Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 568 Sky Carrier (Part 1)

Located in a 2,000-meter-deep trench on the bottom of the Tyrrhenian Sea southwest of Civitavecchia, a huge lifting platform covered with black anti-rust paint slowly rises. This submarine volcano located on the Europe-Africa fault was squeezed and overturned, and the condensed black rock shell cracked. The moment the sea water touched the bright orange magma, it violently vaporized and rolled into a series of rapidly rising huge white bubbles. Under the huge water pressure, the bubbles became extremely dense, like clusters of dense white dust. The bubbles gradually rise, swell, connect with each other, then separate again, and finally cool down and disappear completely in the dark and cold sea water. The magma solidifies when it encounters water, grows and accumulates wantonly, just like the tower of Babel in nature, but it falls down due to the random growth structure and the impact of water vapor.

A huge amount of seawater was displaced, forming deadly undercurrents on the sea surface.

This place is located in the middle of the three routes between the Apennine Peninsula and Sardinia. It was originally a water park in the last century. Due to many reasons, such as economic crisis, poor site selection, environmental protection organization protests, unrealistic technology and investor bankruptcy, etc., The water park was completely shut down. This gave the Immortal City an excellent opportunity. Stephanie bought the project at a very low price. The Wakanda people used their advanced engineering equipment to transform the water park as another immortal city outside Rome. The base of the city - in the archives of the Italian government, this is still a water park, but the project will be completed in about a hundred years. No one can be fooled by such words, but when Stephanie used money and power as weapons, the Italian government was not unhappy. They have long wanted to alleviate the possible debt crisis. Everyone is willing to sell an abandoned and unoccupied water park, and the money given by Stephanie is enough to make them ignore its use.

The circular lifting platform sticks out of the water, and with the deafening mechanical sound, the jagged hinge at the top gradually retracts. A modified sky carrier relies on the power of its own engine to climb gradually, getting rid of the influence of gravity. This sky carrier is very different from Hydra's sky carrier. The Wakandas not only added tail propellers to the sky carrier, but also sealed the upper and lower decks with alloy armor plates. The super guns that were previously placed under the aircraft carrier were scattered to both sides, leaving only a trapezoidal aircraft entrance and exit on the upper deck. The side deck where the aircraft should have been parked is now covered with long macro gun barrels, like a floating ship. Battleships in the sky. These swords of destruction and death now rest quietly in the deck, unsheathed when necessary. The propeller pushes away the sea water and slowly rises into the sky until it is above the clouds. Immediately afterwards, the propeller group at the tail of the aircraft carrier erupted a long cone-shaped azure blue plasma flame, leading the giant monster that opened the electromagnetic barrier to cut through the sky at an astonishing speed.

The appearance of this beast of war did not attract the attention of the Italian military or the U.S. Naples European Naval Command in Naples. The stealth technology from the Immortal City completely wiped its whereabouts from the radar. Only the loud noise of the engine let the route Tourists on board looked up. Some tourists with binoculars will see the golden rose sword logo painted on the dark alloy armor plate, and those tourists who took pictures were surprised to find that their camera equipment was completely formatted in an instant, or simply exploded. The spark burns out completely. The sisterhood received the signal, and the excited Tita and other members of the sisterhood stopped all work at hand. They oiled their weapons and polished their armor. Regardless of Su Rui's obstruction, the sisterhood insisted on equipping the only refurbished sky carrier with ammunition, a complete crew, and a girl who had just joined the sisterhood, and boarded the newly refitted ship that was still covered in paint and stains. The boat that smelled of engine oil started the lifting platform that was also completed not long ago.

They can't wait to meet their master.

After refitting, the dormitory for combatants in the sky carrier is extremely small, and Lyudmila feels that turning over on the bed here is a luxury. There are no windows in the room, and the thick armor plate isolates the air inside and outside the aircraft carrier to ensure stable air pressure. For such a vehicle with extremely demanding space design, every square centimeter has been considered, trying to make room for the new reactor and powerful macro gun. Still, the designers left a conference room large enough for the Sisterhood on the bridge.

