Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 578: The Owner of the Lost City (Part 1)

Salomon ignored the Avengers' hunt for Hydra; he took it as a joke, and he was now living off the joke. Under the hands of the big bourgeois compradors supported by the United States, the Hydra entrenched in Sokovia has become an organization of conscience and the light of the nation. The Maximov siblings have told Salomon more than once about the brutality of the comprador class, and even the establishment of terrorist organizations and the feudal system are more advanced than the compradors. As for how poor Sokovia is, the information Salomon consulted told him that this is a country that even Su Xunzong Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev could not support.

After the disintegration of the Soviet Union, armed politics broke out one after another in the local area. The pro-American regime came to power, and the president became a comprador of the United States, trying to turn Sokovia into the back garden of the United States. However, the facts have proved that Sokovia's industrial strength cannot match that of Ukraine. There are more stones in the country than soil, and the only agriculture is tobacco, and there is no family property to sell. Unsurprisingly, Sokovia has been reduced to the toilet paper of the United States, and even the only international news page has been divided by neighboring Ukraine. If Wanda Maximoff hadn't been surrounded by Chaos magic, Salomon would only have seen her in the boot camp of the Sisterhood of the Immortal City.

But the benefit of being worthless is not without it, that is, no one thinks highly of this country, so that the people's livelihood in Sokovia is barely passable during the civil war. The village where the Maximov brothers and sisters live is even more worthless. Except for the civil war launched by the opposition that year, it has never experienced war, at least it has not been reduced to the point where the poor in the Philippines are eating slop.

Therefore, the Avengers are definitely not welcomed in Sokovia. To some extent, they represent the Western invaders, a violent group colluding with local compradors. However, neither Tony Stark nor Steve Rogers ever realized this problem. One is a big capitalist, and the other is a super soldier who has never seen the results of "democracy" exported by the United States. Although the latter is already on the way of learning, he still needs time. Steve Rogers already had an idea in his mind after seeing the tragic situation in Latin American countries, but he is still busy chasing his past companions and has no time to think about it. As for Tony Stark, he is completely insulated from this kind of thinking. Although he no longer sold weapons and equipment to the U.S. government, he lobbied for the withdrawal of U.S. troops, and adopted a simpler and more direct method to combat terrorist organizations.

He took care of the terrorist organization himself.

Since the smuggling channel of Stark Group's high-tech equipment was interrupted, those terrorist organizations that were once cultivated by the United States have no high-tech missiles (even if they do, they will not use them), and no air force. Tony Stark is wearing a steel suit It's like entering the land of no one. This situation was completely feasible when S.H.I.E.L.D. still existed, but now that S.H.I.E.L.D. is gone, Stark's efforts to crack down on extremist religious organizations have also been forced to stop. This irresistible big capitalist can only devote himself wholeheartedly to hunting down Hydra.

Salomon watched with Immortal City on the sidelines.

Agent Natasha Romanoff will regularly report to him on the actions of the Avengers, Agent Victoria Hand is also looking for traces of Coulson's team, and Stephanie Malik is like a hydra intelligence agent. The giant spider on the Internet chooses and devours people. Except for Stephanie, no one knows how much power and strength Salomon has in the secular world, and how many assets he controls under his name.

He never hoards wealth, and every banknote will be invested by him in industrial development and scientific experiments. He dares to say that no one in the world can pay more attention to the development brought by science and technology to mankind than himself, and no one can master it. Many advanced technologies. In addition, the Sisterhood's regular raids and rescue operations brought a steady stream of soldiers, and the small foundry was operating day and night, filling the armament warehouses of the Immortal City with high-tech standard equipment. According to Stephanie's estimation, after completely eating Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D., Salomon's power will not only be able to launch an armed coup in Africa, where the per capita prenatal education is, but it should not be a problem to conquer half of Latin America or Central America.

Perhaps a Falklands War could be won, against Britain.

But Salomon still concentrates on farming and accumulating strength, and the thick construction plan is full of Stephanie's file cabinet.

He wants construction, not war.

Right under Wakanda's nose, Stephanie is recruiting scientists and researchers around the world, intending to implement Salomon's Mars Foundry plan, completely rid the Immortal City of Wakanda's industrial base, and build it into a future industry Product production places, high-tech research and development centers and arsenals. Following the group of scientists to Mars, apart from the automated construction equipment, there is also the corpse of the Celestial Group that is about to be excavated from under the thick ice layer of the Antarctic.

That would be a research program of the highest order.

No matter how Shu Rui protested, Salomon firmly forbade anyone not on the list of the Martian foundry to carry out this research. The reason he gave is also quite strong and irrefutable: there are many unsolved mysteries and biochemical hazards in the corpses of the Celestial Group, which require further processing by a large number of spellcasters. As a professional, Salomon does his part.

King T'Chaka of Wakanda is not ignorant of Salomon's little tricks, but he can only cooperate. Because Wakanda is a bulk tribal regime with a strong religious atmosphere, the national leaders are also theocratic leaders, as are the tribal chiefs. Unity is never possible unless the nation is about to perish. Even if T'Chaka wants to do something to Salomon, the agreement between the panther god Bast and the mystic will stop him.

This is the power that Salomon has developed in the past few years. Except for a very small number of people, no one knows that this young man reading in the library of Oxford University is a standard warlord, and no one knows that his armed forces have exceeded Many small countries. Stephanie put everything in order, and she was like a right and left hand to Salomon, an inseparable part. The treacherous Gideon Malik wanted to make a proposal on this, but Stephanie ruthlessly refused. Stephanie knew how long Salomon's lifespan was, and Salomon also arranged for her the next hundred years. In this ambitious daughter of Hydra who sees the future, the importance of the Malik family is not as important as Salomon's career. In Stephanie's eyes, only people like Salomon can lead humans to fight against aliens.

Fighting aliens, however, is just the most inconspicuous part of Salomon's future plans.

So busy Salomon naturally turned down invitations from the Avengers who finally found out he was an adult (19) and he had other things to do. After the work of the engineering team, the combat team and the locals, Kit City was finally dug out from the thick ice and the mountain—but the construction process was a bit rough. In order to meet the construction deadline, Catherine, the naturally optimistic android, ordered to blast the frozen soil buried in the lost city. She used her authority to launch several large-yield ground-penetrating missiles, which also triggered a large avalanche.

But clearing snow is much easier than clearing frozen soil, directly shortening the construction period by three-fifths.

At the same time, this also allowed Sophia to see the strength of the Immortal City. The sky carrier is too far away to be intuitive enough, and the array of ground-penetrating bombs and shelling is enough to make the stubborn locals think about whether to stick to their beliefs. Of course, Salomon's naturalization policy was not so tough, and Jacob's identity as the undead prophet played a big role in it.

The Lost City welcomes its first owner.

Ask for a ticket!

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