Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 564 Mother Earth Goddess (Part 1)

Every land in En-Gala is morbidly cursed by the corruption of black magic. The plants that grow here are highly poisonous and carnivorous, and some will pull up their roots and run wildly. Animals grow limbs and organs that should have been lost in the evolutionary process, and not only that, but some organs are in the wrong place, like a child's toy put together at random.

Every trace of air here is stimulating the nerves of the fleet members, they can hardly think, any creature that looks normal from the outside world will become crazy and twisted here. The first mate, Alex, rubbed his eyes, and could hardly believe what he saw.

The creature with several black greasy tentacles had a hundred vicious and sickly yellow eyes. It suddenly emerged from a deep cave among the rocks that ordinary people could not squeeze through. The sound of bone shattering and the muffled screams that stopped abruptly startled the crew, and without an order, everyone immediately shot towards the cave. They killed the monster, but everyone was in shock.

They should not disembark, they should obey the captain's orders.

"But the captain didn't return after the scheduled time!" The cat technician waved his paw angrily. No matter what the mate tried to persuade him, he was very resistant to anything that could blow hot air and make noise, so his tan fur was still wet and glued together. "The captain will not abandon us!" Catman purred menacingly, "this evil place must be responsible! We are going to save the captain, we owe him more than one life!"

"Quiet, you idiots!" First officer Alex slapped the catman hard. Then he took a step forward and slapped another pink-skinned guy. But when it was the turn of the biochemical robot, the first officer hesitated for a moment, but still put his hand down. The biochemical robot tilted its head, it didn't understand why the first officer interrupted the process. The first mate Alex coughed twice. He stepped on the corpse of the giant monster with long tentacles, the space-burrowing octopus, and raised his arms and announced loudly to the crew, "The captain is different from you. You are a group of mud in the gutter, scum who owe money, worms who pick up garbage and eat! And you, the bastard who never bathes, the hotbed of parasites! The captain protects you through the most dangerous void in the galaxy. The value is that he lifts you to stand at the top of all civilizations in the galaxy! We know better than anyone what threats the real universe faces!"

The crew whispered to each other and agreed with the first mate.

"The captain protects you and fights against the most evil and filthy creatures in the universe. Unlike us mortals, he has great power and came to the world just to inspire us! You should obey his orders, every word and every pronunciation! Without the captain, we are a group of primitive creatures who blindly worship! Without the captain, we are a group of depraved and selfish scum! Obey every order of the captain, this is the moral law we live by!"

"I oppose this superstition, great mother." Salomon said to the woman with beautiful long brown hair in front of him. Even if what he wanted to say was sharp and merciless, when he said it, those harsh words like a hard glacier would be melted by this woman's tender motherhood that could accommodate everything. She wore a simple dark green classic dress with a creamy pebbled belt tied loosely around her waist. Her face contained all the softness and warmth in the world. Even on the most vicious soil, where those perfect feet stepped, green grass would grow and the most beautiful flowers in the world would bloom.

She is the Mother of the Pantheon, Lady Light.

She is nature, mother earth, and the warm cradle of all human beings.

After Merlin brought Salomon and Dave into the camp of the Merlin Wizards, he did not deal with official business immediately, but let Salomon meditate deeply on the altar in the contemplation room. When Salomon's astral body left his body, he saw the world-soul of Terra with the warm light like the winter sun and the fragrance of green grass. He is talking with the Mother Earth in the form of a soul, and as long as the Mother Earth is willing to listen to him, no one will bother him.

Before he could speak, the Mother Earth hugged him first.

"My child, my poor child." The Mother Earth smiled and gently stroked Salomon's cheek. Even the hardest-hearted guy in the world would be touched by her tenderness. Salomon breathed a sigh of relief. His will was extremely firm, and the defense that had just melted soon froze again. The Earth Mother noticed the change in him, but she didn't mind at all. "I will help you, child," said the Earth Mother. "In this universe, no one understands life better than I do. I also understand your ultimate goal. It is an evolution that can only be accomplished by you. You are the chosen one."

"I object to such superstitious claims, Great Mother."

"Your sense of humor is worth promoting." The Mother Earth stroked Salomon's long hair. The mystic didn't resist. According to the inheritance, whether he is the adopted son of Athena or the mystic of Kama Taj, Salomon has enough kinship with the Mother Earth. "Your stigmata have shown your essence. Didn't you start using your innate talent to fight Sithorn before you sailed?"

Salomon was silent.

"You come to seek my help, this is the choice of fate, because only I can help you sort out the knowledge about life in another universe." The Mother Earth knelt and sat down on the grass beside Salomon, her dark green dress bloomed like a flower, emitting the motherhood that can melt people's hearts and the power mixed with the instinct of fertility all the time. The gentle light bloomed, making Salomon feel that he was soaking in warm water.

"Perhaps the Supreme Master has already told you the story of the birth and fall of the ancient gods. In order to prevent the natural birth of the ancient gods from falling, I gave birth to Atum with the Creator. You know what happened later, so I won't repeat it. But no one knows where the Creator came from, so I want to tell you a fact-that is, the so-called Creator was actually summoned by me, from another universe. This is why I can help you. Gnosticism was very close to the truth, but it was not accurate enough. The Lord came from another universe, and the God Eater was born in the spirit, because it itself was the product of my dream with the Creator."

Salomon held his breath. He has already guessed the tip of the iceberg of facts, which is an unparalleled and terrifying truth. He felt that the silver key on his chest was getting hot.

He can understand the approach of the Mother Earth Goddess. The lesser evil, choosing the less-bad ending among all the bad endings, is an easy choice to make. Even if the choice were named ■■■■■Azathoth■■■■■, it would be better than the entire universe falling into the hands of Chaos Demons. Even if Atum the God Eater eventually died, his remains gave birth to a second generation of gods, including his reincarnation, a fraction of the powers he once possessed.

The actions of the Mother Earth have won the possibility of victory for today's life.

"Which one is me?" he asked. "I mean, the ones I remember."

"Neither one, but also all of them." The Mother Earth said, "Your birth is the result of multiple operations, because I need you to complete the ultimate goal of human evolution. Just like summoning the Creator, I made another deal. You are my pride, child, and the reason why I gave the sword to King Arthur is so that you can get it one day."

The Mother Earth caressed the mystic's cheek, guiding him to gradually calm down.

"I launched the war against the ancient gods to guide evolution. I protected mammals from Seth, wiped out dinosaurs and many other reptiles, and led the Celestial Group to kill snakemen. It was also for evolution. Dinosaurs have no potential for evolution, but humans have. I believe you have also seen the potential of humans." She kissed Salomon's cheek. "In order to complete this plan, I will become a mother again, carrying your ultimate creation, the power of those children."

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