Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 582 Stripper (Part 1)

Solving the human trafficking chain in Eastern Europe is a long-term task of the Immortal City. It aims to select qualified girls to fill the sorority reserve team, and the men will become staff members of the Immortal City after receiving education. The output value of this modern slave trade is as high as billions of euros, and it spreads all over Europe and the United States. Politicians who want to win votes care more about cats and dogs or any animal that gets served at the dinner table than slaves who may die at any moment, or are refugees and the vested interests of identity politics (you get the idea).

After all, slaves did not have the right to vote, living people did, and so did legalized refugees.

In this respect, modern Europe has quite a legacy of ancient Greece.

In 2005, "Human Trafficking" was made into a movie, but the issue of human trafficking in Eastern Europe did not attract the attention of the local government. In 2010, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime presented a report at the Global Reporting Conference on Human Trafficking, which covers detected human trafficking cases in 148 countries and provides an overview of human trafficking patterns and flows at the global, regional and national levels , and how traffickers take advantage of poor socio-economic conditions to recruit and exploit victims - yet all efforts fail, the UN can't do anything, and even peacekeepers stationed in Europe were involved in the Eastern European slave trade. Whether it is gangsters, terrorist organizations or local governments, they have all got involved in this industrial chain. Today, the problem of human trafficking in Eastern Europe has not improved, but has intensified.

Agent Victoria Hand had an intelligence team dedicated to this sort of problem.

Solutions include but are not limited to airborne decapitation operations, bombardment of heavy artillery positions, and mechanized infantry mopping and advancing.

The Immortal City doesn't care who is involved in this industrial chain, what identity and social status it is, the big ships and cannons of the Immortal City can solve all problems. The former gangster Elijah who is still in prison has helped a lot in this matter. If he hadn't revealed the human trafficking industry chain on the east coast of the United States, Agent Victoria Hand would not have been able to conduct investigations on the participants so quickly. hit. Agent Hand once worried that Salomon's violent methods would cause reactions from various countries and define the Immortal City as a terrorist organization, but the facts told her that Salomon didn't care.

The sky carrier appeared directly near the Virgin Islands through the portal, and started a war with the private army of the Clinton family. Now the rich and powerful Immortal City left a nuclear warhead in the stumps and cannon craters everywhere, the same one that the Sisterhood once captured, and the one that was launched by the World Security Council during the Battle of New York. Any organization with a global nuclear strike capability will not be ignored. Even the CIA can only swallow this bitter fruit after the investigation. After all, according to the past behavior of the Immortal City, launching a nuclear bomb to Washington is not a good idea. impossible.

The current Immortal City is still covered with a layer of hydra skin. Agent Victoria Hand has a wealth of experience in cleaning up traces. All clues were completely interrupted with the death of Alexander Pierce. Even the CIA could not track down the true face of the Immortal City, let alone the tyrant sitting on the throne Who is it.

The CIA refers to this organization as Kraken, which means a giant sea monster that suddenly appears and disappears like Kraken.

Stephanie was rewarded as the biggest contributor to this mission, and she has the right to select talents from the girls who were dealt with, and fill them into the government affairs team of the Immortal City. Of course, the population is not the only harvest of this mission, and the rescue is just incidental. The main goal of Stephanie and the sisterhood is an account book, information about the source of the population-according to the intelligence, Whitehall's bio company is the upstream of this industrial chain. On the one hand, he collected people for human experiments, and on the other hand, he opened up the joints of the US government through human trafficking. Stephanie stunned the few remaining HYDRA heads with a swift strike, forcing Whitehall to throw in the towel before meeting Salomon.

Surrender, or die, was Stephanie's warning to Whitehall.

She believes that Whitehall has the ability to know the details of the investigation of this battle, and he can fully understand the subtext revealed by the nuclear warhead: an organization capable of seizing nuclear warheads from an air force base near Washington is related to the Malik family. The leader of the family, Stephanie Malik, and Salomon Damonette, who often appeared by her side, were the owners of that armed force, and a cooperation was reached between them.

