Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 569 Lifetime Mission (Second Change)

Salomon rubbed his stinging eyes, and chanted a low-pitched mantra to soothe his spirit.

The fruit of wisdom given by the Goddess of the Earth is quite helpful to the knowledge given by Shabrikulas, the black goat of Tansen. The Flesh Apple not only has a symbolic meaning, but the knowledge of Mori's Black Goat is like compiling a document full of garbled codes into a program. Salomon's two sets of magic systems (Warlock/Mage) run. Whether it is from the perspective of science or magic, Salomon's understanding of life is one step closer, and he is about to perfect his genetic alchemy technology. He couldn't wait to see Lara Croft's work instead of going back to Karma Taj or the witch's arms - if it was really his hand, he would definitely recognize it. "Heir of the King of Midgard, senior deacon of Karma Taj Monastery, pass code 1331, first priority." He pressed the button on the armrest of the captain's throne impatiently and connected the loudspeaker in the cabin, "Let's Let the Sgardians go!"

"Captain, this Asgardian female officer insists on..."

"Salomon Damonet, this is a routine inspection!" An extremely strong female voice crashed into the captain's cabin through the crew's communicator, "I can't believe that you dare to bring a group of pirates into the Nine Realms Is this a cat person? Does it have interstellar parasites? How the hell is it holding a wrench in its paws?"

"Good evening or good morning, Ms. Sif." Salomon heaved a sigh of relief, "Above Odin, I can assure you that the cat man has taken a bath, and has also taken insecticidal alchemy potions that are enough to poison it! Please Don't bother with its maintenance work please? Don't touch it, it's shedding! Don't unplug the Cyborg's battery! Don't shake that brain in the nutrient vat! I swear on the name of Kama Taj, they're all in my Under restraint, all interstellar viruses and bacteria will be incinerated by the atmosphere. If possible, can you ask your brother to do a favor and send this fleet to the edge of the solar system in Midgard? I will follow up Submit the official document."

"The fee will be charged to your account and settled in gold."

"Damn it, isn't it free?" Salomon angrily hung up the communication. He dared to guarantee that this must be Loki's ghost idea. Who knew that Asgard had actually raised the toll tax rate, and Kama Taj was actually removed from the tax-free list! Although Karma Taj's portal can bypass the regulations, this incident is enough to be infuriating. But complaints are nothing but complaints. The nuclear reactors of the fleet can no longer support sub-light speed voyages. According to the chief mate’s report, due to the recent rough sailing, the temperature of the current cooling pipes has exceeded the safety threshold, and even magma can be used as a coolant. to an extent. As for the corpses of those rebel crew members, they have been directly sublimated into gas and discharged through the vents in outer space.

Salomon waited for a while, and the Rainbow Bridge enveloped all the ships, transferring the entire fleet to the periphery of Pluto. He informs Stephanie in the Immortal City through his spell near Hydra. This is just a three-ring spell, which can directly send a piece of text or voice to the recipient. No matter whether the person has magical talent or strong mental power, he can receive the message from the caster. This kind of communication in the solar system is not likely to be distorted, and the difficulty is not high. He thinks that even Stephanie, who has no talent, can understand this communication. He needed Stephanie to take control of the situation first and make sure that there would be no problems with Lara Croft - in fact, Salomon felt that Stephanie seemed to be a little different. I don’t know if it’s because he stayed with him for a long time. Before he left the earth, Stephanie’s tacit understanding with him rose sharply, and Salomon couldn’t judge whether this change was good or bad—I hope Stephanie’s situation is okay , he felt that he needed to pay more attention to his little secretary. She is thirty-three years old and desperately needs to be young and talented. Perhaps she is showing her talents, but she has always been ignored by Salomon in the past.

At the same time, he worries about the future that the Earth Mother has revealed to him.

It's not just the time travel that doesn't know when and why it will come, but more because of his own plan. If he hadn't traveled to the past in the future, and through the genetic alchemy results left by the undead prophet that Laura was tracking, Salomon would never have known that the prophecy and the hint from fate would come from his own hand, and he would He would not know that the so-called sacred source in the hands of the undead prophet is likely to be his own creation. He doesn't know how many things his future self will leave behind, and whether they are within the red line of time-space continuity, but he believes that his future self will definitely understand where the bottom line is-even if the red line is violated, it means that the future situation will be even worse. Seriously, it is absolutely necessary for your future self to do this.

Just when he was almost asleep, a communication from the mate pulled him out of the fog of slumber.

"Captain, we have arrived outside the atmosphere of the C-53 planetary target point and are synchronizing the planet's rotation. There seem to be some rather primitive orbiting satellites and space stations here, which are not equipped with defensive firepower and are ready to be plundered at any time." The voice of the chief mate sounded like A little nervous, "Why do we really have to confront Asgard? Although the brothers have no objection..."

"Who said it was going to be plundered, idiot!" Salomon was almost pissed off by this group of brainless crew members, "Is my carrier-based aircraft ready?"

"Ready, Captain! Do you want to make a speech of conquest?"

"Shut up and come to the captain's cabin."

The arrival of the alien fleet has made the countries with detection satellites very nervous, especially the United States. After a while, a rainbow bridge passed through the alien fleet, and this alien force of unknown origin disappeared instantly. At the same time, an inconspicuous atmospheric shuttle was diving towards the earth under high temperature. The entire aircraft trembled violently, and the shuttle was surrounded by red flames. The high temperature and ablative materials were undergoing fierce confrontation. Tiny metal pieces were constantly being burned to ashes. The servo system controlled the thrusters to barely maintain balance in the ever-changing airflow. , keep the attitude angle scheduled for landing, and fly all the way to the target location.

Salomon, who was sitting in the driver's seat, fixed himself with restraints so that the spacecraft would not throw him out during landing. He took a deep breath. Now is the worst stage of the landing process. The range of 80 to 100 kilometers in the atmosphere is called the reentry stage. The air density has increased significantly, and the temperature at the bottom of the spacecraft has reached thousands of degrees Celsius.

But he wasn't worried about his own safety, he was worried about the fleet.

He gave the first mate a task, one that required his entire life to perform.

Chief Mate Alex needs to use his whole life to maintain this fleet, expel any ships that may be close to the weak point of En-Galai and the main material universe, and take extreme measures to absolutely not let any corrupted creatures leave there. The fleet should focus on hunting and killing, while constantly recruiting and screening newcomers. He promises that someone will take over the job in the future, but until then, he needs the first mate to do his best to perform this extremely difficult task.

To this end, Salomon specially gave the first mate Alex a bottle of potion to prolong his life, and appointed him as the captain. Based on the genetic adjustment of the Celestial Group, that bottle of potion can also work on the Cree. As for the reluctance of the first officer and the crew, Salomon mercilessly ignored them. As the Earth Mother said, Salomon possessed ruthless logic and determination, just as she forged it.

Ask for a ticket!

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