Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 584: Chamber of Souls (First update! Stop raising books!)

This San Juan, Puerto Rico mansion is built high in the city and has a nice airy design. The cool breeze flows slowly from the corridor, even in summer, it will not make people feel sultry, accompanied by the blooming flowers in the garden, this is the most enjoyable sight for everyone who travels to Puerto Rico.

Agent Coulson watched as Whitehall's head was enveloped in an eerie black mist, and the originally cool breeze suddenly became bitingly cold, a chill that penetrated to the marrow and froze the soul. He saw the still warm head suddenly opened its eyes, which were covered with a layer of sick iron gray, and then took a long breath.

Salomonte kept his vocal cords and Adam's apple intentionally in order to allow Whitehall to speak again, but this purely rational judgment made the scene in front of Agent Coulson seem even more horrifying—he saw Whitehall's windpipe moved in and out of his severed neck like a bloody worm, as if he were still alive. The dripping blood quickly turned black and red, like the rotten and disgusting mucus after the accumulated blood had coagulated.

Accompanied by the hoarse and weak breathing and the sound of thick blood foam rising and then bursting, Whitehall seemed to have found his sanity. His voice was extremely distant and weak, like a candle in a strong wind. Salomon clenched one hand tightly, as if Whitehall's soul was held in his palm.

The mystic whispered profane words, causing the human hair to scream silently. Whitehall's soul was unwilling to surrender, but even death could not let him escape from Salomon's palm, and the terrifying magic aimed at the soul was cast from Salomon's hands. After a brief "inquiry", the mystic showed a satisfied smile.

"Mei, don't shoot!" Coulson reminded his companion loudly. Truth be told, Salomon is acting so scary right now that any S.H.I.E.L.D. agent in his right mind would rank him as the most threatening at first sight and shoot without hesitation.

Although the casting time is very short, the horror of this scene has already surpassed all horror movies on the market. Agent Coulson didn't want both his companion and Salomon to be injured. According to past cases, Salomon would show no mercy to anyone who attacked him.

"He's asking for information on Whitehall!" Agent Coulson wiped his forehead, being careful not to touch his hairline, "I know it looks creepy, but he's helping us. He's talking to the dead."

"Where is Skye? Why is he here?" Melinda May asked with a cold face. She lowered the muzzle of the gun, put her body weight on her back feet, and her waist and legs were ready to go. There is absolutely no place for Salomon in the plan. Where did this person come from? The agent's instinct made her think involuntarily.

She thinks that Agent Coulson may be enchanted, but the existing circumstances are not enough to explain this fact. Although she has lowered the muzzle of the gun, she can still throw a forward move when necessary - fists are much better than pistols at such a short distance. Her reflexes and strength are enough to hit the vitals with one punch, killing people.

She glanced at Salomon's standing posture, and carefully walked around to the blind corner of Salomon's line of sight.

"It's a long story, and this is not the time to talk about it." Agent Coulson didn't mention the embarrassing invitation to the striptease. "He said that it will be over soon, and then we will know where Skye is being held." Only then did Agent Coulson relax a little, and turned to look at the unconscious Johnson, "Now there is Is there any information to share?"

Salomon didn't answer, his state of focus on spellcasting was not so easily broken. During this process, the caster will not notice too much of the surrounding situation. After all, magic requires the greatest concentration to cast, which is also a compulsory course for the caster. Wanda Maximoff practices this lesson every morning. The class schedule that Salomon gave her was arranged according to the courses of another World Magic University. As the city of the famous Seven Sisters, the success rate of spellcasters taught in this course is guaranteed.

After a while, Whitehall, who had only one head left, finally closed his mouth.

"The obelisk was taken underground." Salomon looked confused, he didn't understand why Whitehall's soul was like this, "What does this mean?"

