Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 563 Awakening and arrival

The moment the shot rang out, Laura knew she had lost her concealment because she emptied a full magazine, killing the bear as fast as she could. The continuous gunshots were not absorbed by the snow, but kept echoing in the lonely canyon, spreading along the rock wall to the distance, making Laura's stealth all the way fall short. Trinity would be on her way in no time, and she had no time to sluggishly skin the bear to add another animal ornament to Crawford Manor.

She walked back immediately, and walked into the hole where the brown bear had appeared. A shaman belief totem hangs next to the hole, and the rusted copper bell jingles with the wind and snow. She didn't know where the hole led to, and she didn't know if she could get rid of Holy Trinity, so she could only bite the bullet and keep going. The adrenaline gradually returned to normal levels, and she moved her numb fingers, shoulders, and waist, which were almost unconscious from the cold. In order to save money, Holy Trinity did not install flash suppressors on the mercenary guns. Coupled with the non-standard shooting posture, the recoil of the gun almost knocked her to the ground, twisting her slender waist and cervical spine.

In this cave, there are traces of artificial excavation, and a stone wall that may be more than 1,000 years old is standing there loosely, allowing the cold wind to blow from the other side irresponsibly. Laura smelled water. The water flowing under the glacier often has a biting freshness, which is completely different from the Siberian scraper-like wind that almost freezes the lungs. Behind the wall is a glacier cave, and the melodious sound of gurgling water can be faintly heard from the cracks in the wall.

Laura considers herself very lucky, but what she doesn't know is that this is just the beginning of another misfortune.

The sound of her gun not only awakened the lazy Holy Trinity mercenaries, but also Salomon, who was far away on the edge of the galaxy, woke up because of the reminder of fate. "My dear child, Son of Terra." A gentle voice woke Salomon from his deep sleep, and Salomon knew who it belonged to. That is the Mother of the Great Gods, and she is represented in many myths of Earth. He showed Salomon his purpose here, and he has agreed to Salomon's request, and he will assist him to complete the work. Not long after he woke up, Merlin, the representative of the Mother Earth, swaggered into the cabin and informed Salomon that his destination had arrived.

He took a deep breath and stretched. Phoenix, who was staying beside him, also spread his wings and shook his head.

The moment he fully woke up, the drivers sitting in front of him also stopped their work. The golden light at the soul level gradually receded, revealing several haggard corpses. These pilots faced Salomon's essential stigmata with their weak souls and bodies, and the souls belonging to mortals evaporated without resistance like snow water in the flames. But at least they died as they were, better than many in this fleet. They will never be corrupted by evil, their souls are their own.

The nightmare broke through Salomon's defense more than once. Although he quickly regained his lost ground, the evil taint took hold.

To mortal eyes, this is just a lightless void, dotted with the light of distant stars in this maddeningly silent nothingness, where the colorful dust of gaseous nebulae is barely visible. However, from the perspective of the soul, there is a disgusting filthy light all the time, like a deep purple ribbon floating in space, and many twisted creatures with strange smiles are cruising around the fleet. They have formless, rotting bodies that only a madman can appreciate, and vicious words spew out of their misshapen mouths. They kept whispering in the crew's ears, calling their names, luring them into madness and corruption, joining in the endless crazy carnival. They feed on madness. They are the mites that breed in Sithorn's dream, making Salomon's scalp itchy.

Here are the nasty skin moss and abscesses on the surface of the main material universe, beneath which there are cancers that penetrate deep into the bone marrow, a sick body like poison, viciously breeding stubborn tumors, full of absurd and distorted physical laws. The stigmata resisted them, he was their mortal enemy, reality repelled them, so that they could never come to the main material plane. Deformed and unreal monsters cursed him with their blasphemous mouths, seduced him with sweet words, and their masters expected him to fall and madness.

"I've been crazy for a long time." Salomon muttered, pressing the small silver bell beside the steel armrest of the captain's throne. First mate Alex walked in impatiently, with a frenzied expression on his face.

"My captain!" the mate's voice burst into the room through the loudspeaker in front of his neck.

"Good evening, first officer. What happened?" Salomon looked at the first officer with a strange expression. Although his attention has been on how to defend himself from the attack of Sithorn's dream to resist the erosion of nightmare creatures, he can still vaguely perceive what happened on the ship.

"No, my captain! No rebellion, everyone is loyal!" The first mate said with a smile, he didn't even look at the pilots who had turned into mummified corpses. The power armor on his body has been changed. This is the equipment that the Cree craftsmen on the ship built for him using the wreckage of the ship according to Salomon's aesthetics. There is no tights, only iron-black plate armor engraved with gorgeous patterns, two round bloodstones are inlaid on the gauntlets, and the fleet's achievements and a soaring golden eagle are painted in gold on the thick shoulder armor. The combination of the rotary live ammunition weapon and the long sword was hanging on the first officer's waist, and the laser weapon was hanging on the magnetic belt on the other side. Salomon did not pursue the eccentricity of the first officer. He doesn't care about the life and death of the crew, he just needs them to drive the spaceship and arrive at this place.

"I didn't mean to ask this... Forget it, you find someone to remove these corpses and engrave their names on the back of the chair to commemorate their great sacrifice. Well, although I know they didn't do it voluntarily, they did sacrifice. For safety's sake, I need you to arrange a new pilot. We will start the weak inertial engine and slide slowly into the void."

"By the way." Before the first mate left the captain's cabin, Salomon stopped him again. "I know that cat-man mechanic doesn't want to take a bath, but you have to push him into the basin this time and wash him thoroughly. Use my share of water resources. Although it can't speak, I'm sure it understands orders, no matter what method you use. Heck, how does it hold a wrench with its claws?"

"Captain, do you mean... I don't know you still have such a hobby. In fact, it's quite normal, in Harley Star..."

"Don't be silly, it's a cat! I don't want fleas to flood the fleet!"

"Yes, Captain!" The first officer ran out without looking back, as if he was on a mission.

"Phoenix." The big golden-red bird chirped softly. Salomon glanced at Merlin who was inspecting the driver's body, "I need you to investigate the gap ahead to ensure that the fleet can arrive safely."

"My dear Salomon, is there only so much trust between us?"

"Then tell me, how is Dave doing now?"

"Sleeping. I didn't expect this little guy to be so tenacious, and he didn't say he was hurt. But I think it's stupid. He doesn't look like my heir at all."

Ask for a ticket!

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