Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 513 The method of solving the problem and the person who raised the problem (second change)

Wakanda has technology that surpasses other countries in the world for nearly a thousand years. While possessing high technology, the domestic infrastructure construction is also very complete. However, this country is also facing a very fatal population problem. Even if every citizen joins the scientific research and production team, it cannot solve the current large-scale design and production needs of the Immortal City.

The Kun-type fighter needs to be transformed, the sky carrier needs to be transformed, the supersonic Kun-type fighter needs to be transformed, and the weapons and firearms must be transformed. Scientists and workers are needed for everything, and even the most secretive and little-known biology labs have projects outsourced. With Salomon's squandered money, those pharmaceutical companies and physics laboratories are working overtime to complete some leftover tasks.

It's just that there are really a few geniuses in this world who can solve problems. After discussing with Salomon, Su Rui planned to adopt a modular design method-enter all design plans into the database, then combine them according to requirements, and finally Su Rui made modifications. Then recombine, then modify, and keep adding new designs to the database at the same time. Designing new products through a large number of calculations can greatly save manpower while ensuring the creativity of geniuses. This solution is only applicable to the mechanical field, and the research results of the biological laboratory are too chaotic to be entered into the database.

This is how the portable warmer carried by the scientific expedition team came about. This small electric warmer is very effective. The designer came from a scientific researcher who studied in the Black Panther tribe from a white ape tribe two hundred years ago. If Su Rui hadn’t entered the design files into the database, no one would have known such a solution; the prototype of the anti-gravity snowmobile used for scientific research was the anti-gravity vehicle used by the Royal Guards of Wakanda, and the engine was reduced to realize the function and reduce the cost; the base is composed of prefabricated board house skeletons used by several Wakanda people when they move, and can be rolled out in a very short time. Coupled with a vibration gold power supply, solar panels, and a geostationary satellite on the head, the scientific expedition team can even receive TV signals through the antenna if necessary.

Of course, the capacity problem cannot be solved. Wakanda is a small country with few people, so there is no need for large-scale production of high-tech products. However, King T'Chaka has also seen the future. He has arranged for the new production line to start operation, rushing to intervene in the international system before announcing the opening to the outside world.

For example, picometer-level process lithography machines, which do not obey the laws of macrophysics, belong to the treasure of Wakanda. The thing created by that thing is not called a transistor at all, and Salomon didn't know how far the Wakanda people had gone in the quantum realm.

Sometimes he would think that this universe is too outrageous, how on earth is this kind of thing created!

Then he thought about Stark again.

All right, let it be like this, there is nothing he can do about this universe being so outrageous.

Now the Wakanda's aircraft is equipped with a scanner and flies to the location designated by Princess Su Rui for exploration. Everyone else stays in the temporary base and has nothing to do. Only Salomon, who is jet-lagged, is still sleeping soundly. He was so busy that the Oxford course required him to write an essay every time he was in class. Even if he is on vacation now, he has to write a certain number of articles and participate in research in Jane Foster's research institute. Even if he doesn't write articles, he still has a lot of things to do in the Immortal City.

Agent Victoria Hand and Coulson's team are robbing Marcus Daniel that Salomon wanted, and Salomon doesn't know what kind of conflict will break out between the two sides. He didn't care about it. He and Stephanie had arranged all the relationships for Agent Hand's department. As long as he made a request, Agent Victoria Hand would naturally do it. The task of the special operations team is to capture the fugitive Hydra, but the real task is to complete the order given by Salomon-Agent Coulson is now mistaken for Hydra, Stephanie has an excuse to hunt him down, so that Agent Hand can participate in the capture of the real Hydra Grant Ward.

However, Salomon was awakened by the ringing of the mobile phone after not sleeping for long. This is the satellite phone used by Wakanda. He answered it, frowned and listened to it for a few words before hanging up.

"What happened?" Su Rui asked. Her eyes were red, and while Salomon was resting, she was trying to figure out where the meteorite had landed from the scans of the terrain beneath the ice sheet. Before setting off, Salomon cast spells to ask the lords of water and earth elements on the elemental plane, and delineated the search area. This kind of spiritual link is harmful and will temporarily cause some damage to his spirit. And the answers he got were nothing more than extremely vague short sentences and words, and those answers were not necessarily accurate. Some elemental lords will honestly answer that they don't know, others will tell lies, and some will simply make up an answer to fool him.

How to screen the answers is a test of the caster's own intelligence. If you want to get an accurate answer, there is a high probability that the only way is to ask Weishandi. It's just that the magic cost is too high, and the intelligence may temporarily become lower than that of ordinary people (intelligence becomes 8), and it lasts for as long as 35 days, and Salomon is unwilling to cast it no matter what.

"Agent Hand said that there was a small problem at the mission site, and she will write a complete report to me." Salomon put the phone aside again, and shrank back together with his head, leaving only a pair of dark eyes looking outside. From Su Rui's point of view, there was only a big quilt and a pair of eyes that glowed in the dark.

"What's wrong? Also, who is Agent Hand?"

"You don't know? You are the head of the development department!" Salomon was a little surprised, "I remember you signed and agreed to the "Light Vehicle Maintenance and Priority Supply Regulations" document! Agent Hand is the head of the special operations team, don't you know?"

"You mean those documents written on parchment with badges on them?" Princess Su Rui thought for a few seconds, then couldn't help raising her voice, "I thought it was a daily report document, so I signed it casually! Who asked you to design so many badges, I can't tell the difference! I signed several such documents, such as the "Experimental Weapon Supply License"!"

"The emblem of the development department is a gear, and the emblem of the special operations team is a skull and wings!" Salomon stuck his head out of the bed. Although there is a humidifier in the room, it is too dry here, and the static electricity cannot be prevented at all. He shook the hair that was attached to the quilt, "Do you remember what you gave them?"

"It's just some experimental weapons." Princess Su Rui panicked suddenly, "But it's not stable yet! You hurry up and recall them!"

"What experimental weapon?"

"Plasma weapon!" Su Rui said hastily, "But the thermal pressure, electrostatic force and magnetic force in the plasma are all unstable, and the problems of sound waves, electromagnetic waves and various coupled waves have not been resolved to some extent, and there are still problems such as density gradients, external magnetic fields, and velocity space inhomogeneity."

"What does it mean?"

"To put it simply, in order to solve complex nonlinear phenomena such as helix, magnetic surface tearing, and plasma turbulence caused by nonlinear wave disturbance, uh... slightly increased the output power."

"How big can it be?" Salomon got out of the bed directly.

"It's about the size of a nuclear bomb in a suitcase, and the direct damage radius is about 400 meters."

"S.H.I.T!" Salomon called back, but no one answered. He quickly put on the hanging ring, opened the portal, and jumped over in his pajamas.

He thought that Agent Hand could solve the problem with an unpretentious dump truck, but now it seems that Agent Hand and Agent Coulson will explode a little later!

Ask for a ticket!

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