Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 579 Exploring Kit City (Part 1) (Second update)

Sophia wiped the hot sweat from her neck. For a Siberian girl who grew up living in a world of ice and snow, the temperature at the landing point was really unbearable. She had never felt such a temperature before, she only felt that her skin was repeatedly stimulated by hundreds of needles, and it became red and tingling. Compared to Sophia's embarrassment, Laura just took off her mountaineering suit and put on the leather jacket she put on again.

Jonah is still preparing for the exploration in the logistics, and has not followed up for the time being.

"You'd better prepare some thick clothes. Although that won't help you in battle, it would be too stupid to freeze to death here." As the culprit for abusing the ground-penetrating bomb, Catherine was not punished by the Immortal City, Instead, he was rewarded by Tita. The sorority's core philosophy is that it will do anything to get the job done, and an avalanche alone won't scare them. Catherine happily pressed the button on the assault transport boat, and as the gate opened, hot and dry air rushed in. She jumped off the transport boat, stepped on a piece of scorched black bone that was stuck to the stone brick with an unknown object with her steel high heels, and some molten black iron objects with no discernible shape or purpose were scattered at the feet of the landing personnel. It almost sprained Sofia's ankle.

Waiting for them here is a big golden-red bird. It proudly watched the girls disembark the transport boat. It was not until Catherine saluted it that the proud phoenix lowered its head and greeted Catherine, ignoring the surprised gazes of the other two girls. That's why the landing site was dry, and Phoenix burned all the dead who came to stop it, evaporating every trace of moisture. Phoenix is ​​the bottom line and the fuse in this mission, and it will ensure that those girls can complete the mission no matter what.

If it weren't for the complete meltdown of all the snow and ice that would have been a total ecological disaster, Phoenix would be more than happy to do it.

However, outside the landing point, this lost city that used to praise the gods in the past only rotten dead people still linger, decay and melted snow soak every building here, and the stone bricks placed here thousands of years ago are scattered all the time. With biting cold. To this day, people who enter the Lost City can still see the exquisite reliefs and city layout of Kit City, as well as the special crosses that can be seen at any time. Completely different from the dense urban planning of the Middle Ages that was popular at the time, it was full of the artistic beauty of the ancient Greek period, and the whole city was like a large temple. Sculptures, murals and pillars are scattered throughout the city, which shows how grand Jacob's original plan was. He wanted to make this place a kingdom of God on earth.

But now there are only dead people here.

Due to Jacob's wrong operation, the [Divine Source] that maintained his life was instead controlled by the soldiers he resurrected.

More than a thousand years later, only the dead wearing iron armor are still wandering in the city. The sound of the collision of the armor plates accompanied by repeated condensation of snow water is forever engraved into the cracks in the stone bricks of the lost city. There are endless echoes. After walking out of the landing point, the atmosphere of the Lost City immediately became eerie. Perhaps it was the resonance caused by the sound of the engine of the assault transport boat. Huge ice stalagmites fell from the sky and smashed non-stop, making the soles of people's feet numb. Facing such a scene, Catherine began to regret that she did not carry a heavy flamethrower—if she used the newly developed chemical fuel flamethrower and a few rockets, she was confident that she could clear all obstacles by herself without waiting for a slow fire. Tuntun's engineering team came to carry out safety construction reinforcement.

She whimsically wanted to shoot down the stalagmites in the assault transport boat, but was quickly stopped by the more stable android.

While Catherine was waiting for the follow-up engineering team to enter and dreaming of being rewarded by the monarch in a daze, Sophia couldn't help shivering. She had heard the stories of Kit City when she was a child, but none of the stories Jacob told mentioned the current situation of Kit City. , there is nothing more important than playing mud and snowball fights. It was only under Jacob's insistence that Sophia did not become an ignorant fool at the level of prenatal education. She could speak Greek and was extremely proficient, able to understand those stone tablets that Laura couldn't understand.

She can also do mathematics, which is entirely the result of Jacob's forced education. The suppression team brought Laura Crawford with the consent of the Immortal City's Internal Affairs Office. Although Catherine didn't like this archaeologist who tried to make trouble, she still carried out the order with the seal.

Because of this, Laura and Sofia were able to join the team instead of being chased away by Catherine.

"I will try to avoid using artillery to bombard there, but the premise is that you obey the command and don't run around. I don't know why the monarch likes you so much, but you must obey me here." Catherine pointed to the city of Kit in the distance. Said the gate of the fortress. In order to allow material transport vehicles to pass, Catherine must order the engineering team to clean up the collapsed facilities and rocks. Even though the rock-smashed dwellings have little archaeological value, this still aroused Laura's dissatisfaction until Catherine brought out her archaeological operation reports in Japan and Syria.

Laura Crawford, who was going wherever she was, still had nothing to say after all. Sophia didn't object either, because the scene here was very different from the lost city she had heard about when she was a child, and it was not what she imagined at all.

"We will clean up those undead soldiers before the arrival of the monarch," Catherine said.

"He's coming?" Laura raised her eyebrows in surprise. She was used to these girls in high-tech power armor calling Salomon, but she was still surprised that Salomon would come. She originally thought that she would not be able to see him for a while, because judging by the way he left at that time, it seemed that he was going to hand over all the work here to the combat team and the engineering team.

"The monarch is very concerned about that thing." Catherine didn't mind revealing more information to Laura before the operation began. Sophia leaned over pretending not to care, and at the same time pricked up her ears to listen carefully. "The monarch believes that the items he entrusted to the Undead Prophet will help the current situation of the Immortal City." Catherine said, "This is a very logical judgment, and everything is in the monarch's plan."

Laura Cloud nodded. She would never refute Salomon's questions with those girls, because they couldn't tolerate any doubts about him.

A few red flashes flew from the rear of the assault transport ship, with a buzzing sound and a vertically downward glare, heading straight for the blue-black Kit City. This is a drone with a signal repeater, which can form a huge communication network and is an important device for combat teams and engineering teams to maintain communication with the outside world. At the same time, these devices can also scan the internal structure of Kit City, and jointly draw a three-dimensional map of Kit City, so that every corner can be clearly felt.

It was a high-tech triumph, at least Laura was relieved to see the steady stream of drones swooping into the gloom with their LED lights on. In her opinion, this belongs to Salomon's emphasis on cultural relics and history. She knew that this was very rare for Salomon, and it was difficult for a person who lived among cultural relics to appreciate the cultural value behind the cultural relics. She suddenly felt intense jealousy of Salomon's life, but she vividly remembered the wealth of treasures in the apartment of Salomon's adoptive mother. If archaeologists had seen those things, they might have made extremely important research on the entire history of ancient Greece and Rome.

As for the book "The Hero's Journey" written by the lady named Minerva, Laura subconsciously ignored it.

No one can change the unsalable fate of that book, this is the power of magic.

Ask for a ticket!

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