"Oh, so Whitehall said something?" As a senior member of the sorority, Catherine had the authority to know about Hydra. She didn't find it surprising that an old Nazi who had survived to this day died, and she didn't even care about the power of Hydra. No one can threaten the Sisterhood and the Immortal City, for her Lord is here.

"Talk a lot." Salomon walked up the cold and slippery rocky steps, "but no one knows whether Whitehall will lie, so his head is handed over to the biological laboratory. They will dissect it urgently." Whitehall's head, using the latest technology to repeatedly search his brain to ensure that all information is true. Whitehall can die, but his knowledge cannot be wasted."

"My lord, please don't act alone in the future." Catherine said, "According to the rules set by Tita, you must have security forces around you. She has formulated a complete set of duty schedules, and determined in detail the battle plans of the mortal army and the sisterhood." And plans for various situations. You can no longer run around, there are many people in this world who want your life!"

"Tsk!" Salomon smacked his lips.

Catherine has given up counting kills. The way of counting the heads is meaningless to the undead army, their souls already belong to the [Holy Source]. Reborn, mindless undead soldiers can return to battle as long as they have armor. Even Jacob could not tell how much armor he had hoarded a thousand years ago, and all the preparations made in the past have become troubles today.

Whether Salomon comes or not, the sorority is making steady progress. But the Lost City, which was nearly completed at the time, was too big, and Jacob had already foreseen that the city would be attacked, so he designed many shooting corridors, secret passages for walking through, caves for hiding soldiers, and isolated caves across the cliff. bridge. This made the Sisterhood have to repeatedly clear an area, dig out all the possibilities to ensure that there are no undead legions left, and reserve manpower and automated machine gun towers to guard the traffic arteries.

At the same time, Jacob's people also joined the action. The arrival of the Immortal City made them see the hope of taking back their city by hand.

The place where Salomon and the Sisterhood fighters went was the storage location of the [Holy Source] identified by Jacob.

Laura wanted to come too, but Salomon persuaded her to go back because it was too dangerous. They were different from the fighters in the rear, they rushed all the way, did not stop, and did not intend to clear up gradually. A jar of Greek fire thrown at the Sisterhood was held in midair, and the mystic didn't even have the desire to look back. He waved his hand boredly, and the flaming compound flew back along the arc it came from, and exploded on the icy tower.

Immediately afterwards, arrows burning with blue flames rained down from between the dilapidated towers and houses, and Salomon and his party were ambushed without any surprise. The mystics fought back with neatly drawn wands, pushing anything that stood in their way with explosions and storms. Under such a fierce attack, the thousand-year-old ice layer melted and collapsed, and the falling kinetic energy smashed through the carefully constructed stone buildings and bronze statues.

Jacob poured all the wealth he collected along the way into the building of the city, leaving nothing behind. It is not difficult to imagine how beautiful this white city will be shining on sunny days, the bell towers full of artistic flavor, the towers and people gathered by the wisdom of wise men and craftsmen, and the people in this city will be Surrounded by magnificent bells and solemn chants, wander in the ocean of knowledge and reason. This will be the kingdom of God on earth, where all the good things will be. But before their eyes was a city in ruins—columns toppled, stone walls covered with icicles, and beautifully frescoed vaults coated with soot. The undead army ruthlessly destroyed these crystallizations of art and wisdom, like a goat chewing oil paintings. They even used trebuchets to attack Salomon, and the violent rain of fire fell from the top of the mountain. Salomon only had time to cast a spell with extreme casting time to protect the sisterhood, but could not save the exquisite artworks around him.

The towering city built on the mountain is now filled with ash and dust.

They stood in the circular lecture hall on the top of the mountain. The dome here has not yet been built, and all the columns are covered by ice, and the gray-white soot is stained on it like an indelible stain. Going further up is a place called the room of the soul, which is the final destination. The things that the future Salomon gave to the present self are kept there, and the [Holy Source] is not the only gift.

However, standing in front of them were hundreds of fully armed undead soldiers in armor.

Ask for a ticket!

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