Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 555 Dirty Knowledge (Second)

Since the success of Salomon's gang jumping tactics, he has taken advantage of the opportunity to capture those ships that have not yet escaped the gravity trap, and successfully formed a fleet. He also executed the casino tycoon in front of all the crew members, and officially appointed himself as the commander-in-chief of the fleet. All the crew members could choose to join or be dropped on the planet below to be rescued by passing ships-no one chose the latter. The casino tycoon's minions are outlaws who have little loyalty to their former boss.

Rather than being buried with him, it is better to follow a newly rising pirate star, anyone will do this deal.

Merlin admired Salomon's methods very much, and commented on the tactics and strategies used in it one by one. In the past, Merlin was King Arthur's strategist and military advisor. If Dave is qualified in the future, he will also take on the same role. For the battle initiated by Salomon, Merlin did not hesitate to praise, and called it a textbook for interstellar pirates to win more with less.

This is Salomon's experimental field. Under the threat of death, the pirates became the best experimental tools to test the various tactics and training methods that Salomon expected. Their organizational ability was astonishingly high, even far surpassing the free and undisciplined Xandar Star. Salomon even gave lectures to the pirates during the long voyage, teaching tactics, strategy, art and culture.

In addition to a holographic projection screen, the teaching tools are swords and whips. Only fear and pain can make these unruly guys listen to their lessons. In addition, he also organized a large-scale transformation operation for the pirates to enrich their combat capabilities. If this gang of bullies had the ability to fight, they would have joined organizations like the Marauders long ago, and it was not his turn to recruit them.

Salomon quickly gathered the supplies and managed them through the first officer Alex.

He organized the crew to burn the corpses, clean the ship, and repair the damaged cabin, so that the new villains had something to do. The crew quickly divided into different classes within a few days, among which combatants and technicians were the highest ranks, followed by logistics and damage control personnel, and the last were slaves. Salomon implemented a complete autocratic rule in the fleet. As an isolated island suspended in space, a small society was being formed, and its unique cultural melting and political system were extremely smoothly promoted. Every pirate who has undergone surgery, education, and transformation with enchanting spells feels that they are different from the past. They begin to have goals in life, and their loyalty to Salomon begins to develop in a fanatical direction. Especially the first mate Alex, who couldn't stand the harsh society of Hara (Kree mother planet), and now devoted himself to Salomon's brutal rule.

Of course, a few small rebellions are not a big problem, and Salomon solved all problems with his own spells.

He also noticed the psychological state of these crew members, but said nothing.

Only Dave, who has never witnessed the dark side of society, is somewhat unacceptable. In his opinion, using slaves is extremely immoral, and feudal autocracy is even more uncivilized. However, no one wants to pay attention to him now, and even Merlin allows him to wander around in the cabin. What Salomon said to him last time was very important. If Dave was still so naive, he would not be qualified to be a sword bearer. In fact, Merlin wanted to find someone suitable to be Salomon's assistant from En-Gala's wizard group, which was his original plan. If it weren't for Dave's talent, his progress could be seen with the naked eye, and Merlin didn't want to find him at all.

He needs a deep blow, and Merlin has prepared a more grand trial for this.


Wanda knocked on the wall, and there were two dull responses from the moldy tiled wall.

Since Salomon bid farewell for a while, except for routine checkups, Wanda has not met with her younger brother. She hadn't mastered the transfiguration or the portal that Salomon called, and she couldn't take her brother from the next cell. However, she was still able to transmit her telepathic communication to the past—through the secret technique taught by Salomon, she could prevent emotions from overpowering reason to achieve spellcasting, which is the so-called "focus" state. This is a process that gradually goes deep into the heart, and the Hermes Kabbalah system is used, but Wanda can't play it well at the moment.

But she was awarded a red rose and cross of gold by Salomon as an incentive for her unfulfilled achievements. Only after she completes the course will she be able to wear the medal on her chest to symbolize her achievement. What she is studying now is the Enoch language course left by Salomon before leaving, using the 49X49 character array to understand the Enoch magic system, and beware of the demon with a value of 333. In addition, there is also a "Secret Book of Seven Chapters of Xuanjun" deliberately selected by Salomon.

This book is dark and deep, completely different from the "Witch's Prophecy" and the handwritten "Book of Artum" placed aside. The witch prophecy Vluspá is the first and most famous work in the poetic Edda. From the perspective of a prophetess, it tells Odin the creation, end and rebirth of the world. The Book of Atum tells the prophecy that the world will end and return to chaos. "Secret Sutra of Seven Chapters of Xuanjun" is profound and terrifying. Ordinary people are very likely to have a nervous breakdown after seeing it. Wanda doesn't want his younger brother to see these things.

He belongs to the science of light, mathematics and physics constitute him. Pietro's desire for scientific knowledge far outweighs his interest in superpowers. This filthy knowledge does not belong to Pietro, it belongs to me. Wanda closed her eyes and gradually sank into the depths of her mind—focus, focus, focus, this is the premise of casting a spell. Remember to focus if you can't control your instincts to cast spells, and do the same if you're learning the Dark Arts.

You have to remember that your mind belongs to you, and you must remember it.

She remembered every word Salomon said, and she did the same. When the mystic found that he couldn't eradicate Wanda's own attributes, he changed his educational policy. Wanda learned a lot from the mystic, including the holy city of R'lyeh buried deep under the sea, the beholders and Seth, the ancient war launched by Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, and the history of the birth of many gods.

These are priceless histories of the wizarding world, and someone would be willing to kill for their knowledge. Wanda obviously didn't know how precious the knowledge given by Salomon was. As usual, she devoured this knowledge eagerly. Somehow, she felt that her talent for these black arts was terribly high. Professor Salomon's kinematics made it take her a long time to learn the spells, but she could memorize those black arts in one go.

She resisted the temptation to cast spells and continued to study patiently.

Where she could not see, the red rose and gold cross in her pocket shone faintly. Wanda couldn't help thinking of the golden giant and the feathered tree entwined with giant snakes she saw in her dream. The whispers that had been lingering around her were swept away, and she went deeper into the enumeration.

Ask for a ticket!

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