Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 549 Administrative Staff (Second Change)

Special scented candles are lit, releasing a clear mint aroma that stimulates the brains and spirits of everyone in the room. The candlelight from the brass nine-brass candlestick casts light and multiple shadows on the wall. Even when the lights are on in the room, Stephanie lights a special candle in accordance with the monarch's habit, so as not to drown her spirit in the vast ocean of parchment. She let out a long breath—it was the fourth day since the monarch left, and the magnificent immortal city was still operating as usual. This office is the brain of this giant buried deep in the ground. Every piece of parchment and every digital document is an electrical signal released by neurons. This giant, devastated by wars, gradually regained its vitality in the hands of the monarch. The clogged blood vessels gradually became unobstructed, and the sound of long and resounding breathing came out.

If she poked her head out the window, she could see young girls from sororities strolling down the street in their bright dresses. They are being trained, their bodies are full of health and vitality, exuding a cheerful youthful atmosphere all the time, no one can see what kind of torture they have suffered, and no one can see what kind of revenge is burning in their hearts.

Stephanie liked the young girls very much, and she thought it was the monarch's plan to reap loyal servants. No one understood the cruelty of life better than these girls, and no one was more grateful to her, their Lord, than these girls. They vowed to serve the monarch with their own lives, so their monarch gave them the most rigorous training and the most advanced equipment to make them into sharp long knives. Not only this batch of girls, but also the next batch, and the next batch, they will use their lives to carry out the order of the monarch.

She shook her head and continued to focus on the parchment in front of her.

"Blood Rose Type Powered Armor Trial Production Technical Instructor List and Researcher Application".

She glanced at the budget application, signed under Salomon's signature on the parchment, and then took Salomon's seal to stamp it.

"Third Quarter Sisterhood Trainee Alchemy Potion Material Budget Request."

Then below is a series of checklists, with the signature verification of the accountants she brought. One of the items, myrrh, was rejected because the over-allotment of myrrh in the previous season had not been used up. The sorority lacks professional accountants, and resource application is a waste of resources. This situation will be improved when the girls are trained.

These are the files that have been processed, there are many more that have not been processed.

Since Salomon's business trip, the administrative speed of the giant of the Immortal City has slowed down, as if in a silent slumber, with only a few nervous activities to prove that it is still alive. Stephanie thought that if Salomon was here, he would be able to see at a glance that the sorority's application was unreasonable, instead of hiring an accountant to do the calculations like she did. As for another thick file on her desk, Stephanie wore a mixture of extreme boredom and longing.

It was just an insignificant small appendix in a great plan, and the real files were still stored in a huge hard disk warehouse.

This document aims at how to rebuild society after the human society faces irreparable disasters, how to eliminate poverty, crime and disease, and establish a utopian perfect country. Once it takes effect, it will be a unification war sweeping the world, leading mankind to space—how to persuade countries to join, how to eliminate resistance forces, how to solve the food problem, and how to establish an industrial base. The super-soldier project and psychological transformation of the biological laboratory, the weapons and equipment of the mortal army and the organizational system, the construction plan and blueprint design of the aircraft and space warship in the atmosphere, the electronic information warfare drill and the control of artificial intelligence, etc., etc., countless problems are waiting to be solved. This is just the starting point and foundation of the empire that Salomon will build. Many guiding concepts will be established in this document, such as what kind of government to implement, how to preserve the gene pool, which scientific research sites and libraries need to be protected, and which civilizations in the universe can unite.

The content of the document is so complicated and involves a wide range that it is far from something that Stephanie can complete alone.

This is an enormously heavy document that, when it comes into effect, will overwhelm all opponents. She yearns for the power represented by this document, but at the same time fears the fatigue caused by these affairs. She is just an ordinary person, without the extraordinary strength and body of Salomon. Without the support of the alchemy potion, she might even die of exhaustion on this desk with happiness.

Salomon didn't want to do it overnight, otherwise he would have become the most common stupid villain in comics. Mastering a little force is like conquering the world. Ruling a race is an extremely long and complicated matter. He needs manpower, and Stephanie is responsible for recruiting this manpower. The current administrative staff in the Immortal City is completely insufficient.

Before Salomon leaves, Stephanie takes over access to a secret project. The key hanging around her neck can open an iron door in a cellar, and her iris, fingerprints and DNA can open a series of secret chambers behind the iron door leading to the underground of the Immortal City. There was an alchemical body made by Salomon herself, and she knew when to use that alchemical body and how to use it. At stake was her sovereign's great plan, and she swore that nothing could go wrong.

Over time, the Samaritan would hand off projects one by one to the people who would carry out the tasks he had set aside. Stephanie is one of them, and the real content of the mission is written on paper and cannot be taken out of this room, making sure that the leak does not happen as much as possible.

She looks forward to completing her work here. After the return of the monarch, he will take her to fight in the galaxy first, to capture several key alien technologies and lay the foundation for the future combat system. Salomon already has a goal, and is now preparing for it-Wakanda must surrender completely, there is no doubt about it. Don't worry about the so-called Avengers, it's just a group of unorganized and undisciplined militants. As for Saul, Salomon assured that that would not be a problem.

"The Internal Affairs Office here, please connect to Ms. Tita." The fantasy quickly disappeared, and the heavy pile of reality fell down again. Stephanie sighed and dialed the intercom. "Tita." She rubbed her eyes, brushed aside the blond hair in front of Tiaodao, and tried her best to speak cheerfully, "I need the experimental feedback data of the sisterhood's bolter modification and stable plasma pistol. I need it tomorrow. Please sort it out and submit it as soon as possible. It needs the signature of the Wakanda scientific research department. No, you don't need to send it in person, just ask a reserve member to send it over."

After hanging up the phone, Stephanie closed her eyes, leaned back on the ergonomic seat, and made a faint whine. Then, she made a decision. "Let them all come." She made a phone call, "The administrative office is moved downstairs, and all the administrative staff are gathered together. We have to clear all the documents that have been piled up in the past three days!"

Ask for a ticket!

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