Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 572: The Secret of the Sacred Source (Part 1)

This is the meal Stephanie made for the top chef hired by Salomon. She paid a fortune to buy out the lifetime service of these chefs and let them serve on the sky carrier, just to provide delicious food for the command. Salomon regretted that he didn't have time to taste the red oil skewers that he had eaten for a long time, but the huge portion of the special Angus beef burger was enough to calm his restless stomach when he directed the action. Everything he eats has been rigorously tested, and everything has to match Dinah's registered diet to ensure that what he eats will keep him healthy.

Of course, that is based on the standard of human physical fitness. Salomon is not an ordinary person. His body is made by the Mother Earth herself. The amount of food he eats far exceeds that of ordinary people. He loves the chef's homemade pickles, and he'll compliment that guy well if he gets the chance.

Even when he was eating, his eyes were fixed on the video information transmitted by the power armor visual assistance system of hundreds of sisterhoods. A microphone inside the helmet cancels out the deafening blast of the bolter, then amplifies dialogue and ambient volume so you don't miss important messages. The local man's voice was accurately transmitted to the command center on the sky carrier, and Salomon, who was busy stuffing food into his mouth, almost choked. Salomon saw the man displaying superb combat skills with great skill, killing the Holy Trinity mercenary with a rifle with a dagger.

The shimmering blue stardust on the edge of the brain suddenly exploded, and the predictions from the future and the shadow of fate pounced on and bit his consciousness. He recognized the man. Although Salomon had never met him, his memory and his prophecy told him that this man had known him for quite a long time. The opponent also had an impression of him, so that the moment the hydraulic hatch of the assault transport boat opened, his eyes immediately locked on Salomon standing among the artificial humans. Without further ado, he recognized Salomon, and greeted him with a dusty greeting quite familiarly.

A bitter taste suddenly appeared in Salomon's mouth.

"How the hell have you become so young?" The man touched his beard and tried to smile, but his eyes were full of sadness. He spoke a rather old Greek, a language Salomon was very familiar with. Athena had taught him to interpret Greek oracles and magic in this language. "I knew you were immortal, but I didn't know you had the ability to grow younger. Damn magic!"

He suddenly sighed. Behind him is the thick smoke soaring into the sky, and the tongue of orange-red fire licks the plants covered with frost and snow uneasily, slowly and firmly melting the permafrost that has not changed for thousands of years. His expression was very melancholy, as if the fire behind him and the stench of death were far away from him. He indifferently ignored the stream of dead bodies and stinking blood left by the Sisterhood at his feet. On the contrary, the fact that Salomon appeared in front of him made him a little unacceptable. It seemed that he had never thought that Salomon would really Appear.

The fighting here was over quickly, and the droids snuffed out Trinity's feeble flames as easily as a white gale blowing across the ridge. They jumped onto the assault transport and rushed towards Trinity Command, where Agent Victoria Hand had directed them. They will eliminate those mercenaries, and then obtain information about the Holy Trinity for Salomon.

"Are you here to end my mission? Can I really be free?"

"I don't know, there are still many things I don't know." Salomon shook his head. The energy in this man's body showed that he was not an ordinary person, and he had already guessed the identity of this man. The soul of an ordinary person will not be so old, he can even smell the rotten smell of this person's soul, and even the super-dimensional bacteria don't want to get close to him. "I need you to explain it to me, Immortal Prophet. We have time to say that Holy Trinity will not be a match for those girls."

The man's name was Jacob, and the red-haired girl next to him was Sophia, whom Laura had met before. Tita's men found Lara Croft at a beacon not far from here, where she was fighting Trinity's mercenaries. She was pleasantly surprised by Salomon's appearance first, and then she stared at the mystic with suspicion, because she didn't know whether the reason for Salomon's appearance here was to obtain the [Holy Source].

"We still have time to talk slowly. Laura, I promise you will know all the truth you want." Salomon followed Jacob and walked into the observatory established by the locals. There is no need to go over the mountains again, and the highly maneuverable assault transport boat will transport them to the designated location. Jacob's daughter Sophia was so close to the appearance of Salomon and a group of artificial humans that she and Laura quickly reached a consensus. She wanted to persuade her father to be more vigilant, but Jacob didn't seem to care about Salomon at all. The purpose of Lomon's coming here.

"The real treasure is not the source of the divine," said Jacob and Salomon as they walked up the stairs to the observatory, Sofia and Lara Croft following them, while the others stayed near the observatory in case the Trinity an attack. Jacob said to Salomon, "I don't know how you forget these things, but I want to tell you that the divine source is just a by-product, and you made it yourself."

Laura couldn't believe her ears. Is the source of the sacred something made by Salomon himself? What is going on in all this? Could it be that Salomon's real age is more than a thousand years old, and this person has been cheating on her during the relationship?

"I don't want to deceive you, Jacob, so I have to tell you the truth." Salomon glanced back at Laura, who was inexplicably agitated, and then looked into Jacob's eyes, "I haven't lost my memory, I really don't Knowing you, because that is the fruit of time travel. The future me jumps into the past timeline and passes through what the past you have kept for the present me. That is, everything you have experienced in the past I have not yet experienced, unless I complete it This time cycle, I can leave the sacred source for you in the past. Although I still don’t know what the future me wants you to help keep, but I know that I can trust you, just like the future me trusts you .”

Jacob glared at Salomon angrily.

"Damn! I knew that you, a magician, would always create troubles that you couldn't solve yourself. You didn't tell me such things at that time!" He waved his hands and said, "I knew this matter was so troublesome , I won’t beg you to save me!”

"I suggest you start from the beginning, Jacob." Salomon stood at the top of the stairs, squinting his eyes towards the snow-capped mountains in the distance. When the sun shines from this warm valley to the frozen snow-capped mountains, Salomon couldn't help but take a few more glances at the stunning scenery, "This is related to the cycle of time. Everything you do here will affect the past. If I missed any details, you might not be standing here now. Even..."

Even Sophia.

Jacob glanced at his daughter who was still ignorant and sighed deeply.

"You are mean, Salomon," he said. "You predicted that I would have a daughter, but you did not tell me that she would be born at this time. Come, and I will tell you all you want to know."

Ask for a ticket!

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