Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 566: Betrayal of the Gods (Part 1)

"Captain, what is this?"

"This? This is the purpose of our coming here, wisdom!" Salomon showed the disgusting thing in his hands to the crew. It was an apple made up of flesh and blood, perfect, smooth and lifelike, the skin made up of the peel, and the flesh made up of muscles and blood vessels. He could even feel the faint heartbeat of the apple through his fingertips. He stuffed the flesh apple into his mouth in front of the crew and chewed it non-stop. The nearest chief mate heard the inhuman screams vaguely. The piercing, unstoppable baby screams that penetrated into the brain made him shiver involuntarily. The first mate didn't know what happened to the captain, but disappointment and anger had already been written on his face. "Okay, you bastards. I'm glad to see that you didn't die here." Salomon breathed a sigh of relief, and he walked quickly through the camp that the crew had set up temporarily. The Merlin Wizards sent some supplies for the crew, but it was not enough. He didn't communicate with the Wizards of Merlin because he didn't think it was necessary.

Salomon stood on the gangway, looking at the shrinking En-Gala below.

Terrible magical light is shining on the periphery of the pitch-black castle in the distance. The disgusting deep purple glow is like a sleeping giant lurking inside the castle. That was the seal imposed by the Mother Earth, and it has been hundreds of millions of years so far, but it still cannot stop Sithorn's dream from poisoning the real universe. He turned and walked into the spaceship, preparing to leave this planet with a thin atmosphere that was swallowed into the outer dimension and return to the real universe. He never looked at this place again, as if it was not worth staying here at all.

A plan was brewing in his mind.

"Phoenix." The big golden-red bird tilted its head. Salomon said, "Would you like to betray the gods with me?"

It spread its wings and made a beautiful cry. Salomon smiled and reached out to stroke Phoenix's chin. Karma Taj resisted the gods in order to give humans free will. This is what His Holiness taught him, not something instilled in him by the Earth Mother or any other god, whether the Earth Mother supports reptiles or mammals, the mission of Kama Taj will never change. The fate of mankind should not be determined by a god, no matter who that god is.

His Holiness did it, and Salomon will do it too.

"Where are we going, Captain?" asked the first mate.

"Spiral arm of the Orion arm, Midgard galaxy, planet C-53. Don't worry, I have the Asgard passcode, no need to sneak. I'm going there to retrieve what the future me left for the past me Things." Salomon said something confusing. He walked through the dimly lit passage, waiting for the crew to arrive at their posts, Phoenix's face illuminated by the flames on his body. They will not go such a long way this time, and the Mother Earth will help them. Gaia also hopes that Salomon can see the results of his future self earlier and recognize the reality earlier. The heavy, rusted pneumatic steel door of the captain's cabin slowly opened, and the stench of ionized air rushed over. Numerous additional pipelines are messily connected behind the captain's seat, as if there are spiders hiding in the cabin that can only shoot rubber cables from their buttocks.

"I've heard of that planet. Although others don't know about it, I know that Ronan suffered a lot there..."

"Weak inertial engine, pass through the white portal that will appear above us later. Hurry up, the fleet will appear in the Asgard star field." Salomon waved his hand, interrupting the mate's thoughts. "I need to rest now. Go and carry out your orders, my good mate."

"My master, I'm going to urge those slackers."

The fleet's command system projected layers upon layers of holograms in front of him. Salomon closed his eyes, not wanting to watch at all. He had done divination, and now he only wished that Laura's movements would be a little slower.

Lara Croft saw an incredible sight. She saw a huge glacier buried deep in the mountains, and an ancient and damaged Byzantine warship moored in the middle of the glacier. According to scrolls sealed in brass tubes on the ship, the Byzantine warship was called the Maria Adra, and it was a warship used by the Holy Trinity to hunt down the Prophet. Trinity had intended to use the ship's ballista against the Prophet, but the keel of the battleship broke in two due to a crack in the ice, and Trinity had to disembark and walk. Laura knew that these people could not leave the frozen cave in the end, because she saw many dead soldiers when she was looking for a way out. At the same time, she also found many treasures brought by the Holy Trinity on the bridge, but she only took a beautiful enamel brooch as a souvenir.

Maybe this thing can be used as a gift? She misses the hot black tea and desserts so much now. She accidentally fell into the river before, and now she is wet all over, and the icy water exacerbated the symptoms of hypothermia. However, she had to endure the pain of the bone-chilling hypothermia, and dived into the water again, looking for a way to get out, just like a pearl fisher in the coastal area-if you only have one breath, then you'd better swim as hard as you can, and pray that the way is the exit . Laura prayed, and it worked, she did leave the frozen cavern and arrived at an abandoned Soviet facility. She really wanted to find a place to rest, although she knew it would not be easy.

"I'm not your enemy." Laura put away her bow and arrow and said to the red-haired girl. Her stress response was a bit severe, especially under the influence of hypothermia, she didn't know if she could shoot arrows accurately with her trembling hands.

"It's not easy for me to buy it. I saw you killed those people." Although she said so, the red-haired girl slowly put away her bow and arrow and stopped aiming at Laura. She could see how tired the woman in front of her was, and she had seen how this woman killed the intruders.

"I kill to survive, and I'm sure you do too. How long have they been here?"

"In a matter of days, the intruders took many of us. You'd better leave now."

"I can't do this, I'm here for something important."

"So do they." The red-haired girl drew the longbow again, "If I see you again, I'll shoot an arrow through your throat."

There are enemies in this abandoned Soviet facility, too, where Trinity has used explosives with impunity to clear the ruins.

Laura found a place on a cliff that could shelter from the wind and built a fire, trying not to let Holy Trinity see the fire. She needs a rest, a long rest. She heard Trinity's mercenary leader, Constantine, had captured a local by switching to Trinity's radio channel. Laura forced herself to close her eyes, not to feel her empty stomach. She wants to save her strength and wait for her to recover. She intends to infiltrate the facility and rescue the locals who have been captured—Holy Trinity must be trying to ask the locals about the Prophet. If you want to find the sacred source, the help of the locals is indispensable. Laura thought she could gain the red-haired girl's trust this way.

According to the ancient scroll left by the Holy Trinity, Laura knew that the people in this area had converted to the prophet. They must know where the sacred source is, and she must take the sacred source first.

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