Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 588 The Puerto Rico Earthquake and the Busy Biological Laboratory Supervisor (Part 1)

When it comes to how to trip up one's suzerain, Kama Taj is second to none in the multiverse.

For example, this time, Salomon directly used the souls of the forbidden army to replace the position of God's Envoy of Emperor Weishan, but Emperor Weishan didn't want to pursue it. The reason is that the two parties have the same purpose and belong to the direct creation of Gaia, the mother goddess of the earth. —Oshutu, the mother of white magic and the goddess of storms, might think so, but this small-minded goddess will not allow any offense, no matter how serious the matter is, and how much magic power is borrowed, she will make Salomon pay the bill. There were early signs of this incident. Borrowing Oshutu's power was the most costly. He would not spare even a single burn, not to mention Salomon's blatant replacement of the envoy and the fleece of the Kingdom of Weishan.

However, the reason why Salomon was able to successfully cast the spell must be that the first supreme mage, Agamotto, stopped him to prevent the fact that Salomon used the magic power of Visandi to enshrine the souls of the imperial army, which would cause Oshutu's revenge and completely interrupt The plan of Mother Earth. The three rings on Salomon's hand could only be worn after Agamotto made the decision, otherwise Oshutu and Hogos would never agree to such a broad contract.

Maya Hansen will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the Golden Armored Guards. From genes to organs and tissues, the advantages and disadvantages of the entire system will be judged one by one, and then compared with the existing technology and future development of the biological laboratory. Plan comparisons to create more perfect and stronger warriors. Extremis virus, as a gene clipping tool that can methylate DNA, has been widely used by biological laboratories because of its powerful gene editing capabilities. Maya Hansen plans to clip out the gene fragments of the Golden Armored Guards and splice them into experimental subjects. Above, verify the role of those particular genes in epigenetics and genetics.

This is a very boring experiment that requires sequencing the genes of the imperial guards.

A lot of repeated work, thousands of cuts and splices, and then compared with Salomon's genetic information and human gene databases and functional annotations, RNA interference experiments, expression profiling, linkage analysis and genome association analysis . A whole set of procedures is just to determine the function of a small piece of DNA, and the workload is huge.

"This is the most powerful ability of the Extremis virus, which realizes the direct control of the brain over autonomous biological functions. During the preliminary dissection, we found traces of the Extremis virus in the nervous system of the imperial army. This open interface allows the brain to control Those instincts that are originally regulated by the autonomic nervous system are under conscious control, such as breathing and digestion." Maya Hansen seemed to be teaching Salomon a lesson. As a top expert in the field of genetics and virology, she is indeed qualified to tutor Salomon in this area, because she leads the scientific application of all magical biotechnology in the biological laboratory.

Coupled with the intelligence-enhancing trinkets Salomon gifted her, almost no scientific problem can hold her back.

"The connection between conscious thinking and the basic instinct of the human body is the most powerful basic function of genetically modified fighters. According to speculation, this is the first step in the preparation of genetically modified fighters for surgery, and also the first step in all transformations," she said. "But the nervous system of the experimental subject is more complicated. The transplanted meninges and nerve nodes completely change the body's neural structure, strengthen and change the function of the brain. In order to imitate the efficiency of your nervous system and brain, we must add a series of neural nodes and special glands. This is not good news. Although the problem is gone, there is a lot of repetitive work and cultivation time, because the special organs we have discovered are all specifically cultivated for the genes of the experimental subjects. That is to say, It was almost a native organ. To complete this project, the entire experimental cycle was stretched out ten years later."

But fortunately, Wakanda's high-tech experimental equipment can solve some problems. Some of the large-scale equipment required for the experiment is still in Wakanda's underground laboratory, so she had to make an appointment to use it. It's just that she still refuses to disclose the current project to any Wakanda people. She just produced some alchemy pharmacology and life chemistry results and communicated with Wakanda's scientific research department.

As a component of the power armor life support system and reinforcement system, various medicines are also items of the biological laboratory.

Synthetic experiments on heart-shaped grass have been secretly carried out inside the royal family of Wakanda. For the extremely complex secondary metabolites of Heart Grass, Wakanda scientists have analyzed flavonoids, terpenoids, nitrogen-containing alkaloids, and sulfur-containing compounds, whose roles include but are not limited to interactions with proteins that mediate lung endurance. body, interacts with protein receptors that provide the brain with cognitive acuity. Some secondary metabolites of heart-shaped grass are highly specific to different receptor sites in the body, and the principle of action is similar to that of certain specific hormones, such as strengthening the sympathetic nerve and maintaining the secretion of adrenaline. The chemical structure of some secondary metabolites is similar to that of endogenous molecules, which can modulate pain perception or the brain's perception of acute pain, and temporarily increase the pain threshold.

However, no matter how smart Wakanda's scientists are, no matter how many secondary metabolites of heart-shaped grass they synthesize, they cannot achieve the effect after taking heart-shaped grass. Without Bastet's divine power to participate in the reaction, all the experimental subjects injected with the synthetic drug would only die. Therefore, the alchemy potion of the Immortal City has become the technology most wanted by the Wakanda royal family, especially King T'Chaka.

It is impossible for him to put the replacement of the throne on the recognition of the illusory gods. What he wants is stability, and what he wants is the permanent throne of Wakanda. Therefore, as a condition of exchange between the alchemical pharmacology and genetic science departments, Wakanda must come up with something that satisfies Salomon-but since there is no redundant human resources in Wakanda, another project about The plan to recruit volunteers for the Mars Foundry was rejected, and it was replaced by a project led by Su Rui. The power armor stored in the underground warehouse will be equipped with a brand new and complete life support system. The improvement is handed over to the Wakanda Science Department for research and development. Exchanging creatures for machinery is the theme of this exchange. Salomon was not at all worried that this kind of exchange would dissatisfy the panther god Bastet, because there is an essential difference between divine power and alchemy potion. Impossible to achieve the effect of the original.

"Do you think I don't have enough tasks, Salomon!" Facing the boss's unreasonable overtime request, the director of the biology laboratory yelled loudly with his hands on his hips. The dark circles under her eyes showed how busy she was with her previous work, and she really couldn't agree to such a small request.

"This thing started the big earthquake in Puerto Rico."

"This is just a tube of blood, unless the owner of this tube of blood..." She didn't even bother to frown, "I don't have anyone to help you analyze this thing. You can ask the laboratory you bought to study this thing, My communication with Wakanda has been very busy."

"Remember the day I came back with [Divine Source], where else have I been, Maya?" Salomon put the blood collection bottle on the table, "Puerto Rico, otherwise how did Whitehall's head come from— —I hope this guy's brain is happy in the cultivation tank and the illusion made by the Samaritans. We need to use his brain to solve problems. That thing is much better than artificial intelligence. In other words, the process of this thing Terrigen's mutated blood, the special product of the combination of Cree and human DNA. I need you to find something that can inhibit the special components in it."

Whitehall's brain was well preserved and is still active today.

"Who are you going to deal with?"

"No, who are they?" Salomon shook his head. He is also a member of the biological laboratory. As the boss, he worked diligently and without complaint under Maya Hansen. "A group of people who don't think they are human." Salomon thought for a while and found that this statement was not correct, because when he went to take this sample, Coulson's attitude was not bad. "It should be said that they are some hybrids who think they are higher than humans."

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