Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 583 The dead have to speak (second more)

Salomon has repeatedly stated that he has no interest in the love-hate relationship between S.H.I.E.L.D. Agent Coulson naturally wouldn't believe such nonsense. He knew that Salomon took advantage of the collapse of S.H.I.E.L.D. to expand its power and seized many materials that originally belonged to S.H.I.E.L.D. This is the first time he has seen the mystic since the Hydra rebellion and the disbandment of SHIELD. He heard from the surviving SHIELD agents how Salomon suppressed the Hydra rebellion and regained the command of the SHIELD aircraft carrier. central. Whatever Salomon's intentions, he saved the lives of many good agents, and that alone deserves Agent Coulson's gratitude.

"You are really kind, Agent Coulson, the beauty of humanity is so bright in you that people can't open their eyes." Salomon pushed open the door of the living room, and walked out very leisurely, without any worry that he would be shot . "Have you talked to Agent Hill? Have you talked to Nick Fury, to be precise?" He held his breath, skipped over a pool of blood and bits of flesh, and slid over a pool of blood and scraps of flesh with a heavy sledgehammer capable of planing wood chips. The nasal voice asked, "Did Nick Fury tell you about the deal we made?"

"No." Agent Coulson couldn't help grinning as he looked at the armed men lying on the ground. The strong smell of blood and dirty black blood are everywhere. The unlucky guy's throat was torn apart, and the wound looked like it was left by some kind of animal. Reminiscent of the shadow he saw before, he can be sure that it is Salomon's handwriting.

Horrible magic, weird magic, Agent Coulson didn't think anyone in the world could resist such a sudden and terrifying attack. This is simply the most unprepared assassination method in the world. Coulson gradually believed Salomon's statement that he was not in the same boat as Whitehall, on the contrary, he was ready to kill the Hydra at any time.

"What deal?" he asked. "Also, I'm sorry to doubt your position."

"Never mind, it's important. Nick Fury and I made a deal about the aliens. He promised to remove the Skrulls from Earth... I know you know about it, though not the whole story. The Skrulls, the shape-shifting aliens that Carol Danvers hunts down. Nick Fury has been secretly using Skrulls for years, but unfortunately, some Skrulls Got too deep into the drama and had a relationship with a human. A Skrull-human hybrid was born. Don't ask me about reproductive isolation. Skrulls and humans are the product of the same genetic engineering, Kerry It's the same with people, it's normal not to have reproductive isolation."

"What do you want to do? Also, how is that half-breed?"

"Not so good. In the mythology of the Skrulls, the earth is the land of revival of their race. So I want you to help me find the Skrulls still hidden on the earth, those shapeshifting insects are not worthy to touch the sacred Earth." Salomon said, "Oh, I think we have found our target. Mr. Whitehall, why are you pointing a gun at me?"

"Dear guest, I'm sorry for some trouble here." Dr. Whitehall said politely in English with a German accent, but his gun was still aimed at the mystic standing on the steps. Behind him, two armed men with assault rifles took aim at Agent Coulson. "For example, this Agent Coulson next to you, I think he can explain all this. To be honest, I thought you would bring a group of armed men, Augustus."

"Augustus? Doesn't he know your identity?" Coulson asked, "Why this name?"

"Of course not. I'm working as Hydra now. It's normal to use a pseudonym." Salomon whispered. He smiled, then snapped his fingers, and the shadow of the mansion immediately squirmed. The sound of barking came from far and near, and several black creatures that looked like black sludge grew out of the shadows. They have scarlet eyeballs, and unimaginable malice boils in their throats. They danced in the shadows, too fast to be seen. The two armed men beside Whitehall hadn't got the two monsters in their minds before two shadow dogs jumped out of the shadows under their feet, slit their throats cleanly, and then disappeared again.

"It seems that you have some unknown abilities." Dr. Whitehall smiled and raised his hands, "Maybe we can talk, as long as you..."

Before he could finish speaking, a figure rushed out from around the corner, and pressed Whitehall hard to the ground. Salomon could even hear the back of Whitehall's head hitting the floor. This person exudes a crazy breath, and the foul-smelling saliva drips wantonly. His blood vessels protruded, and his heartbeat was as deafening as a war drum. His eyes were wide open, even the hot sweat dripping from his forehead could not make him close them.

He burst out with astonishing hatred, and slammed his fist hard on Whitehall's face at a speed that ordinary people could not react to. Howling as hard as he could, with tears and sweat, he bit Whitehall's panicked face with his teeth.

Agent Coulson hurried over. He pointed his gun at this crazy man. "Let him go! Johnson!" Coulson yelled, "Let him go! Salomon, come and help!"

"No! He's mine!" Johnson looked up. His face was covered in blood and he was chewing something in his mouth. Below him, Whitehall let out a terrible cry, the old Nazi's nose was bitten off alive, and the deep red blood was bubbling. Mr. Johnson was a man in an old-school brown suit who looked like a stodgy college professor or doctor. But at this moment, there was no trace of rationality on his face, madness filled his blood vessels, his bloodshot eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets, as if a dose of scalding poison was burning his heart.

"He's mine!" He waved his arms irrationally, trying to drive Coulson away, "I want his blood to pay!"

Salomon put his hand on the shoulder of the crazy man. "Sorry, although I don't know what happened, but this person's brain cannot be harmed." The mystic who appeared quietly startled him, and the crazy man subconsciously pushed Salomon hard. Only then did Salomon realize that this man's strength was much greater than that of ordinary people.

"Let him go! This is the final warning!" Coulson yelled, raising his gun and approaching, "I don't want to kill you, you are Skye's father."

"Her name is Daisy! Daisy Johnson!"

"Calm down! Mr. Johnson, calm down!"

"You know I can't be calm, Coulson!" Mr. Johnson grinned his bloody mouth. "He killed my wife and dissected her alive. I found her in the dump and I took her out with a needle and thread." Put it together bit by bit... Am I not qualified for revenge? And you took my daughter away..."

He waved his hands desperately, trying to drive away the two people who hindered his revenge.

Seeing that this man became more and more crazy, Salomon no longer hesitated. He took a step forward and punched Mr. Johnson hard on the jaw at a speed that ordinary people couldn't see clearly. However, when he arrived at Dr. Whitehall's side, he realized that the old Nazi's condition was not very good - the broken rib was inserted into the lung, and the nosebleed caused a large amount of blood to pour into the broken chest cavity. He was almost drowning in his own blood. Now he is vomiting blood helplessly, but anyone with a discerning eye can tell that he won't live long.

"He won't live long," Agent Coulson said regretfully.

"Make the best use of everything." Salomon took out a small knife from his waist, and cut off Whitehall's head along the gap between the cervical vertebrae very skillfully. His movement was so fast that Coulson didn't have time to stop it, and Salomon held Whitehall's head in his hands. Then he cast a spell to fix Whitehall's head in its current state. At the same time, he also instructed Agent Coulson to stop anyone who might disturb him.

"What are you going to do?" Coulson, who was taken aback by this cruel method, asked in surprise. It's not that he has never seen a dead person, but this is the first time he has seen a beheading.

"Grab Whitehall's soul." Salomon stretched out his blood-stained hands, "Even the dead have to speak."

Ask for a ticket! Today, I spent another 250+ to buy medicine for my cat, and somehow I got ear mites. The pussy that woke me up at 5 a.m. and let me pick it up has a knack for torturing.

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