Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 571 Valley Gem (Second)

Salomon sent a weak apology to Laura in his heart.

Due to his interference, the famous explorer Lara Croft was never able to go on a full adventure. For normal people, they would definitely be full of gratitude when they were rescued in such a desperate situation, but for Laura, this behavior just blocked her way of exploration. But no matter what, he must get the thing called [Sacred Source], because it may be related to the genetic alchemy technology he is about to complete. As for the Holy Trinity, who is also pursuing the [Holy Source], Salomon intends to hand it over to the Sisterhood to solve it. With the help of high-tech force feedback power armor and large-caliber firearms, those Holy Trinity mercenaries will definitely not be the girls' opponents.

Salomon would not mind eradicating this cult from nowhere, if necessary.

He believed that Father Molu must know something. After all, the Holy Trinity had participated in the Crusade, and there must be relevant records within the Roman Church. Moreover, Salomon believed that there were more than one place where the Church of Rome was hiding dirt. He did not forget how he got the copy of the "Necronomicon" in the Karma Taj Library. The cardinal who practiced black magic that His Holiness killed in the past is definitely not an exception. There are many idiots who regard ignorance as faith and lies as truth. Especially like the Holy Trinity, there were not a few churches that wanted to cleanse the world of original sin in the past.

According to the intelligence sent by the agents, Holy Trinity has found the settlements of the aborigines. He speculated that Laura would most likely go there with the local who escaped from the cell together, so when the sky carrier sailed to Siberia, the C-A1 agent was following in Laura's footsteps. On the way, he also discovered a large amount of information that the Soviets had searched for the Lost City, and this information and the military deployment of the Holy Trinity were all sent to the command center through the spy network to prepare for the Sisterhood's assault.

Yet one eye arrived earlier than the skycarrier.

"I want to know why you came here so desperately." The local man turned his back to Laura, concentrating on boiling herbs in the pot. Not long ago, he and Laura escaped from the pursuit of the Holy Trinity gunship. Unfortunately, Laura fell into the water and fell into a coma. She didn't wake up until a few minutes ago. Phoenix listened to their conversation in the flames, not missing a word.

"For the Holy Source." Laura held the bowl. She looked down, looking a little downcast.

"I know what you are looking for. People who come here have only one purpose. What I want to know is the reason."

Laura took a deep breath and told the local man about her childhood experience. It also includes his father's research and the death: Sir Richard Crawford was found dead in the study by his daughter, and it happened not long after Laura had a quarrel with her father. This incident brought her a great psychological shadow. If it weren't for Anna's company, Laura thought she wouldn't even be able to get out of that memory. In the past, Laura thought it was suicide, but Anna's betrayal severely pierced the mask of warmth, which showed that her father's death was not that simple. "I thought I'd learned to take it over," she said, "but..."

"Something else happened?"

"Yes, I can't reveal too much information to you because of my oath. I can only tell you that I saw something that I thought was impossible." Laura smiled slightly. "So everything changed. I don't know you Whether you have watched TV, if you have, you should know that human beings are not alone now. In this world, any unimaginable things are possible."

"So you believe in the existence of the divine source?"

"To be honest, I don't know. But as long as there is a little bit of truth behind it, I must find it out." Although she looks very weak now, Laura's tone still reveals an unimaginable persistence, "Someone has to try to unlock the secrets of the Divine Source. After all, it has the potential to change the world, doesn't it?"

"Believe me, this is not a good thing. Do you want the secret of immortality to fall into the hands of the Holy Trinity?"

"Of course not."

"Then I hope you can continue your current mission with a small change. Join us and help us drive out Constantine and Holy Trinity."

"Then what?"

"Get out of this valley, and you'll know you made the right decision."

"I will fight the Holy Trinity with you, but my goal will not change."

The iron determination in Laura's eyes has not disappeared. What she needs is an answer, an answer that can solve all mysteries. The locals leave disappointed, but he tells Laura the location of the village and the shortcut. Not only that, he also pointed out to Laura the location of the ruins that were covered up by the Soviets with the Gulag prison. Although it was not the legendary lost city, no locals ever wanted to explore that place because it was too dangerous, and he thought Laura might be interested in that place.

"I hope you believe me," the native said before leaving. "Immortality is not a good thing, Laura. That's not a curse the human mind can bear."

The local people live in a warm valley located in the lee of the mountains. Coupled with geothermal heat, broad-leaved plants that are extremely rare in Siberia grow here. The invisible sky carrier is overlooking this special landform from a high position. On a vast land of white snow and black rocky mountains, this place shining with sunshine and greenery is like a gem inlaid in the valley. Even if the C-A1 agents failed to find where the natives lived, the spy satellites were able to pinpoint the only place where people might have survived for a long time.

Thanks to the return of Salomon, the portal is opened again, and the sky carrier does not need to go all out again. Agent Hand has ordered a special operations team to recover that hapless C-A1, and hope he doesn't have frostbite.

Salomon searched the holographic projection screen in the command center for the terrain files sent by the spy satellite. Before the action, the Sky Carrier has released several groups of unmanned reconnaissance planes to scan the surrounding landforms in detail, and draw out a holographic projection of the terrain that can be operated - Salomon originally wanted to find the lost city directly, and led the sisters Will and the special operations team will break into it directly to seize the sacred source. This can minimize the task execution time, and everyone agreed with Salomon's idea.

But smoke rising from below shattered Salomon's plans.

Without Salomon's order, Tita immediately ordered the Sisterhood to attack. Several assault transport boats appeared from the other side of the mountain range, flew towards here with a deafening roar, and opened fire on the Holy Trinity heavy gunship that broke into this place. Other cyborgs in power armor activated the steel wings and jumped off the transport plane. They drew their weapons in the air and fired at the Holy Trinity mercenaries marked on the ground. The locals who were being slaughtered and the Holy Trinity who were slaughtering the locals didn't understand where this armed force came from, but before the mercenaries figured out what was going on, the chainsaw swords of the Sisterhood Having shattered their bones and body armor, high-caliber explosive bullets easily blew human bodies in half.

Lyudmila and Lilia walked through the smoke, firing their bolt pistols at anyone who fired at them. The purpose of the sisterhood is to suppress here, not to protect the locals. Even if the locals plan to fight back with bows and arrows, they will be confronted by armed resistance from the sisterhood. It's just that before Lilia shot, the man who was locked in the same cell as Laura staggered in front of her, and it seemed that the successive explosions made him lose his sense of balance. According to the prompt of the combat command system, this person belongs to the protection target.

Lilia could only force herself to put down the pistol.

"Stop! Stop quickly! They are all my people!" Seeing Lilia stop, he hurriedly told his people not to attack the sisterhood. He seemed to have sensed something, and shouted to the sky, "I know who you are, and I know what you want!"

Ask for a ticket!

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