Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 573 A Thousand Years of Watching (Second Change)

It's quite a long story, and the encounter between Jacob and Salomon alone is enough to tell for hours. Everyone present was very curious about what happened in the past, and since Salomon had already dispatched men to destroy the Holy Trinity, Jacob had time to talk slowly. In Jacob's story, Salomon appeared to the world with a burst of golden light, and anyone could see that he was extraordinary.

Jacob explained the question raised by Laura in this way. "Because he asked me to cover up the existence of [Sacred Source] in the name of religion." Jacob said casually, "If it is magic, resurrection from the dead is evil witchcraft. If it is a miracle, then I am A prophet comparable to Jesus. I don’t know why you have such great malice towards Jesus, but I know that your bad taste made the Holy Trinity chase me down.”

"I can apologize." Salomon shrugged, which made him look quite human, no longer the unreasonable big golden guy who walked off the assault transport ship. "But you have to admit that if you don't use religion as a gimmick, those uneducated civilians will never follow you, and even the Byzantine emperor will not help you." He said, "If you don't use religion as a gimmick, You can't survive now."

"Since the so-called resurrection from death is magic, why are there still portraits of angels wearing baroque armor on the murals in Syria? You should know that they are not angels!" Laura, who received treatment, shook her head with difficulty , she looked at Salomon, "Then what is that golden angel? Could it be magic too?"

"No, that golden angel is what he entrusted me to keep, a thing that can't be called a person without knowing it. It's just one of the secrets hidden in Kit City, and he asked me to keep more than that. Don't look at it like that I, Sophia, I can't figure out what other things he wants me to keep." Jacob walked towards the huge copper ring hanging in the center of the observation tower, "If it wasn't for the golden angel, and those civilians who have almost no fighting ability, We couldn't escape the Holy Trinity and the Mongols at all - but he didn't wake up for long, and only barely woke up when I and the mission were in danger. I gathered a group of highly skilled Craftsmen, ordered them to build the magnificent Kit City to protect the sleeping place of the golden angel. Where we are now is the periphery of Kit City, as for the source of the sacred..."

"It's the Philosopher's Stone." Salomon interrupted. The power he felt from the Prophet contained the four elements and the ether, and similar projects were also being carried out in the Immortal City, and the priority was extremely high. "The so-called sacred source is most likely something I created in imitation of the real Philosopher's Stone. The resurrection of the prophet used that imitation."

"You didn't teach me how to use the Philosopher's Stone, Salomon." Jacob's expression became lighter and lighter, as if Salomon's arrival meant that what he expected was about to be accomplished. "You gave me a knockoff, and it wasn't very good quality," he quipped, "so I used that a little bit to embrace self-preservation while the golden angel slept. If you want to complain, Take advantage of it now!"

"Why should I complain?"

"Because I want to tell you that my method of using the Philosopher's Stone is completely imitated from yours. I formed an undead army to protect the golden angel. Now that army has rebelled..."

Salomon sighed.

Immortality doesn't come without a price, and for soldiers who die many times, their souls are consumed by the Philosopher's Stone each time they come back to life. Coupled with Jacob's irregular operation and the weak will of ordinary people, within a few times, the souls of those soldiers would be completely devoured and corrupted. And Jacob who holds the [Divine Source] must be his carefully selected talent in the future. Jacob didn't know that Salomon had known this through the eyes of Phoenix. He said, "If you want to get back the golden angel, you need to eliminate those undead soldiers entrenched in Kit City. There are Mongolian soldiers , There are also Byzantine soldiers, and even the Holy Trinity Knights I persuaded on the way and the Soviets who came here to pioneer. I only hope that you bring enough people, because you are not going to face some ordinary soldiers. "

Salomon looked at Laura Crawford who was standing aside.

"We need an archaeologist to assist in the excavation." He said, "Forget about the sacred source, if you want, I can show you the real Philosopher's Stone, as long as you help me complete this task .I need that stuff badly. Sorry Laura, I can't tell you why, it has nothing to do with whether I'm a mystic or not, I swear I didn't know anything about it before this. Oh! Your fists are real Heavy enough!"

Lara Croft expressed extreme dissatisfaction with the ravages of the real world by the wizarding world. No one knows whether the cultural relics dug up during archaeology are the furniture used by an old guy who is still alive. For example, this time, the source of the sacred came from Salomon. A kind of taunt. It may also be because Salomon's usual performance is too approachable, which makes Laura unable to think about him in the dark and profound.

"Jacob." Salomon patted the dirty coat of the undead prophet, "I need you to mobilize your people to join this work. You can't stay here in the future, even if these Holy Trinity are killed Destroy, and the other Trinities will come back for you. I invite you to join the Immortal City, all your people."

"Then what are we going to do?" Sophia asked, "Our people are born for this!"

"It's not anymore, there is a greater cause waiting for you." Salomon said. Jacob closed his eyes and nodded in agreement with Salomon. His expression looked very relaxed, and the thousand-year watch was finally over.

"Girls are supposed to have an inheritance too?" he said. "Sophia will get everything from me."

"Yes, I can see that loyal blood flows in her body."

"What are you talking about, father?" Sophia asked with a puzzled face, a certain ominous premonition arose in her heart. Since she was a child, her father has demonstrated the ability to let her see him as the greatest person in the world. No matter what kind of disease, Jacob can cure it with the herbs he made himself. She always thought that her father would not be hurt, but now she saw the wounds in Jacob's soul that would never heal.

"I've lived too long, Sophia. Immortality is a curse. It's not a gift, but a curse that the human mind cannot bear. I'm just an ordinary person who got the chance to die and come back to life because of luck. All I have My abilities are all false, and no god has ever sent a miracle for me. You can tell the people in this way that I am a liar who has been deceiving them. The best thing I have ever encountered in my life is to meet your mother, Then I have you." He laughed miserably. Jacob gently pushed his daughter away and knelt down on one knee in front of Salomon.

"This is the end of my watch," he said. "Your sword can neutralize the power of [Holy Source]. I need you to set me free, my lord."

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