Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 515: The Price of Being an Agent (Second)

"A few years ago, Daniel came to my concert, and he sat in the first row." Jemma Simmons and Agent Triplett took Audrey Nathan to a safe house, but Agent Victoria Hand was not here. She sat in the next room and listened to Audrey Nathan's description of Daniel on a listening device. Agent Hand adjusted the winged skull brooch, raised one leg, and continued to listen to Audrey's voice on the monitor.

"Then he came to every one of my concerts. At first I was very honored. Cellists generally don't have many music fans." Agent Hand looked at the figure standing in front of the window without saying a word. But one night he showed up at my door and I freaked out and begged him not to bother me. But he just stood there and said I was his light. "

Agent Hand looked at the man standing at the window.

Audrey's words seemed to touch the back of the figure. He seemed to be experiencing some kind of struggle, his shoulders shook slightly, but he finally calmed down. Audrey continued, "At the time I didn't know what he meant until he turned our entire neighborhood into darkness. I ran away and went to the police for help, but they didn't believe me. Then a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent showed up at my door. I don't know why, but I trusted him somehow. Maybe his handsome looks have something to do with it."

"You are charming, Agent Coulson." Agent Victoria Hand stood up from the folding chair. She was wearing a crisp women's suit, but unlike usual, she wore a pair of slender black leather gloves, small bottles and pistols of various colors hung on the belt around her waist, and a hunting knife hung on the other side. Salomon requires every commander to have combat ability, and Agent Hand only needs a little enhancement.

Originally, the attire that Salomon provided her was not a simple black women's suit, it was for office use.

A commander's field attire is a long black leather trench coat and short heeled boots, plus a bolter, rapier, and a thin exoskeleton that can be worn under the trench coat. However, Agent Hand thought it was troublesome and only adopted half of the suggestions. Turns out it made her look more like a secret agent than a crazy high-tech witch hunter.

"Shall we get down to business?" she said, "or are you going to go talk to her?"

Fitz widened his eyes and fiddled with the equipment in his hand. He looked at Agent Hand distrustfully, knowing that he had never dared to look directly at Victoria Hand, the notorious and ruthless agent within S.H.I.E.L.D.

"How do you want me to trust you, Agent Hand." Agent Coulson turned around, "Agent Ward saved the lives of Fitz and Simmons, we all trust him. Now you who wear other badges suddenly tell me that John Gartler is not dead, and bring a story of resurrection, how do you want me to believe you?"

"You have also been resurrected from the dead, Coulson." Agent Hand said unceremoniously, "I didn't ask the special forces to ask you the location of the base because of trust. You know my character, and I don't care about the friendship of my colleagues."

"But the thing that brought me back from the dead has been destroyed by me, Agent Hand." Agent Coulson crossed his arms, "Who is it?"

"It's our mutual friend, the one who knows magic. He predicted my death and the fall of S.H.I.E.L.D. a few years ago, and he recruited me at that time. It's just that I couldn't understand what he meant until I was awakened from death. I have to say, his way of recruiting is quite cute... He performed a tea dance for me, just like in "Beauty and the Beast." Agent Hand waved his hand, "I don't know where you hid your team members, but he asked me to bring a word. He said I don’t want to lose a good Call of Duty teammate.”

"And what does that mean?"

"I don't know, he often talks like this, and only at a certain point, the person concerned will understand the meaning, just like the ancient prophets. It's just that we don't popular now." Victoria Hand shrugged, "You should return to your own base, Agent Coulson, Grant Ward is Hydra. Let us solve the problem of Audrey Nathan. If you don't mind, my special forces team can also help you."

"Last question, Hand." Agent Coulson asked, "Who are you working for now?"

"For human beings," Agent Hand said, "he has made many preparations, including recovering the S.H.I.E.L.D. base occupied by Hydra and building giant battleships. He showed me my future disaster, so I believe in his ideas."

"You know he's not an Avenger, right?"

"Yeah, so that's one of the reasons why I believe in him. At least he doesn't practice individual heroism."

"I will hand over this case to you, Hand." Agent Coulson hesitated for a few seconds, and finally sighed. He gave in, and he seemed to be discussing it with Agent Hand calmly, but he couldn't wait to fly back. Fitz winks wildly at him, but Agent Coulson has already made up his mind. Salomon's credibility is extremely high, and Agent Coulson believes in the decision he made, and he only hopes that Melinda May and Skye can resolve the matter before he returns. "Including Marcus Daniel's information. I handed him over to S.H.I.E.L.D. to bring him back to normal, but the cold storage prison has enhanced his abilities, and his strength has been far stronger than when he was captured the previous time."

"Sir!" Fitz plucked up the courage to stand up, and he glanced at Agent Coulson. He did not continue until he had permission. "We've got a device ready to deal with Marcus Daniel," he said. "It's a device that can adjust stage lighting... well, he's afraid of light, especially bright light. It's a device developed by Bruce Banner that can adjust the wavelength of light. Daniel's power comes from a kind of cosmic radiation, a kind of negative energy, which is extremely unstable but very powerful. He can control electrical energy by controlling the dark force field, which means..."

"He can kill people with ease, all he needs is simple contact. I know, I've read that part of the information." Agent Hand was expressionless. "I know him better than you, and I also know the source of his superpowers. We have prepared special weapons." She said to Fitz, "If you want, you can leave us to check and adjust those special equipment."

Agent Coulson agreed to the suggestion, as the base's level of secrecy was so high that direct contact was not possible. He doesn't know the situation in the base right now, and Fitz may not be able to participate in the battle if he goes there. It's just that Fitz resolutely objected, and after he stammered and argued, Agent Coulson reluctantly agreed to take him and Simmons back to the base.

"Now, leave this to me. It's time for you to go back, Agent Coulson. Also, Leopold Fitz..."

Agent Fitz stopped, his back stiffened.

"You've done a great job, an excellent S.H.I.E.L.D. agent."

Agent Fitz let out a long sigh of relief, he felt the cold sweat on his back.

Before leaving, Agent Coulson said, "Promise me one thing, don't reveal my news to Audrey."

Agent Hand looked him straight in the eyes.

"She's coming out, Hand," he said. "I can't hold her down any longer."

"I see." Agent Hand nodded in agreement, "This is the price of being an agent."

"By the way," Fitz asked curiously, "Can I have a look at that special equipment before we leave?"

"That's a plasma pistol, a plasma weapon." Agent Hand said, "An experimental weapon that has a special effect on shadow creatures."

Ask for a ticket!

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