Lyudmila and Lilia became the first human girls to join the Sorority because of their age, ability, loyalty, diligence and faith. Tragic experiences in the past made them completely lose hope in life until the arrival of the sorority. After undergoing extremely rigorous training and education, they learned to use bolt guns, long swords and power armor, learned prayers and etiquette to praise their masters, learned the most basic knowledge of medicine, mathematics, physics and chemistry, and learned from Tactics and strategies from all over the world from ancient times to the present, have learned etiquette and grammar that are difficult for ordinary people to master, and learned elegant dance and ancient philosophy that can only be learned by the upper class and the bourgeoisie. Not only that, but they also drank the special potion distributed by the sisterhood. Without the help of the potion, those courses were enough to destroy their spirit and body.

When they were still training, Ms. Catherine told them that the augmentation surgery on the human body was still in the experimental stage. If the experiment was successful, they would have the opportunity to improve their physical fitness in an all-round way in the future.

They came here according to the order transmitted to the personal terminal and according to the prompts of the crew. A ceremony was being held here for them. Ladies in power armor wearing gold-plated rose emblems stood around a round table, and in the middle of the table was a gorgeous high-backed chair inlaid with precious stones facing numerous operation panels and reinforced glass. , the huge golden eagle wings form the armrest of the chair, and Ms. Tita in full armor is standing in front of the chair. She didn't sit on it because that seat belonged to her owner. Under the watchful eyes of the older ladies, they put on a full suit of black power armor and crimson robes with the help of makeshift robotic arms, then kneeled respectfully and humbly to accept their arms.

They vowed to use their weapons to their full potential. It's just the usual chainswords and boltguns, and they've been trained with other weapons to make sure they can use whatever means they can to destroy the Sovereign's enemies.

Ms. Tita has smooth wheat-colored skin, and her beauty makes Lyudmila and Lilia dare not look directly at her. Past lives have left indelible scars on their bodies. Lilia's two fingers are made entirely of high-tech machinery, and she can even feel touch through the mechanical fingers.

"Raise your head." The lady's command was unquestionable, and the two human girls forced themselves to look at Tita's perfect face, not at the gorgeous long sword and artistic scabbard hanging around Ms. Tita's waist . This is the second time they have seen this sword. They had sworn to this sword when they took the oath to join the training. It is said that this long sword with dizzying rays of light was forged by their great master himself. Only the Supreme Commander of the Sisterhood is eligible to wear and use it. "My lord said that the heart is the most powerful weapon, and what is more important is your loyalty. From now on, you are our sister. You have nothing to do with your past life, and your only purpose in life is to My Lord is faithful."

Catherine winked happily at them.

"Yes, ma'am." The girls fought back their excitement. They knew the reason for this hasty departure, and they were about to meet the object of their allegiance. The first time they heard the man the sorority was talking about after they were saved, they knew it was the man who saved them. They also had a choice, and the girls would rather fight than return home. Lyudmila and Lilia are older among the rescued girls, and the relationship between them has also become extremely close during the day-to-day training, just like real sisters.

"Stand up!" Tita's fingers brushed against the two girls' shoulder armor with the gold-plated insignia of recruits, and the friction between the steel did not make a sound. "Welcome to join, sister. Remember our vows and secrets."

Lyudmila put on a helmet to hide her short, ear-length blond hair. Looking at the battle plan displayed on the holographic image on the helmet, she mustered up the courage to ask, "Where are we going to meet my lord, ma'am?"

"An isolated island in the south of the Rat Islands in the Western Aleutian census area, there is no specific name, only a number." Tita said, "The intelligence department has gone there to investigate, and we will eliminate all troops that may threaten our lord in advance. if so."

Ask for a ticket!

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