Salomon was late because he was in San Juan, Puerto Rico, for a negotiation.

Not a smooth negotiation.

Salomon spat secretly. He didn't expect that this negotiation would run into an old acquaintance.

Agent Coulson led his team to track down an object called [The Obelisk].

That object is the original 0-84 item of S.H.I.E.L.D., confiscated from Dr. Whitehall by the Howling Commandos led by Margaret Carter on the eve of the end of World War II. But neither Whitehall nor Peggy Carter at the time knew the real purpose of the [Obelisk], and Skye's father called that thing the [Prophet]. The detailed process ("Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 2" episodes 1-9) Salomon didn't really want to know, and he didn't bother to tell others what the [Obelisk] was, especially when someone pointed a gun at his head when.

He cared more about Dr. Whitehall's organ transplants than the Cree chemicals. What kind of power makes this old Nazi still as energetic as a young man? How did he solve the problem of rejection?

"I don't know how you got involved in this, but you'd better not move, Salomon." Agent Coulson was a little nervous, and his finger on the pistol was on the trigger, "This is not a non-lethal Weapons. Tell me what you know, where is Skye? What have you got to do with Whitehall?"

The mystic who was sitting on the soft chair rolled his eyes.

Damn Whitehall, is that what he calls a gift?

At the beginning of the conversation, Whitehall, wearing old-fashioned round glasses, showed a refined and easy-going appearance, which did not show the brutal nature of the old Nazi at all. Immediately after he said that he would prepare a gift for Salomon, he left the room and asked the guests to wait in the living room for a while.

"You may not believe it, but I was invited to watch the striptease. Is that okay?" After obtaining permission, Salomon took out an invitation letter exuding a charming fragrance from the inner lining of the holy shroud. Coulson took the invitation and quickly browsed through it, then showed a very strange expression. He thought of the scantily clad girls in a room he had passed. "It looks like someone set me up, Agent Coulson, I thought it was a normal business activity. Oh, you mean Skye?" Salomon tried to make a blank and innocent expression, "I thought the performer was The most beautiful retro girl in the world, not a slovenly wild girl."

"Don't you know what happened here?" Agent Coulson threw away the invitation letter, and continued to point his gun at the mystic.

"Isn't it normal to have armed guards guarding a private strip/dance? I remember it's always been like that in TV shows."

"Don't play tricks, Salomon."

"Don't be stupid, Coulson. If I were with Whitehall, you would have died." Salomon suddenly changed his expression. He stood up abruptly and faced Agent Coulson, "I managed to get close to Whitehall, and you came here. I'm investigating an old interstellar case, about the Kree's genetic experiment on humans. This case involves the gods of the main material world (the Celestial Group) and their extended products (the ancestor race, the Creator of the Cree), including the genetic code of human beings. Whitehall is the most researched person on earth in this area , I want to dig out the results of his experiments. Now that you have disrupted all my plans, I also want to know where Whitehall has gone!"

"Okay." Agent Coulson put away the gun in doubt, facing the powerful Salomon, "My business is also very important, and millions of people may die at any time. We have a common purpose. Skye was killed. Whitehall got it, and her father got involved in it." He took a deep breath. Although he still has doubts about Salomon's purpose, it is certain that the mystic master disdains to lie to him, and previous cooperation has also proved that Salomon is on the side of humans, "I want to rescue Skye and stop White. Hall uses the [Obelisk], a weapon of mass destruction. Help me, Salomon, use your magic, and I promise to give you the results of Whitehall's research, and we will interrogate him together."

"I want his brain, I want it whole," Salomon said. "If Whitehall's brain is destroyed, our agreement is broken. Understand?"

"make a deal."

"Very good." Salomon whistled, and a few barks came from the shadows under his feet. Coulson only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and several black shadows rushed to every corner of the mansion, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Ask for a ticket!

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