Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 562: The Bear Hunter (Part 1)

"I can't believe I escaped from a bear's claws!" Laura said to herself enduring the pain.

Even though she is wearing a mountaineering suit with excellent thermal insulation effect, she still needs to hold her arms tightly to slow down the loss of body temperature. Her body kept trembling slightly, and the cold ruthlessly eroded her. She was trying to stay awake. If she fell into a coma in this snowy mountain valley, the only result would be death from hypothermia or various clinical manifestations brought about by hypothermia. Hypothermia has caused great damage to the central nervous system. She needs quick response and strong strength. Only these things can keep her dexterous in the constant climbing, and allow her to survive in the heavily guarded old ice and snow ruins in front of her.

Holy Trinity moves too fast. From the cliff, Laura saw that the mercenaries of the Holy Trinity had already established many sentry posts and prefabricated houses in the ruins, and it seemed that they planned to perform long-term missions here.

With excellent field survival skills and physical coordination comparable to Olympic-level gymnasts, Laura Crawford built a temporary camp with a fire and shelter from the wind, using wood and ore to make an extremely simple bow and a few straight and usable arrows. The Soviets once built all kinds of infrastructure here, and these facilities served one purpose, that is, the Gulag prison built here, but it was abandoned soon after Stalin's death. This prison was built on a site of the Golden Horde. If she guessed correctly, there should be members of the Holy Trinity among the Mongols who attacked Kitezh.

She might be able to get out of here through the tunnels the Soviets built. But she was cold and tired and had to rest.

"scandal! Famous historian's insane claims proved wrong, all published works removed from university library! Sir Crawford said he would not respond until the book was published! "

Laura woke up with a start.

She didn't know how long she'd been asleep, but her intuition fueled the worsening of the dream, reminding her of the first time she'd seen her father angry as a child. She still remembered how terrified she was that day, as if her father had changed. The gentle father in the past had suddenly become hideous. His anger could be felt even by Laura who was standing far away at the door. It was a fear that she couldn't understand at the time, and she couldn't understand her father's persistence for a while after she became an adult, but now she is on the same path as her father. Now she can understand her father, and that fear has turned into self-blame, because everything she saw in Yamatai proves that her father is not wrong, and the friends she knows can also prove that her father is walking on the right path.

Immortality is not a myth, but a fact, and supernatural powers lurk just beneath the surface of reality.

Thanks again for your generosity friends. If it weren't for him, Laura, who still needs to work to earn tuition fees, would not be able to pay for the expedition.

But she didn't have time to dwell on the memories, she had work to do. Just below the branch where she crouched, the armband of the Holy Trinity was worn on the mercenary's arm. Snow covered her red mountaineering suit, making her inconspicuous in the shimmering snowy night.

When the mercenary ended the radio conversation, Laura jumped forward vigorously, holding the climbing pick high and swung it down fiercely. The adrenaline made the numbness and numbness disappear at this moment. She drove the vigorous body wrapped in the heavy mountaineering suit to exert all her strength, and the sharp pick tip fell into the invisible wool cap, easily breaking the man's skull. She didn't stay on the corpse for too long, but immediately pulled out the climbing pick, lowered her body, and sneaked into the bushes in front of her, with white mist slowly overflowing from her nostrils.

She held her breath, waited for a moment, and then swooped forward, smashing the climbing pick that was still dripping blood on the forehead of another enemy who was walking. The night and snow cover her actions, she is like a cheetah in the night, deadly and silent.

Laura twisted her wrist very skillfully, driving the enemy's neck to turn. Accompanied by the almost coagulated plasma, the splashed brain fragments and the crisp sound of bone dislocation, this man's cervical spine has been completely twisted. She didn't have time to pull the rifle she needed out of the enemy's body, and she would have to move the heavy body, so she could only take a pistol from the holster in the corpse's thigh. But that's enough, and she has learned many of the necessary combat skills since her previous adventure. Salomon gave her not only funds, but also killing techniques, some of which were not used to deal with human enemies at all, but more techniques used to deal with the living dead, werewolves and vampires. She continued on, past her makeshift camp. This place has been discovered, and she can only bid farewell to her cute little shelter made of branches-the Holy Trinity patrol route has expanded here, and after a period of rest, Laura feels that she can continue to fight.

It would be nice to have a cup of hot cocoa.

She remembered that Salomon once said that many myths on earth are true. If that were true, she figured she would now be praying to Bolon-Yokte, the Mayan god of commerce and war who turned into a cacao tree in a battle with the corn god. Maybe she can still have hot cocoa to drink after praying. Now is not the time to eat fish and unleavened bread. She couldn't help thinking wildly. Laura was soberly aware that this was a sign of hypothermia. She must hurry to find the next hidden makeshift camp before freezing to death.

But she also knew she couldn't go very far.

In a short time, Holy Trinity will silently detect the situation here through the radio, and send additional manpower here. And Holy Trinity's patrols are expanding in this direction. If she wants to bypass the bear from the railway, she must go through Holy Trinity's strict search network. In this case, it is better to face the bear directly, at least the bear does not have a gun!

It's difficult, and there's always a need to be ready to run for your life, and Lara Croft isn't cocky enough to take on a Siberian brown bear. "That guy looks very angry," Laura said to herself, blaming herself for stepping into the bear's den. "Maybe it's because Holy Trinity disturbed its sleep! It's none of my business!"

Even so, Laura was prepared to deal with it.

She peeled off a few more arrows with a knife, and smeared the juice of the mushrooms growing in the cave onto the arrows. She didn't know the function of those mushrooms, but she could tell by the color that they couldn't be eaten. She walked all the way down, silently shooting dead two mercenaries with a bow and arrow in the night. Immediately afterwards, Laura stepped forward quickly and untied the weapons of the two mercenaries lying on the rock. Now she had a pistol, a homemade bow, and a rifle, with two rifle magazines, which was more than enough for her to deal with the dangers that followed.

She never expected that Siberian brown bear to be so vengeful. After Laura calmly eliminated the mercenaries with a bow and arrow, the brown bear, smelling blood, immediately rushed out of the caves extending in all directions in the mountains, drilled out of a hole that Laura had never imagined, and began to devour the corpses of the mercenaries. It completely blocked Laura's way. Forced to do nothing, Laura could only open the safety of the rifle and aimed the sight at the brown bear.

She took a deep breath and pulled the trigger.

Ask for a ticket!

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