Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 561: Snow Mountain (Second Update)

The first mate couldn't stop the crew from going into a frenzy.

According to the flagship's time indicator, a full Hara year has now passed. The captain never left the room, and the first mate did not deliver food to that room, but the captain's breath and heartbeat still rang in the ears of every crew member. After they were tormented by nightmares and mutations, the captain gave them a way to resist the nightmares, and the fear drove them into the only redemption with an incomprehensible frenzy.

Only a handful of crew members will mutate, or be tortured mad by endless blasphemous hells, and start a rebellion. These were, without exception, those who rejected that approach—the renegade crew worshiped a scaled snake-octopus hybrid with a foul name that the creature could not pronounce. That is a name full of fear, and many civilizations have given new meaning to this name with their own legends. They call it the holy snake, the owner of endless black magic, and the bridge across chaos. The first officer had investigated the rebel crew’s room after the rebellion was suppressed. When he opened the door, everyone couldn’t help vomiting. Even aliens of different kinds would be stimulated by the stench and blood. The inhuman laughter of the mutant crew members still echoed in their ears.

The first officer saw the scratched protective runes and a lifelike statue of a demon on the wall of the cabin.

It was a statue smeared with rotting flesh and blood, a body filled with wet internal organs, countless stumps from different races twisted into limbs of demons, and the painful faces of the dead became faces of demons. This is a blood sacrifice, a barbaric and primitive means of sacrifice, a means of praying for the realization of illusory beliefs with pain and soul. There is no shortage of dead in this fleet. After each battle, countless lives have been lost, and the wreckage of damaged ships has also been salvaged and used as materials for repairing ships. No one will make sure that every body, every limb is burned. The captain's order was to keep it clean, so what method to use to dispose of the corpse became a problem, even if someone took it back and ate it.

Although the captain ensured the logistics and food supply, for some pirates, intelligent creatures of other races were no different than food. No one has an opinion on this way of handling, after all, the cooling pipes of the reactor were almost filled up in those few days, which greatly affected the power of the reactor.

Those fetid flesh-and-blood statues shocked all who entered the cabin, and those who saw the statues went crazy after returning, including fully mechanized races. Only those crew members who worshiped the captain were spared after witnessing the demon statue. This made the surviving crew even more fanatical, and the captain's extraordinary deeds became the object of worship of the crew.

In a daze, the first officer realized that he was chanting the name of the captain, not the supreme wisdom who ruled the Kree for thousands of years, nor the great Celestials or Xorrians.

Those worshiping crew members recited the captain's great deeds and wisdom over and over again. Whether it is a cat-man or a biochemical robot, their world has a religion, but they have deviated from their own beliefs and devoted themselves to a cult that they cannot understand and do not want to understand. They take up arms to fight against evil, flesh-mutated enemies, much to the confusion of the first mate from the scientific world of Harrah.

The Cree have long expelled the religious worship on the planet Hala through scientific development. Even if some people still believe in the Xorrians who created the Cree, they are still a minority. No one will believe in them with great fanfare, because the Cree have analyzed the process of Xorrians creating the Cree through scientific means. First officer Alex has never believed in anything. He knows that an effect called "information cocoon" is happening, and those people will never listen to his persuasion. If he refuted the views of these people, even he could be attacked as a first officer.

The first mate suspected that the captain knew about it, but he allowed the situation to develop indiscriminately, allowing ignorance and fanaticism to spread.

Alex could understand why the captain did this, because those crew members were indeed suppressing the rebellion and maintaining the social stability of the fleet. This situation is normal in other parts of the galaxy, but here is a pirate fleet, and the only feasible way to exercise power is horrific violence. Chaos is the norm here, and mutiny is even more commonplace. However, the few sporadic small-scale rebellions now show that this cult is effective. It can not only unite the crew and keep them away from nightmares when they cross the lightless void, but also allow them to organize themselves to check and pull out the seedlings of rebellion and evil cult.

This made the first officer a little curious about the content of their beliefs. Before that, he had never seriously understood them.

While Alex was reading the tattered pamphlets written by the crew, Lara Croft was falling off a cliff. She waved the climbing pick in vain, the bitter cold wind seemed to freeze, and the sound of her heartbeat rumbled in her ears.

I might die!

I am sure to die!

Laura calmed down, she could even feel the itching of the chilblains.

There is no adventurer in the world with normal fears who dares to climb the snow-covered cliffs of Siberia in the wind and snow like Laura. A gust of wind blowing across the ridge is enough to blow an adult off the cliff, but Laura has extraordinary courage and psychological quality. She knows that the city of Kitezh is hidden between the snow and the mountains, and the Holy Trinity has already acted.

This organization has great strength and many substances, and Laura can't imagine how fast they move. She had to quicken her pace, she had bid farewell to her guide and was going on alone.

"That snow-capped mountain looks like the logo of Paramount Pictures." Jonah, who was wearing a heavy down jacket, looked very secure.

"You're still so humorous." Laura said with a smile, and she was glad that Jonah's sense of humor hadn't frozen. It took her two days to reach Siberia by plane and car, and another 12 days to climb here. There is no way to go any further, and the locals are unwilling to go any further because it is too dangerous. "You should stay with the guides, it's not a risk you have to take."

But Jonah refused to give up. They have already experienced the adventure of the Dragon Triangle together. Compared with the past adventures, climbing the snow mountain is just a trivial matter.

"There are no doors." Jonah's smile was very warm. Laura shook her head, she knew Jonah would not give up.

The climbing process was not smooth, which is expected trouble. The water flow freezes on the cliff into a waterfall that will not melt for thousands of years, and is firmly stuck to the rocks on the cliff face. Compared with the hard frozen soil and rocks, those ice surfaces are the shortcut to the top of the mountain. However, some ice surfaces have become fragile due to years of geological movement and extreme weather, like one white death trap after another.

The inexperienced Laura fell into this trap more than once. The first time, she was lucky enough to land on snow, but the second time, a sudden avalanche completely blocked her path. She was separated from Jonah, and her radio communications were disrupted, leaving her alone.

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