Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 567 Undercover agents everywhere (second more)

The Holy Trinity army who came to hunt down the Prophet were all dead without exception, and the scrolls they left behind also showed that the Prophet seemed to have the ability to predict foretelling. over the shoulder. A hunter of the Holy Trinity who was on the shore of Lake Svetoloya once asked to stay overnight, but the villagers refused the hunter's request because they had been preached by the prophet. Even when the hunter was sleeping by the lake that night, a young man wearing the crude prophet's mark tried to kill the hunter. But not all the Prophet's followers followed in the Prophet's footsteps and escaped the hunt. The stele inscriptions left by the local people can prove that many followers who the Prophet recruited locally were also killed by the Holy Trinity.

Laura has reason to believe that the followers of the Prophet have lived here for a long time, because even the Soviets have used the ancient cisterns built by the followers to adjust the water level and prevent the snow-capped mountains from being submerged when the temperature rises the whole prison. And the person who built the project was also one of the followers of the Prophet, and he was also a local. Many people died in Trinity's pursuit, including the engineer's family. Laura also found letters from the engineer to his wife, who still fantasize about one day being reunited with his family.

It seems that the Holy Trinity's exploration here has ended, and it was not until Laura confirmed that the source of the sacred was in the legendary lost city, Great Kitezh City, that the Holy Trinity resumed its past exploration. Due to the early exploration, the Holy Trinity is much faster than Laura in terms of work progress. However, Holy Trinity's armed forces are all hired armed contractors, including but not limited to weapons and logistical supplies. Moreover, Constantine, the leader who led the operation, gave an impassioned speech to all armed contractors. In the eyes of normal people, this Constantine is almost crazy, and the soldiers he leads are similar to cults. There is no tacit understanding between the various departments at all, and a small matter can be delayed for a long time, which is full of the style of British civil servants. Considering the origin and current situation of the Holy Trinity, there may be members of the Holy Trinity serving in Downing Street or the upper and lower councils.

However, this inexplicable idea did not make Laura laugh, because she was caught when she tried to sneak into Trinity Command. At the same time, her stepmother Anna was also caught. Anna, who was also tied to the chair, couldn't move, and she didn't seem to understand the situation. Since the attack on the manor, Laura has been preoccupied with finding the source of the sacred, completely forgetting about the safety of her family. Seeing Anna again now, a huge guilt immediately filled her heart. "I'm sorry, Ana. I didn't expect them to turn on you. It's all my fault." Laura kept apologizing. She struggled desperately, trying to break free from the shackles imposed on her by the Holy Trinity.

"Who? Who are they? What do they want?"

"It's exactly what my father wanted."

"God, Laura! I told you not to do this! You can't be like Richard!" Anna's expression looked very painful, "Whatever they want, just give them!"

"It's not that simple, Ana." As she struggled, the edges of the handcuffs sunk into her flesh kept rubbing against her skin. She felt a tingling pain in her wrist, and her palm became wet, presumably the skin was broken. Mental and physical pain hit her at the same time, torturing her spirit repeatedly. "Hang on, I will find a way to escape from this place...I promise, Anna, I promise."

But no matter how hard she struggled, the leader of the Holy Trinity would not stop him. The man named Constantine held the noose in his hand, and he slammed the noose around Anna's neck. "Tell me." The scar on his face looked very hideous, "Where is the sacred source?"

Laura saw Anna's expression become extremely pained. "Let go! You bastard!" Laura was like a roaring lioness. Regardless of the severe pain in her wrist, she struggled with all her might, "Let go!"

"Where is the sacred source?" Anna coughed hysterically, her face turning purple. Konstantin, however, still has no intention of letting go, as if Laura will strangle Anna if she doesn't say what he wants to hear. The fear of losing her family again made Laura struggle desperately, and the anger in her eyes could almost burn Constantine to death.

"Okay." Anna stopped coughing, "It seems that she really doesn't know anything."

Constantine let go of the noose. He crouched down and uncuffed Anna. Laura seemed to be in the ice again, she stared at Anna in disbelief, but her brain sorted out everything that happened in the past in an instant. Who will know that she returns to the manor? Who will know her next move? There is only her only family member, her stepmother Anna.

She was betrayed by her own family. "I can't believe it, you bitch..."

Constantine slapped her hard, completely igniting the anger in Laura's heart. "You just don't know how to give up, do you?" Anna said very calmly, "I knew you would find this place eventually."

"What exactly do you want?"

"You don't have to be angry because we're after the same thing. People like you are useful to us. If you want your life to have meaning, join us, Laura."

"Like my father?" Laura raised her voice involuntarily, and she thought of a more terrifying possibility. "When did you join Trinity? Before or after?"

"I loved Richard." Anna stood up, "but he was blinded by his own ideals, and you know how those ideals destroyed him. What about you, Laura? What will you do with this divine source What? Make it public and win honor for your father? You are still so naive, just a little girl who fantasizes about being as great as her father but is full of fear."

Laura spat at Anna. Constantine stepped forward and kicked Laura to the ground. The pain in her shoulder and wrist made her cry out, and she was almost out of breath from the impact. Her eyes were almost blinded by the dazzling lights in the room, and overlapping halos filled her eyeballs. Constantine pointed his pistol at Laura, "Then there is nothing more to say."

"No, not yet." Anna pressed Constantine's shoulder. Maybe it was years of getting along that made her unable to bear to see Laura die here, so she stopped Constantine from moving. She said to Laura, "We can still stand together. Think about it, Laura."

The guard standing at the door quietly retracted the hand that was touching the pistol.

His code name is C-A1, an extremely concise code name. The intelligence services of the Immortal City established a new identity for him, allowing him to join the ranks of mercenaries recruited by the Holy Trinity. He watched Constantine lead Laura to the cell. When he tried to follow Constantine to take over the task, he was rejected without question. Constantine only gave him a cold look, and then led Laura forward on his own.

C-A1 shrugged and left the passage slowly.

"Agent Hand, Lara Croft is fine." He whispered, "Do you need me to rescue her?"

"No need," said Victoria Hand. Right before her eyes, the number from the Immortal City was lighting up. That number belongs only to her supervisor. The aircraft carrier fleet, which was cruising in the Pacific Ocean, turned around and headed for an isolated island on the high seas. "Someone will come and take the job."


"Big Boss!"

Ask for a ticket!

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