Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 529 Winner Takes All (Second)

Wanda lacks actual combat training, which is the shortcoming of her staying in the Hydra base. Although there is enough food and a warm enough environment here, it also lacks the training equipment that Pietro and Wanda need. Hydra did not understand the nature of the abilities of the Maximov brothers and sisters at all. They are still arranging for the experimental products to contact the Soul Stone in order to obtain more superpowers. When Salomon expressed regret and planned to end teaching, Wanda immediately showed her latest achievements to her teacher full of pride.

In terms of mind control, this is her major course.

There was a sound of rustling footsteps in the corridor of the old castle made of rough stones. This is the sound of leather shoes rubbing against the rough stone surface, accompanied by the snow water that seeps into the cracks of the stone and is melted by the warm air-tick, tick, tick. Intermittent footsteps mixed with the sound of water droplets, and the neglected castle windows are like eyes lined up in the dark night, looking at the black shadow passing below with seriousness and dissatisfaction. Those black shadows moved stiffly, as if an invisible thread hooked their limbs and penetrated into their muscles. These puppets were pulled forward by a force.

Baroque columns bear witness, and shards of glass in the windows reflect moonlight into the dark shadow's eyes. It was a pair of chaotic eyes, the bloodshot eyeballs were constantly trembling, the corners of the eyes were filled with filth, and the eyeballs were close to drying up. The diffused pupils are cloudy like a dirty heart, and the thirsty and broken throat keeps making gurgling sounds, mixed with foul-smelling thick phlegm and almost coagulated black blood. Only the scarlet smoke ignited the withered soul, burning the few remaining lives, dragging the badly worn leather shoes to wipe a disgusting, winding and crawling trail on the mosaic floor full of dust and dirt.

The gargoyle crouched on the shattered window, with a crimson gleam in its evil eyes, mocking maliciously at the life in the corridor,

No, that's not life. Salomon thought. He drew out the long and short knife at his waist,


"Good job, Wanda." Salomon opened his eyes, and he patted Wanda Maximoff's head lightly, messing up the red hair. "[Hell Illusion] is a spell you use well, and you have your own improvements." He said, "Your talent in enchantment spells is amazing, but this spell is used to expand your spell pool, so there is no need to study it in depth. You should focus on the magic of the school of threat, not the school of charm, that is where your talent lies."

"Where did you find something wrong?"

Wanda didn't expect Salomon to be able to see through her magic at a glance, and she was a little discouraged.

"You haven't seen a zombie in Haiti. The walking dead don't look like that. The local voodoo ghosts are actually living people, but they turn into corpses after taking drugs. You haven't seen zombies either. There are many variations of black magic to make zombies, but the most basic zombie manufacturing technique uses materials that determine the degree of decay and smell of the corpse. The spiritual illusion you build is quite real, but it lacks some authenticity. Real zombies are completely different from those in TV dramas." He said, "We have time to create a zombie. You can choose a zombie that is permanent and able to execute simple commands, or go to the cemetery to pick a corpse and temporarily wake it up, then you will be able to see the difference. Because of this, I would say that you should put more effort into the school of coercion instead of learning the school of charm and creating a spiritual illusion.”

Salomon sees through the illusion through the fallacy of magic, because his main attribute is intelligence. And Wanda's main attribute is real charm. She tried every means to create an atmosphere, but she still showed her flaws in key details. Although the main attribute of the kineticist part of the spell is intelligence, but she is a beginner kineticist, and it is normal for her to perform poorly.

After all, not everyone is like Salomon, able to come up with a bunch of weird spells to deal with the scene. So far, Salomon hasn't encountered a situation that his magic can't handle. Wanda, or most spellcasters, always find a way to use the magic in their hands to the extreme. At the critical moment, what magic to think about is not what magic can deal with the scene in front of them, but what posture and timing to cast the spell to solve the problem.

Although Salomon had given Wanda a magic wand, this did not solve the problem. And that wand wasn't too rare, the Kinetic's powerful offensive ability was enough to keep Wanda alive in battle. Salomon focused on the theoretical basis, just like when he was studying in Karma Taj, theoretical knowledge is the key point - if he didn't realize this, it would be impossible for him to settle down to study the basic knowledge for several years, but he has never used a single magic.

Watching others cast spells every day, but I can only read books, this kind of torture is unimaginable for ordinary people.

Only patience is a virtue, and spiritual cultivation is more important than magical cultivation.

When Salomon wanted to teach this part of his experience to Wanda, he realized that he had made a mistake.

For Wanda, magic is like a toy. Every time you learn a new magic, it is equivalent to getting a new toy. Salomon's endless new magic will bring Wanda a never-ending sense of excitement. This kind of novelty is fatal to the caster, and it will make the caster forget to be cautious. For Kama Taj, who has gathered almost all the inheritances on the earth, this problem can be overcome, but for Wanda, she will not know and cannot learn the pre-courses of the Karma Taj mystic before learning magic.

"Forget it." Wanda thought for a while, and finally shook her head and rejected the invitation to the cemetery, which was a bit difficult for her to accept. Although she has never learned the spells of making zombies and awakening corpses, she can guess with her toes that it is very evil black magic. Today's class was mainly about identifying black magic. She didn't really learn much about it, and she didn't let her identify black magic materials—such as rotten fingers, shrunken human heads, and bloody internal organs, so it was acceptable.

Salomon breathed a sigh of relief.

"Teacher, what are you laughing at?"

"No," he said, "I'm just happy with you."

He is satisfied with Wanda's aversion to black magic, and also satisfied with Wanda's ability to restrain his curiosity. It seems that the corruption of Wanda by those dark arts is close to none, which also shows that this almost risky step is on the right side. Next, he needs to strengthen Wanda's black art education and let her know which things should not be touched.

As long as Wanda is clear-headed, Sithorn's corruption will never be completed,

In this case, I win, Great Shadow. Salomon nodded in satisfaction, waiting for the reward from Gaia, the Mother Earth. He hopes to use this achievement to meet with the Mother Earth and solve the problems in the biological laboratory. Although he has traded knowledge with Yog-Sothoth, he still cannot complete such a large project with his own strength, and he must ask for the assistance of the Mother Earth.

Ask for a ticket!

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