Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 575 Project progress (second update)

"You can turn them over to the law."

Facing Laura's extremely innocent words, Salomon could only give her a very cute and helpless look. Ancient orders like the Holy Trinity that can survive to modern times are without exception a capitalized plutocratic marriage system like the Knights Hospitaller. Only those orders that operate capitalized can survive, except for the Knights Templar Outside of the overly arrogant consortium. If there is no financial support from the plutocrats, or if the plutocrats themselves are the Holy Trinity, a religious order that only has faith alone cannot afford an armed helicopter, even the Church of Rome does not have this ability. At least not on the surface, but Salomon knows how sharp the knife behind the Church of Rome is.

As for that damned Molu, he seems to have some prophecy ability. When Salomon returned to Earth, he received an email from him. Of course, Salomon, who has always hated the church, chose to ignore it as usual, which made Father Molu's careful words come to naught.

Salomon can be sure that the armed helicopters shot down by the Immortal City in Siberia are likely to be the Apache helicopters purchased and improved by the United Kingdom from the United States. In a few days, the news of the gunship training crash will appear at the bottom of the red box placed on the Prime Minister's desk. It is time to mention this bad news to ensure the prime minister's right to know. It is almost a certainty that senior civil servants will be dutiful with their PPI pensions, knighthoods, cricket tickets, opera tickets and every boozing dinner they attend.

He politely declined Laura's request.

After promising not to kill the two, he sent Lara Croft, who had been asking questions, back to the temporary workstation in Siberia. The Immortal City itself is a great dungeon full of cultural relics and historical relics, ranging from ancient Egyptian relics to modern science. Laura lingers in the museum organized by Salomon, and what she finds here almost makes her Forget about the lost cities of Siberia.

There is still a lot of work to be done there, and the engineering team that Salomon left there is also busy, such as burning bodies and rebuilding homes. Although Jacob has planned to let Sophia lead the people to join the Immortal City, there is still a lot of work to be done before that. The first is to receive a science education. What Jacob could teach the people was the skills of survival, philosophy and theology, and they knew very little else. Most villagers do not know how to use smartphones and computers, and even the most basic radio communication needs to be learned.

Jacob is an exception. As the prophet carefully selected by Salomon, he has a learning ability beyond ordinary people, and this learning ability has also been passed on to Sophia. She will become the leader of the tribe in the future and continue to lead them to survive. Sophia chose to ignore Salomon's suggestion that they abandon their faith. It's not because the girl is still hostile to the person who might take her father away, she is purely from a practical point of view-although she already knows that her father is not a real prophet, but it is not true that he has been entrenched in the village for thousands of years. The changed belief is the real cohesion, supporting her father all the way from Byzantium to Siberia.

Even if this belief is completely false, no matter how ignorant Sophia is, she will not give up this power.

Salomon did not comment on this. He believes that as long as they are educated scientifically, those people will find out how stupid those belief words that can only deceive children are. Science and rationality are the mainstream of progress in the Immortal City, and all religious beliefs are ignorant, which is the tone Salomon set for the entire organization. After returning to the Immortal City, he found Stephanie, who was dizzy from work, and hugged her gently-checking her physical and mental conditions along the way.

Not surprisingly, Stephanie is healthy. The heavy workload didn't overwhelm her, and she was in very good spirits. As for the talent that Salomon was worried about, Stephanie didn't show it. He told Stephanie that on his own initiative, he arranged for her to undergo intensive surgery to delay aging, the result of a biological laboratory that would promote telomere splitting and DNA recombination. Combined with expensive bioalchemy potions, she can restore the youthful vigor of twenty years old.

Stephanie was very moved, especially when she heard that Salomon was going to hand over alien technology to her scientific research department, she was sure of her position in Salomon's heart. Salomon asked Stephanie's scientific research group to concentrate on the study of peripheral nerve connections, rather than the easy-to-interference method of amplifying and compiling electrical signals.

Salomon will not stay in one place for long, he will visit many places. For example, Lorelei in the underground cell, before Salomon left, she was chained to a restraint torture device, during which no one helped her to untie her, and she remained locked there. There was nothing to hear, nothing to see, only consciousness still active, the echo of herself after her company. This extreme silence is a kind of torture for anyone, so that after he unshackled Lorelei, her first words were "F*ck me!"

Stockholm Syndrome has taken shape, and Salomon can send her to Asgard for work at any time.

She will become Salomon's most important spy, involved in the great plan of the future.

Maya Hansen's genetic alchemy lab also needs attention.

Salomon spent some time checking out the work of the Sola Honglin Druid Order and Maya Hansen's neuroepigenetic experiments on historical figures. The performance of the experimental subjects was handed over to Salomon by Maya Hansen, and Salomon was most concerned about the experimental subjects in the Genome of the Knights of the Round Table. Now that gene editing technology has matured in the Immortal City, with the help of the terrifying knowledge shared by Salomon, the biological laboratory is heading towards a field that no one has yet explored on Earth.

Of course, they can't reproduce the genetic engineering of humans by the Celestial Group like the Cree, but with the release of the alien technology, the biological laboratory will also receive technical support. They will undoubtedly win the Nobel Prize, but it is a pity that these experiments cannot be known after all, because there are too many ethical and moral violations in this experiment.

Just using felons as live experiments is enough to make Salomon wanted by Interpol.

As for the research on artificial intelligence, the U.S. Intelligence Department, which is also a competitor, would like Salomon to commit suicide with eight shots behind him. Nobody hates stealing the world's internet information more than they do because it's their job. It's just that Salomon's identity protection has always been in place, and no outsiders still know that he participated in the Battle of New York and the Battle of London. Even if someone knew, Gideon Malik at the State Department would help.

Salomon still doesn't know what happened to the Malik family. In a news report he missed, Gideon Malik had been recuperating at home for a while.

"Good evening, dear!" Salomon walked into the apartment with a large bouquet of roses, and was greeted by a flying cat and bullets. Joan used everything that could be used as a weapon at hand, including the Cheshire cat that was still eating cat food just now. Salomon caught the cat in another hand, dodged the bullet, inserted a rose into the muzzle of Joan of Arc, and finally put the bouquet of roses into Bayonetta's arms. The black-haired witch raised the corners of her mouth, pushed her glasses in satisfaction, and the shadow of the butterfly reflected on the wooden floor flapped its wings happily.

She keenly noticed the difference in Salomon.

"Hmm~" She drew out the charming ending, "It seems that Boya, you learned a lot after you went out."

Ask for a ticket!

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