-vibration gold ore may also be nearby. Salomon, who put on the hanging ring again, opened the portal and wrung out a quilt and a deck chair. He took off his frozen clothes and changed into dry and warm pajamas. He planned to lie down for a while and wait until Su Rui had news before notifying him.

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