Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 548 Cruel Mission (Part 1)

Wearing a red dress, she was riding a vigorous mare slowly through the beech forest. The sunlight from the leaves made her white hair and skin almost transparent, like a light white gauze floating in the world. She raised her head, and the long eyelashes glistened with morning dew, as if she was intoxicated in the delicate music played by the newly grown leaves. She is like a dancing flame in the forest, cruising among the greenery with hidden leaves. There are a few solitary plants scattered on the meadow in the forest, heather and cistus grow on the natural forest border, maple and fir stand alone on the banks of the Thames. A valuable oasis on the busy banks of the Thames, the paths between the lush broadleaf forests had not been trodden for 152 years.

The horseshoe carefully crossed the calcified moss plant community and many small Mediterranean shrubs, and stopped in front of Salomon. Joan looked down at the mystic from above. A vague twilight hung over her, as if she had carried the dawn into the shadows. Without waiting for Salomon to explain her purpose, she shook the reins first, and the docile mare stepped on the black humus, and took a few small steps to the side, as if stepping on the Adorian scale.

Salomon stretched out his hand to wrap around her waist, while the other hand passed under her legs, and easily lifted her off the horse, as if holding a delicate doll. "I want to give this horse a name." Joan of Arc took the rein with one hand, and confidently declared her ownership of the brown mare, "Ines, she is a gentle horse."

"This is your freedom." Salomon's hand did not leave Joan's slender waist, and she was also used to the intimate contact from the mystic. Her other hand rested lightly on Salomon's, like palms gracefully carried together in a dance. The fingertips touched each other shyly, and all emotions were wrapped in luxurious black silk gloves, floating on the halo of dots projected from between the leaves by the ancient stars 150 million kilometers away. "Beunita chose a thoroughbred horse, and she is galloping with Pegasus in the racecourse now! I hope that horse will not be frightened by Pegasus' big wings." Salomon said. It has not been inhabited for more than a century and a half, and it was used as a US Air Force recuperation center during World War II. Therefore, many decorations of this manor have gone wrong and need a lot of renovation. And the time for fine decoration was exaggerated, the irresistible witches couldn't wait to come to this manor to ride horses as soon as they knew that the horse farm had been renovated.

"She named the horse 'Caliper,' and I'm pretty sure that wasn't to pander to my scientific taste."

"Don't expect me to thank you."

"It's my pleasure."

"You!" She looked up and down the mystic with her pale gray eyes that were almost greenish. "Usually you would try to quarrel with me at this time." She raised her tone at the end of the sentence, like a light feather fluttering, "Did Celesa whip you too hard yesterday? Poor little guy, are you here to ask for a kiss?"

"You know what the game between us is like, Joan." Salomon said with a smile, "Don't you often want to join?"

"If you want to be shot by me." Joan took her hand away from Salomon's palm, held her head high, and walked to the manor horse farm with the rein in her hand. "What do you want to say?" Her pearly white hair fluttered with the breeze, "You came to see me for something."

"I've already told Bayonetta," Salomon said, "I'm going on a business trip to an outer dimension. It's dangerous, but not too dangerous. The danger doesn't come from the grotesque magical world, but from a certain half-blood nightmare as a fellow traveler. Ordinary people can't bear his pranks. Although it's not good to speak ill of an elder, for that guy, any kind of humiliation is accurate and worthwhile."

"You want to go far away? Far away in the sense of Karma Taj?"

"Yes." Salomon shrugged, "I think so."

"When will you be back? Wait..." She suddenly stopped and looked back at Salomon with a strange look. "You don't think I will be reluctant, do you?" She showed a nasty smile, "I believe Celesa already understood your responsibility when she decided to date you. The witch is not a mother-in-law. As for me, I just live with her. I admit that you are very good in bed, Niemand kann dir das Wasser reichen, do you think this is my expression of emotion for you, man?"

"I promise I haven't thought about it that way."

Joan of Arc faced forward again, and she walked slowly, gently waving the small riding whip in her hand. "Aren't you following?" After a while, she said, "I'm sure Theresa wants to vent her emotions on you, in a witch-like way."

"What about you?" Salomon asked with a smile.

"Do you want to be shot by me, idiot!?"


"Are you ready to go?" The old man with white beard in a dark yellow jacket and a plaid scarf walked up and down excitedly, dancing with his hands and feet. However, the two young men in front of him ignored his plan, and one of them, who was taller, was reciting a spell to the other. The tall man pointed to the long sword at his waist and made a promise, which made another young man who was obviously not in a good mood relax a lot. No one knew why this damned old guy did such a troublesome thing, but everyone knew that Merlin had his own plans, and even the Supreme Sorcerer had acquiesced to this kind of behavior - there were no incompetent spellcasters under Merlin's hands, and he was the best teacher ever.

Salomon has done well. In Merlin's eyes, he will bear all the pain and fulfill his eternal mission. Salomon has accepted this cruel mission and rushed forward without looking back. He is the most perfect tool that Kama Taj has forged over the millennia.

As an assistant, Dave still needs training. In the cruel and dark future, his strength and wisdom must be on par with Salomon. He needs to go to the harshest place in En-Gala to maintain the seal of the Mother of the Earth and become a real druid. Only in this way can he take over the core spells of the Merlin School and lead the Merlin Wizards. This is a long process, even the Venerable's spell can only delay some Dave's time. Parting is the cruelest, let alone a young man like Dave. This is the trial that Merlin gave him, and it is Dave's fate after taking over the ring. Although it is cruel, it is his responsibility as the heir of the Merlin school. Everyone has their own responsibilities, and no one can escape.

No matter how much Veronica objected, it was useless. She tried to talk to Merlin, but the guilty half-blood nightmare always avoided her until the day of departure came. "Don't be sad, little Dave." Merlin looked calm, not at all ashamed of playing a prank on Dave. "We're going to Xandar to have something to eat before we go." He hooked Dave's shoulders very familiarly, and dragged him to the permanent portal of Karma Taj, "After you come, you will have something to brag about! Think about it, how many girls will want to hear you talk about alien adventures?"

Dave is not interested in this at all, he only cares about whether the spell of the Supreme Mage will work or not. Salomon has already arranged the work in the Immortal City, and during his absence, all work will be carried out step by step. Without delay, he took everything he needed and walked through the portal first.

Ask for a ticket!

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