Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 574 We Still Have Time (Part 1)

Sofia tugged at her father's gray overcoat desperately, acting like a naive little girl.

She tried to pull Jacob up from the dusty old stone bricks. The girl who was so fierce when she first met Laura burst into tears. She is the object of admiration for all the young people in the village, and she is a strong warrior who leads the tribe to fight against outsiders. However, she can't do anything now, and no amount of accurate bows can solve this problem. She kept questioning in her heart whether she had neglected her father too much in the past—she thought her father was an invulnerable prophet. in the exhaustion. [Sacred Source] can heal his body, but it cannot repair his soul. The accidental death of his wife has left a deep wound on his already broken mind that will never heal.

"I'm really tired, I'm just an ordinary person." Jacob lowered his head, the pale sunlight shone through the small hole at the top of the observation tower, isolating him and Salomon in this barren building . "No matter how much knowledge you have given me, my mind is still mortal. You can ask me no more, my lord, my mission is complete, and the damned curse you bestowed on me should end."

Sophia took a step back, drew the longbow, and aimed the arrow at Salomon. She looked at the mystic through tears, until the next blink, and Catherine's longsword rested on her neck. The cyborg put his finger on the start button with a sullen expression, and with just one press, the young and tight neck and beautiful red hair would be cut off by the sharp sawtooth and crushed into a puddle of blood and flesh. But both Salomon and Jacob ignored the conflict around them, they looked into each other's eyes.

"This is the first time we met, but I will see you again in the future." Salomon said with a smile, "It's just that I am the one who remembers everything at that time. I believe that I will laugh at you in the future .”

"You did." Jacob heaved a sigh of relief, a smile crawled up his cheeks, lingering in the wrinkles around his eyes.

"I think we all need some time." Salomon bent down and pressed Jacob's shoulder lightly. Watching for a thousand years is a huge burden for any mortal, even the supreme mage can't bear this kind of pain. This kind of pain has nothing to do with flowers, sunshine, and all good and new things. The endless wailing of his own soul slowly decaying, repeatedly enduring the torment of nightmares in the dark night. Time can get confused in memory, and sometimes it is impossible to tell the difference between memory and reality. "I know what it feels like to live forever, but now is not the time." Salomon sighed, thinking of His Holiness, "Jacob, you still have some time. I think, the reason why the future me will tell you that you will Having a daughter is probably just so you can enjoy some more family company. It's important, it's the only thing we have in this lonely universe and dark future."

"I'm sorry that you need to face that future alone," Jacob said.

"It's okay, I was ready from birth. What about your decision?"

"Time is a cycle, isn't it? The choices I make don't change."

"At least not now, Jacob," Salomon said. "You still have time to write greeting cards, drink alcohol, play extreme sports, and you still have time before this job is done. Let's kill the Holy Trinity here first ,how?"

"What you say, my lord." Jacob jumped up, relaxed and happy, as if he had become the young man that the future Salomon met again. "The reason I brought you here is because it leads to the Lost City. Everything you want is there. The engineer who built it made a map, and this observation tower is where the engineer inspected the construction process. You need Find the imaging equipment they left behind, and you can get a map of the lost city. I don't know what you left for yourself, but I think you must have your own plans."

"Look, I just said we still have work to do. Did I just promise you that you wouldn't tell me the news?"

"Anyway, you can find out with your own ability, can't you?" Jacob shook his head with a smile, "Sophia, we should entertain guests. Let the boys enjoy the food he brought, we need a celebration! "

"Are you not planning to commit suicide?" Sophia asked with round eyes.

"Don't be stupid, I'm an immortal prophet."

Salomon looked at Lara Croft. "You don't need to work too hard this time, my dear archaeologist." Salomon said, "You can explore patiently without missing a single detail. I assure you, you will know what you want know everything."

"Including the gifts you left for yourself?"

"Hmm, that's impossible." Salomon raised his eyebrows, imagining what his future self would leave for his present self. This kind of thinking is similar to making a wish. He has determined what he needs now, and his future self will try his best to prepare for his past self. It sounds funny, but it's true.

All carrier-based aircraft have already set off, but in order to cause minimal damage to the terrain, the Sisterhood can only use the firepower of the assault transport boat itself and the airdrop combat team to clean up the mercenaries hidden in the deep mountains. The bullets of ordinary people can't penetrate the armor of the girls at all, and the Kevlar body armor and ceramic armor plates can't resist the explosive bullets of . Being plowed——It is not that the leader of the Holy Trinity, Constantine, has tried to fight back, but after the sky carrier's macro artillery bombardment that caused an avalanche and caused the hull to tilt slightly, no one insisted on not surrendering.

Although the opponents of the sky carrier in the first actual combat were only a few armed helicopters, the problems exposed urgently needed to be solved by the engineers of the Immortal City. There are still a bunch of ideas about armaments waiting to be realized in the Immortal City, Salomon decided to let them slow down and check past mistakes and omissions.

There is no chance to look for mistakes on the battlefield, and mistakes mean death.

He did not stay long in Siberia.

After confirming that almost all the Holy Trinity mercenaries were wiped out, Salomon returned to the Immortal City on the sky carrier, where he left an elite squad of the Sisterhood, several assault transport ships and a large number of supplies. , making sure the girls will bring back what he wants. Of course, the most important thing is Phoenix, which bears the responsibility of controlling the overall situation.

Laura visited this miraculous city under Rome with great interest, and then she followed Salomon into the cell: where her stepmother and the leader of the Holy Trinity, Constantine, Salomon was imprisoned. Determined to ask the specific information of the Holy Trinity through the mouths of these two people. Anna, Laura's stepmother, looked very depressed after being captured. The medical staff of the Immortal City informed Salomon that Anna's physical condition was not optimistic. Constantine initially showed symptoms of mania, but soon he became obsessed with prayer.

"It sounds like a student association at Oxford University. I'm sure the headquarters of Trinity is in the UK, and most of the members have studied at Oxford." Salomon waved his hand, his expression looked ten minutes teasing, it was hard for ordinary people to imagine him What kind of psychological shock has just been experienced not long ago. Even if he knew it, he could only praise him for being too strong psychologically. "I can smell the stupidity of those babbling gods at the seminary, and I'm a physics student."

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