Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 556: Nightmare and Mutation (Part 1)

It's a journey of pain and horror, and the screams from the power lines and the groans from the ship's hull continue to torment every crew member's nerves during the long drive to the galactic border. This is also an administrative area that cannot be touched by many civilizations in the galaxy or even in extragalactic galaxies. It is full of robbers, liars, smugglers, and villains of many types. With rivalry sour, the crew has to brace themselves every day and be ready for an attack.

This is a journey of eating and being eaten. There is no doubt that even though this dilapidated fleet was scarred and exhausted, it still won one victory after another under the leadership of Salomon. Whenever the battle was stalemate, he would order the first officer to hit the opponent's ship with full horsepower, and then there would be a jumping gang battle that he liked to see. The successive victories made the first batch of pirates full of self-confidence, and they also firmly believed that Salomon would always win. The fleet continued to expand, and Salomon's flagship was constantly changing, and one crew rebellion after another was suppressed by him with extremely bloody means.

But as the distance to the target got closer and the rebellion became more and more frequent, Salomon had to step up control and sent his loyal men to serve as captains on various ships to ensure that when the rebellion happened, he would be notified as soon as possible.

"The crew is having nightmares, Captain. Some people... I believe they didn't mean to rebel, something is wrong with their brains. Someone stuffed something inexplicable into their brains." There is no star light here, it's like diving into the dark deep sea and seeing those weird-looking sea creatures. The first officer thought of the deep-sea creatures he had seen in the Harrah Aquarium. They had transparent bones and deformed shapes, and some of them emitted colored lights. When he was interrogating the rebel crew, he felt that those guys might have a transparent, constantly swimming deep-sea creature stuffed in their minds, with insane lights shining through their eyes and uttering obscure names in their mouths.

First mate Alex tremblingly made a suggestion to Salomon. He lowered his head and stared at the patterned iron-gray steel floor of the captain's cabin. The bloodstains of the previous captain had just been wiped off the floor, and there were still water stains from circulating water in some places. The unlucky guy got a taste of the tactic the current captain had just written out. When the fleet expanded, the first officer also saw the captain's command art.

Through the commanding precision of deep penetration and luring the enemy to go deep, followed by jumping gang battles to capture the flagship, and then use the powerful firepower of this ship to fight. Magic, and those magical magics that allow the ship to perform incredible interspersed tactics, when the captain casts the magic, the first officer believes that every crew member is cheering. Because he shot the hapless guy who didn't cheer, but no one cared because there's been a lot of new crew lately.

Thousands of instructions are sent out one by one through the holographic projection console, accurate to the propeller power and specific direction of each ship. For the captain, the whole battle is just a chess game on paper. The ever-changing chess situation has become a turn-based game with enough time for thinking. The captain cut the battlefield like a steak, displaying unimaginable command strength. The first mate can guarantee that when they finally seize the ship, the tactical ink that the captain just wrote on the paper is not dry yet.

The reason why the chief mate came to report was because the captain asked him to come and pick up a new logistics supply order.

Among them is the new name of the black flagship.

The golden shimmer emanating from the captain's body constantly stimulated the corners of the first officer's eyes, causing him to shed tears. For some unknown reason, the closer he was to the captain, the harder it was for him to raise his head. He knew that he was not qualified to look directly at this great captain. However, what answered him was an incomparably gentle voice, and he felt that the fear deep in his heart was dispelled, and warmth enveloped him. He was so great that sometimes when he appeared on the scene of a rebellion, those rebels would drop their weapons and surrender, weeping and repenting-most of the rebellion happened among the new crew, and only a very small number of old crew members participated in the rebellion. But no matter who it is, it will collapse under the pressure given by the captain. Alex is proud to follow such a captain, he thinks this is the best voyage in his sailing career, even if there is hell ahead, he will not regret it.

"It doesn't matter."

The first officer stared at his sharp claw boots produced by the Shi'ar Empire, but his attention was focused on the voice. He hesitated to share with the captain any further details of what he had received, but he soon realized that there was no need, for the captain knew everything. "Let them move, and use a knife to carve this pattern and symbol into every corner of the ship. There can be no mistakes at all." The captain handed the mate a piece of parchment, on which were drawn some dazzling and complicated patterns that he couldn't understand, as well as some extremely distorted symbols. Get a few trusted people to do it, but don't hesitate if they have problems too."

Alex took a deep breath and glanced at the frozen stump still floating outside the window. "Yes, Captain!"

Salomon turned around and continued to look at the boundless starry sky outside the window. The plan to describe the runes was provided by Merlin. It seemed that the Half-Blood Nightmare had been played enough and was eager to go to the [Dream Curtain], but Dave felt that the bigger reason was that Xandar's adult channel could not be received here. Salomon was kind, and agreed to Merlin's absurd idea.

The sub-light speed engine restarted, leading the fleet to the dark nightmare at the edge of the galaxy.

"I promise he will come back." Stephanie said to Agent Romanov, "I don't know where he is, but I know he will definitely come back! This is the most important place for him, and he can't go and never come back!"

She sighed deeply and hung up the phone.

Salomon has been away for a long time this time, and the pressure of the Immortal City has now been transferred to her and her team. Stephanie, who gradually took over the secrets, now knows what kind of secrets Salomon hides, and these secrets are just the tip of the iceberg. She has not yet taken over higher authority and confidential documents, and the artificial intelligence will definitely not tell her where to dig for secrets before the marked time arrives. Even if she took over all the secrets given to her by Salomon, she would never know the hidden secrets of magic.

She only knows a few names, but doesn't understand their meanings, and she's the kind of person who's been circling around the door of magic.

But Stephanie wasn't interested in learning about those things either, she just wanted to do a good job at the job in front of her, and she didn't even tell her father about the current situation of the Immortal City. Stephanie knew that her father was very restless, for the sake of the Malik family, and for Salomon's unreserved trust, she decided to return to the Malik family with the sisterhood for a negotiation.

Ask for a ticket!

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