Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 530: Bad Guy Merlin (Part 1)

It has been many days since the last black magic teaching, Wanda has been following Salomon's teaching, only learning the theoretical knowledge of black magic. And Salomon also followed the precautions for teaching black magic, and in order to ensure the safety of the students, he increased the frequency of teaching. But only this time, Salomon did not directly believe Wanda's unexpected words.

He listened carefully, and did not use his past experience and knowledge from books to analyze the phenomenon described in those words as usual. He didn't interrupt the pour because he didn't want to miss a word. With waving fingers, Maximov, who was not too educated, stumbled and spoke, using the words she had learned to try her best to describe the details that Salomon asked to repeat, and perfect what she saw and heard.

Every detail is carefully thought out by Salomon, gently questioned, and then explained by a nervous and disturbed Wanda Maximoff. Sometimes he substitutes very elegant and precise words that reflect his knowledge of English literature. "You said that the dreams of spell casters are very special." She clenched her fingers tightly and her tongue was a little knotted. "This is the weirdest dream I've ever had, and I guarantee it's because I'm using a Ouija board. I wonder if I'm using it the wrong way? Is there any aftereffect of having a dream like this? Am I connecting with the devil or something?"

"I can assure you that there is nothing wrong with the way you use the Ouija board."

"Then why can't I contact your astral body?" She widened her eyes. She, like all Karma Taj's apprentice mystics, needs to understand the horror of black magic, but the horror and bloody content is far beyond the psychological capacity of ordinary people. The books left by Salomon frightened her a lot. It is difficult for others to imagine that Salomon watched those contents when he was only in the single digits. If the education department knew about this, child protection organizations would definitely come to kick the door and protest Karma Taj’s extensive education methods.

"It's definitely not you I see." She wanted to stick out her tongue and make a face to lighten the mood. But Salomon's serious expression dispelled her thoughts. "You told me that the devil has a cunning exterior and cannot immediately believe even good things when he sees them. Always be vigilant, that's what you said."

"I'm thinking about this too, my dear." Salomon sat cross-legged on the edge of Wanda's bed, propping his chin with one hand, "Your prayer contains a part of my real name, and the directionality can't be wrong. Only a few people know part of my real name, and you are one of them."

Wanda was a little moved, she knew the importance of the real name to the caster.

The general real name is defined according to the type of creature or what it is doing. When receiving the transfiguration spell, this general real name will change. But a private real name never changes, and a slight tremor in pronunciation and slightly altered intonation is enough to make a difference in this delicate magic. It took Wanda a long time to learn how to say that little bit of her real name, and she couldn't wait to use it on the Ouija board.

But this feeling was quickly annihilated by tension and anxiety.

The dream with towering trees, snakes and golden giants was so weird that Wanda felt that she would never forget that dream again. Whenever she recalled that dream, she would discover details that she had never discovered before. For example, the golden eagle wings spread out on the giant's armor, the ancient snake entrenched on the giant tree, the leaves made of white feathers hide the fruit full of endless wisdom, and the deep evil roots that go deep into the ground whisper profane words all the time. Wanda felt so small and insignificant in front of these magnificent things that she suffocated in her dream and woke up covered in cold sweat.

Everything was so clear except the giant's face, which was shrouded in blinding light.

Salomon glanced at the stigmata on his fingers. Obviously, this thing also had an impact on Wanda.

"Wanda, I want to teach you a new magic. Don't worry, it's not black magic, just a simple and practical trick." He narrowed his eyes. When he smiled, the tense atmosphere in the room was melted like ice, and Wanda also quietly breathed a sigh of relief. When Wanda cast that spell, Salomon knew he had won. In the future, even if Sithorn plots against Wanda Maximoff, Salomon will have the power to fight back. "Remember to use the Ouija board before going to bed, Wanda." He said, "That dream didn't have much effect on you. You have mastered the basics of the contact technique, and you will be able to contact my astral body soon. You can try [Candlelight Communication] first tonight, and I will help you prepare."

"Remember, eat less food tomorrow, and it's best not to eat those rough foods." Before leaving, he winked at the Maximov siblings, "Pietro, don't touch your sister's book! Tomorrow we will go to the White Cat restaurant in Paris for dinner, as a reward for your progress! Aleister Crowley is a frequent customer of that restaurant. Regardless of whether he is a liar or not, but his knowledge of occultism is rich enough, you will definitely be interested in it!"

Pietro glanced at his sister, and he pointed to his head to signal to Wanda, but Wanda also shook her head in bewilderment. None of them knew why Salomon was so happy. Salomon left with satisfaction, not even caring about adding homework to Pietro. He wants to tell the supreme mage about his discovery and his recent achievements. He believed that His Holiness would be pleased with his experiment. Although it was a risky move, he succeeded, and he was qualified to talk to the Mother Earth.

Only the old guy Merlin could contact the Mother Earth, and Salomon had to meet Gaia through that unreliable guy. Speaking of which, Salomon has never seen Merlin with his own eyes so far. That old guy is mysterious, and Salomon only knows that he does exist. But this time was different, he had to communicate with Merlin face to face. Balthazar didn't have to think about it, he had already retired, and Dave hadn't finished his studies yet, so he couldn't see Merlin at all.

He had to ask His Majesty for help, or Merlin would surely fool him with illusions.

That old guy with a bad personality has thousands of faces, and no one knows if he is hiding by his side.

"Someone is coming." Wanda knocked on the wall, telling Pietro to be quiet.

An agent in a Hydra uniform peeks in through the observation window.

"Good job lad," whispered the Hydra agent. He smacked his lips in satisfaction, closed the observation window of the iron door, and then threw the gun in his hand to the corner, and his whole appearance changed. This is an old man in an off-white wool coat and a checked scarf. He was tall, with a wrinkled face. He has long white hair, and the strangest thing is his pair of bright, dreamy eyes, which show no sign of aging at all, and the colorful stardust swirling in the pupils makes people unconsciously indulge in them.

He took advantage of leaving En-Galavi and sneaking to see the little guy who the Supreme Mage had given high hopes for. Of course, he didn't forget the last Druid of the Merlin School, but that kid Dave was out of his mind, thinking about falling in love all day long, and didn't learn the suave tradition of the Merlin School at all, which made him very sad.

"Why does Salomon attract girls so much? Could it be that he is the heir of the Merlin school?" Merlin muttered as he walked through the hard and thick wall. He had already seen Wanda's performance in his eyes, and he was the one who corrected Wanda's spell last night to protect Wanda's dreams from falling into Sithorn's hands. "Reckless little guy, he got him right." Merlin recalled the thrilling battle last night, and couldn't help but sigh, "Why do I have to work overtime when I sneak out! Isn't this the job of the Supreme Mage?"

Ask for a ticket!

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