Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 565: Free Will (Second Change)

Salomon has an extremely ruthless will and determination.

The so-called Salomon is nothing more than a product of the deep combination of a magical entity and a physical body, a creature that can barely be called a human being and was finally born in this world through the hands of many gods. Azathoth, Yog-Sothoth, Shab-Nicholas, Gaia, and maybe an Io, Eternal, and Lady Death. The process of creating him is a huge black box, and Salomon himself does not know the specific process of his birth. He ruthlessly clarified his own essence, telling the fact that he does not have free will with pure reason and outrageous cold-blooded logic.

Free will is an illusion that can never be pierced, a problem that the human mind cannot solve. Neither Pierre-Simon Laplace, Robert Kane, nor Harry Frankfurt could shed light on the metaphysical question of whether humans have free will. From a macro perspective, Salomon's fate was decided from the very beginning. He is destined to be adopted by the supreme mage, and he is destined to be instilled with the idea of ​​maintaining human principles, and he is destined to lead mankind to complete evolution and complete the plan that Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth, has arranged for thousands of years. This plan has already started when the Mother Earth decided to pull the reptiles from the biological chain, brazenly launched a war with the ancient god Seth, and even cooperated with the Celestial Gods to wipe out the snake race.

He accepted this fact frankly.

Maybe the crooked-nose old man from another world is right, love is the greatest magic in the world. Bayonetta, Joan of Arc, His Holiness, Athena...these people gave him love. He was sure that these people loved him out of free will and not by design. In order to protect these people, he doesn't mind being a tool at all. Even if those who gave him love are gone, he will pour his love on the entire race, just like he was originally designed to do. To maintain human existence and complete human upgrade.

Perhaps he was instilled with the idea of ​​"leading mankind to greatness" from the very beginning. But so what, everyone needs to play a role, and he happened to be that, and he was willing to take on that responsibility.

The Earth Mother admired Salomon's cold logic very much. She knew that Salomon could sacrifice many things in order to accomplish this goal, and humanity was the only obstacle that stood in the way. But the Mother Earth is very sure that Salomon will be able to awaken his divinity sooner or later and become the god of mankind.

There was only one thing he couldn't tolerate.

"Then what about Jezebel?" Salomon pushed away the Mother Earth, and asked in a deep voice, "Where is the woman who died because she gave birth to me?"

"Don't try to save everyone, Salomon." The Earth Mother said calmly, "Don't mourn for her. I have tampered with Jezebel's fate and given her my blessing, otherwise her fate would be much more tragic. Everyone is a tool, including her. Only she can be an excellent mother. Let the will of the multiverse entrust your soul to her. Who do you want revenge on, yourself?"

Salomon overturned his previous conclusions.

He has free will, because the flame of vengeance still burns in his chest. He turned to leave, but the Mother Earth stopped him. She stood up, the corners of her skirt fluttering, with a dignified and graceful beauty.

"I will not interfere with your actions, child." The Mother Earth seemed to be seeing her rebellious child, her tone was gentle and majestic, like magma hidden deep in the ground and ready to go. "I'm glad you have the idea to complete the plan. With your wisdom, you should be able to understand the concept of the arrow of time and entropy. You should know that this is the only way to complete the plan. Even if you don't want to now, you will come back in the future. This is destined."

She pointed to the silver key that Salomon hid under the sacred robe. She was aggressive like never before, showing the anger of a tsunami or a volcanic eruption like a polar cold wind. She is the earth, she is nature, the mother of the earth that coexists with cruelty and kindness, containing everything and punishing everything. "The time gem can see all the possibilities of the future, and so can the silver key. The time gem can only work in one universe, because it is an adaptive key. The silver key works no matter which universe it is in, because it is the truth. The silver key can even allow you to jump in time, without the permission of eternity-I have sorted out the knowledge you want. I know you want to try it yourself, but you have already tried. The future you have left that thing to the past you, now you just need to get it back."

Salomon knew that the Mother Earth was telling the truth, and he also guessed where that thing might be hidden.

Prophecy, shadows from future timelines, Lara Croft.

"From a higher dimension, time in the three-dimensional world does not flow linearly."

"Yes, you have made what you want. But compared with my plan, those things cannot complete the final plan." She said, "Use the silver key. You will see your future, and you will see all the steps and details of completing the plan. You will choose the one with the best results to execute. I think this is not a difficult choice. You will see my rightness. I will be the mother of your son, and then you will find someone else to complete the follow-up work and complete those tools-my offspring who has the name of wisdom can also, Although she is a virgin, or those witches, you can do whatever you want. You are a strong, handsome male, and you have the ability to charm them. In any case, I am the soul base of those tools, and I am the original mother of those tools, just as I am your mother."

"In any case, my mother only has Jezebel." Salomon said indifferently, "She is buried in the back mountain of Kama Taj."

The Mother Earth sighed. The harsh wind and snow suddenly dissipated, and the warm sunshine once again sprinkled on the earth. "You can say whatever you want." She took the mystic's hand lovingly, "One day, you will abandon your humanity. You know why, because you are my best son, the most perfect work."

"I have the ability to make my own choices, great mother." He withdrew his hand, with strangeness and resistance shining in his eyes. Armored with politeness, he resisted the gentleness of the Earth Mother, "I am human because His Holiness says I am human. And, how do I know that you will not abandon human beings like reptiles?"

"You can see for yourself, child. Human beings have the destiny to rule the galaxy. This is my ideal, and it is also your ideal." Gaia took a small step forward, and her human form was shorter than that of Salomon, so that Salomon could look down on her fertile body from above. However, this has no effect on Salomon, who has been educated by Karma Taj since childhood. Absolute self-denial, absolute sanity.

"Till the end of time, I swear by my real name."

"I will confirm it myself, great mother." Salomon said calmly, "Kama Taj's ideal is to free human beings from the will of the gods. Whether it is God, Visandra, or even you. If His Holiness does this, I will do the same. This is Kama Taj's consistent mission. I will decide what to do next and what not to do. But only one thing is certain."

"Destiny!" Gaia smiled.

"Yes, this is the destiny. But this is human beings, not Weishandi's, nor yours."

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