Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 514 Who Is The Traitor (Part 1)

Su Rui waited for a long time but did not see the portal reopen. She shook her head, and when she was about to continue working, the bright orange-red sparks appeared out of thin air again. Salomon, who jumped into the portal, came out slowly. The clean and tidy pajamas became dirty, full of the smell of melting asphalt on the asphalt road, and the fluff of the white nightcap was also blackened and curled, emitting the smell of burnt chemical fibers. With a bad feeling in her heart, Su Rui sniffed it carefully - there was also the smell of rancid beer, diapers and toads. Especially when Salomon took out a sad-looking frog from the pocket of his pajamas, Su Rui's curiosity reached its peak.

"Didn't you just go to retrieve the plasma weapon?" she asked the mystic, who was slumped on the floor. "Where's the weapon? And what about this frog?"

"He was the only survivor at the scene. His home was in a tree root by the side of the road, and when I found him, he was sitting in a pile of dark ruins. He was dry and covered in carbon ash, with no wet mud at all. Poor little guy, he may not make it through this month."

"Are you serious? You found a way to perfunctory me so quickly?" Princess Su Rui snorted disdainfully, and the airflow rushed out of her nasal cavity. The plasma pistol belonged to her, and she knew the power of the explosion. If the frog was within the blast radius, Salomon wouldn't even be able to see a single frog bone. She looked at the holographic projection in her hand, "It's only been thirty minutes. I don't believe you can't solve such a trivial matter. I'm the head of the R\u0026D department, and I have the right to know about certain confidential operations."

"Okay." Salomon put away his sad expression, patted his butt and sat up from the ground, and began to tell Su Rui what happened thirty minutes ago. Of course, he still omitted some things that are not very important to ordinary people, such as what is the special magic that he casts on the machine. When he said that he went to a construction site to steal a road roller, and then dropped the road roller from the sky and smashed it on the forehead of that villain, Su Rui still stopped his nonsense.

"You said you blocked the power supply of the plasma pistol and didn't show up the whole time?" Su Rui couldn't sit still, "How did you do that?"

"Uh...that's the switch, you know." Salomon said with an innocent face, "I conjured up a ghost hand, and then quietly pressed the switch. Everyone was saved, and the villain was arrested."

Princess Su Rui took a deep breath, moved a chair and placed it heavily opposite Salomon. "That thing doesn't have a power switch. You can continue to talk nonsense, anyway, we are not in a hurry." She tapped the microcomputer in her hand, "Are you really going to hide this from me, Salomon? I didn't ask what is closed in your biology laboratory."

His expression changes instantly from the warm smile of a comic character with a sense of humor, to a grim smile with tightly pursed lips, like the best actor in the world. There was no warmth in his eyes, which made Su Rui regret why he said those words.

"Why can't you satisfy your naive thoughts, Shu Rui. Your brother asked me not to show you the bad side of this world. I kept my promise and didn't let you get involved in the biology laboratory." Salomon sneered twice, "Then let me tell you, because of your negligence, the plasma pistol exploded and killed several people. Are you feeling better? You should be glad that I controlled the scope of the explosion and did not affect innocent people."

Su Rui was speechless.

"You are too naive and naive. You are born with power, so you have no idea what the power I give you means." The conversation seems to have shifted to Salomon, and now he is the one who questioned from above, "I will not punish you this time for the sacrifices of those experienced special forces, because they themselves participated in the mission with risks. There are accidents in the battle, and there are accidents in the use of weapons. This is just one of the many accidents that will kill them. I want you to remember What kind of consequences will my carelessness bring, there will be no next time. Remember?"

Su Rui nodded.

"Repeat." Salomon glanced at the Wakanda staff beside him. They bowed their heads one after another, and had no intention of complaining about Su Rui. Su Rui lowered her head lower, and she assured Salomon that she would not deal with documents so casually again.

"Very good." Salomon stood up from the folding chair. "Take a good rest. Tomorrow I will cast a spell to dispel the abnormal weather in that area. But this magic will not last long, but it is better than heating the atmosphere. Get ready and let the pilots have a good rest when they come back. They will be busy tomorrow."

Salomon left the base with a solemn expression. This is King T'Chaka of Wakanda's test of the power of the Immortal City. He couldn't believe it was an accident. No matter how naive Su Rui is, he is not so naive. It's not naive, it's stupid.

It is true that experimental weapons are dangerous, and it is true that they will explode, but it is false to sign agreements randomly.

T'Chaka has new chips and wants to try Salomon's weight. You are worthy of being the king of a country who grew up with feudal power, cunning!

But Salomon is not a vegetarian, he knows who Wakanda has contacted.


It was through Audrey Nathan that S.H.I.E.L.D. found Marcus Daniel, the guy in the cold storage prison who was severely mentally ill, and Agent Hand now knows it was because the shadow creature's whispers burned his brain out. She can find Marcus Daniel through Audrey Nathan, as well as Agent Coulson.

That's why she insisted on this mission, she had to alert Agent Coulson.

"To be honest, Audrey Nathan looks quite like another person." Agent Hand said when she stopped the vehicle of Coulson's team. But that's not the point. Agent Hand asked the special operations team to open the car door, and Jemma Simmons blocked the terrified Audrey Nathan, but the next moment, when she saw Agent Hand suddenly appearing, her eyes lit up immediately, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

"We still have reinforcements?" She was happy at first, but soon realized that something was wrong. "We didn't notify the others, and after the freezer was taken down, you..." Agent Simon showed a horrified expression, and she pushed Audrey into the car desperately, "You are a Hydra!"

Agent Triplett attempted to draw his gun, but was quickly pinned against the hood by the SWAT team. His grandfather was a Howling Commando, a loyal S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. When Coulson's team found out that John Gartler was Clairvoyance and Hydra, he was also the one who was hurt the most. John Gartler tricked him into letting his buddy die at the hands of Hydra. He could barely contain his hatred for Hydra.

"That's what Grant Ward told you?" Agent Victoria Hand patted the car door playfully. "You also commandeered my car. Where is Agent Coulson? I want to find him."

Agent Simon was shaking with fear. "I won't..." she said with tears, "I won't..."

"Calm down, little girl." Agent Hand glanced at her. She was as indifferent as ever, completely ignoring Audrey Nathan who was also extremely scared in the car. "Whatever Grant Ward told you was a lie. John Gatler wasn't dead, and Grant Ward was Hydra. I thought he wasn't, so I asked him to shoot John Gatling... and he killed me. I died and my body was found and revived."


"This is a secret." Agent Hand waved his hand, letting the special operations team release Agent Triplett. Agent Triplett hurried to Agent Simon—he was the only one here who was an operational expert, and he had to assume the responsibility of protecting his teammates. Nor did he know if Agent Hand was lying. "You are all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, that's for sure." She said, "The situation is urgent now, and I must find Agent Coulson."

Jemma Simmons took a deep breath. She glanced at Agent Triplett, then nodded, as if she had made up her mind.

She turned on the communicator.

"Sir." She glanced at Agent Hand, "There may be something you want to know."

Agent Hand lowered his fingers, suspending the support of the Sisterhood from the invisible Quin-jet fighter in the sky.

Ask for a ticket!

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