Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 570 New Order (Part 1)

The meteors that descended from the sky quickly swept across the dawn and dusk line, and the violent flames that wrapped the cabin almost condensed into a solid body. The temporarily installed heat insulation layer was continuously burned in the high temperature of thousands of degrees, dragging long and fine metal dust, revealing the surface of the shuttle covered with scratches. This shuttle drifting in the atmosphere has experienced several interstellar gang battles, and almost witnessed the entire process of Salomon relying on a dilapidated smuggling ship to become the most terrifying pirate on the edge of the galaxy.

The cargo hold, which should have been full of boarding personnel, has already been filled with the data storage devices of various civilizations in the galaxy. Without exception, those pirates were citizens expelled from their respective civilizations, and the dangerous technology they possessed naturally became Salomon's spoils of war, which was also the information he deliberately collected during this journey.

Tita watched the crimson meteor streak across the sky, then made a sharp turn with a maneuverability almost impossible for an aircraft in the atmosphere, and slid towards the south of the Ratte Islands. Because the movement of this aircraft is really too fast, the speed of the alien fleet disappearing is also extremely fast, unless it is a set of star chains that can detect the infrared radiation of the planet, or almost all aircraft or satellites of the country will not be able to keep up with the shuttle machine speed. Humans do not yet have such technology, but after Salomon's Immortal City analyzes the data storage devices in the cargo compartment of the shuttle, the technical level of the Immortal City will far exceed that of Wakanda, and it will occupy an important role in future cooperation. leading position.

The jaw-dropping tremors finally stopped, and the flames covering the strengthened glass were also extinguished, leaving only bits and pieces of metal fragments still burning on the surface of the shuttle. Lyudmila and Lilia suppressed their excitement, followed Ms. Tita's order, and stood with other ladies to welcome the arrival of the monarch. The expensive visual aid system in their helmets allows them to lock the position of the shuttle in the dark, but there are some things that cannot be seen with electronic eyes—as the shuttle approaches, Lyudmi, who has not activated the air filtration system Ra smelled the smell of ionized air, and the gravel on the ground rolled continuously under the strong reaction force, and the smaller stones and gravel hit their armor like bullets. Even though their master hadn't left the aircraft, Lyudmila and Lilia felt his heartbeat.

It was an extremely shocking experience, and they couldn't tell what they were thinking at that time. They tried to recall afterwards, but found that the memory gradually became blurred with the passage of time, and they could not recall the appearance of the monarch anyway. All they remember is the warm golden light streaming from the cockpit, and the mental fatigue left by their past training disappearing like thawing snow—that's the moment they truly believed the Sorority had always been faith. They knelt on one knee with all the sorority members, completely unable to contain their admiration. They began to firmly believe that their past sufferings were prayers for the future, and faith was their shelter.

They will always remember that soft, weary voice with incomparable majesty.

The monarch has issued a new combat order, and they will cooperate with the intelligence department to launch a battle in an ancient ruin in Siberia. The Intelligence Service needs to rescue a female target, while the Sisterhood needs to find the treasure that the Monarch has deposited in the ruins. The opponents they will face are an ancient religious order and some undead monsters. Although the enemies only have light weapons, the bad weather is the biggest test for them. The combat order was concise and clear, but Lyudmila and Lilia, who stayed in the dormitory of the sky carrier, could hardly calm down their hearts until the sisterhood notified the two girls to claim their steel wings.

Lyudmila and Lilia have learned how to use Iron Wings.

Operating this piece of equipment requires an extremely good sense of balance. Lilia once had two big bumps on her head during special training, so Lilia always seemed a little nervous when assembling that piece of equipment. She carefully checked the status of the force feedback armor equipped with the steel wing servo system, and repeatedly tried to draw the sword with the palm of the steel glove to draw the gun, feeling the deep roar of the power armor, for fear of making mistakes during the flight, or failing to Use the results of your training. During the battle, a small mistake is enough to be fatal, not to mention that the force feedback power armor is not equipped with a parachute at all. If she really makes a mistake, even this armor will hardly save her life.

"Steel Wings have been distributed, and the new fighters can adapt to this operation. These are the live ammunition training results of Lyudmila and Lilia, the melee combat results and the aircraft control results. You dote on those girls too much." Tita reported the progress in detail to Salomon who was sitting on the throne on the bridge. Out of an attitude of being responsible to the monarch, Tita would not let go of any details she thought Salomon needed to know. Salomon also felt her thoughts through the connection of the soul, but in order to protect Tita's self-esteem, he didn't say anything.

With a tired face, he stretched out his hand and caressed Tita's cheek, completely ignoring the blush on the android's face. "You've done a good job, Tita, and you will be needed in the future work." He said slowly, "Our future will be more difficult, and I need all the helpers I can use, because our enemy is God. but me……"

"I will do my best, Master!" Tita muttered in a low voice, but she didn't listen to the latter sentence at all. Twenty minutes ago, she was busy arranging for the escort of an assault transport ship loaded with heavy firepower and a Quin-type fighter jet, while the alien shuttle was taken into the air carrier after its wings were cut off by the accompanying engineering team. In an empty hangar. In order to accommodate the alien shuttle, the sky carrier had to delay takeoff.

Salomon found an excuse to prohibit those Wakanda scientists from working on the data storage device now. His defense against the Wakandas is obvious, but it's not easy to start now.

Tita's enjoyment of Salomon's company was interrupted by a sudden communication from Victoria Hand. The agent's holographic image folded its arms, and the red hair highlighted on the forehead was clearly visible. She was wearing a crisp business suit with a gold intelligence brooch pinned to her chest, and the lightweight exoskeleton issued by the Immortal City was missing. This is a short-range communication, a call request from the aircraft carrier cruising in the Sea of ​​Japan to the aircraft carrier in the sky. "Agent C-A1 sent the latest report." Victoria Hand explained the current situation succinctly and clearly without any nonsense or greetings, "Laura Crawford has escaped from Holy Trinity Prison, C- Agent A1 began tracking. We are tracking the location of the agent through reconnaissance satellite positioning, and he can guide the sisterhood and special forces to carry out precise landing strikes."

"Very good." Salomon nodded, "Remember to keep the agent away from Lara Croft. Lara Croft will never die until she completes her mission."

"Can you disclose what the mission is?" Agent Hand asked, "I believe that the more information you have, the easier it is to control the situation. I don't know why you pay so much attention to a female college student and adventurer."

"Probably the revival of a god." Salomon replied casually, "I don't know much about the Feathered Serpent God. As the god who opened a new era among the second generation of gods, his current situation has not been recognized. Recorded in Karma Taj's library. But anyway, the power of fate is so strange, I don't want my agent to die at the hands of Lara Croft."

"I think you should be concerned about another thing." Agent Hand sent a few pictures to the command terminal of the sky carrier, "Those creatures with blue flames captured by satellites are the real threat."

"Phoenix has already set off first. It will use flames to clear away obstacles, and any creature that plays with flames will not be its opponent."

Ask for a ticket!

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