Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 589 Inherited Genes of the Inhuman Race (Second Change)

"Your mood is very unstable, Skye." It was not too difficult for Salomon to pass through the isolation ward of S.H.I.E.L.D., but he still stood aside peacefully. Agent Coulson sat next to him with his hands folded, looking helpless. No way, he had to agree to Salomon's conditions, because only Salomon had the authority to cover up the actions of Coulson's team. What's more, there are also agents in this base that Salomon commanded Victoria Hand to rescue. Coulson also wants to introduce them to their future partners, the new boss of Agent Hand.

And Agent Hand, who came with Salomon in a Quinjet. This cold and ruthless senior agent walked aimlessly around the base with her arms folded. All SHIELD agents who saw her bowed their heads and ran away. She and Salomon had already made an appointment with Coulson, otherwise he would never have told Agent Hand the address here.

That day Salomon held Whitehall's head and followed Agent Melinda May down the shaft below the mansion. As the Obelisk was taken down by one of Whitehall's men, both Skye and Agent Coulson went down to stop her. So after Salomon's inquiry was over, Melinda, who was worried, ran over in a hurry, and without hesitation, buckled the rope for herself to rappel. Terrigen is not something too unusual for the Cree, it is just an ancient technology of the ancestor race, used to stimulate some functions of the genetic engineering of the Celestial Genome.

At that time, the earth had already experienced the second coming event. The human body possessed the power bestowed by the Celestial Group, and the Cree, as the third-generation genetic engineering product of the Celestial Group, tracked the footsteps of the Celestial Group in the Milky Way, trying to dig out The knowledge behind those technologies. It’s just that the plan of the Cree people failed, just as the war between the Cree Empire and the Skrull Empire broke out, so the biochemists of the Cree people planned to stimulate a special gene fragment in the human body, and they would have part of the power endowed by the Celestial Group Human beings are made into cannon fodder on the front lines of the interstellar war.

Salomon told the Maliks about it, and needless to say, the most loyal (at least outwardly) conservative Hydra could hardly believe his ears—it wasn't Malik, it was him daughter. Malik, who is old and mature, doesn't believe in Hydra at all. In his view, Hydra's belief is just a tool. Stephanie Malek went through stages of swearing, frustration, denial and total loss of will, until Salomon gave her a new mission, which filled her previous belief in the sacred object and its supernatural divinity imagination and feelings.

Of course, none of this has much to do with Skye, who is now lying on the hospital bed, but Salomon still wants to avoid her having lofty imaginations about her own power and the source of her power. Those bastards who regard themselves as higher than humans also think so, so they must die. As long as Agent Coulson finds their location, the Immortal City can dispatch troops to destroy it.

Therefore, Hala (the home planet of the Kree) must be destroyed.

As for the Inhuman base on the dark side of the moon, Salomon already has plans.

The tanned Asian-European girl rolled her eyes in dissatisfaction.

Seeing that Skye was not in a good mood after blood collection, even he used invisible magic to take away the pineapple and orange juice that Mockingbird Barbara gave Skye, Skye didn't show much. So Salomon said something that made her jump up from the hospital bed.

"Have you ever considered getting sterilized?"

"Sorry, what did you say?" Agent Coulson looked at Salomon who spoke surprisingly, and even Skye, who was staying in the isolation ward, widened his eyes in surprise.

"I'm not a estrous animal, Salomon!" Skye's voice became extremely dull through the glass. She didn't turn on the intercom. Mystics are extremely gifted when it comes to provoking people. His previous opponents were all Nick Fury, neither Agent Coulson nor Skye could compare to that one-eyed man, and the female hacker who did not graduate from high school was easily broken by him.

No matter how good-looking and strong he is, Skye doesn't intend to forgive him!

"Relax, I'm just joking." Although he said so, Salomon really planned to sterilize all the people who were contaminated by the Kree gene. It's just that there are less extreme treatment methods at present. Which kind of plan to use depends on the group's attitude towards human beings.

"It's not funny, Salomon!"

"Be happy, Skye, you're not dead yet!" Salomon suggested to the mixed-race girl very optimistically. "Actually, you don't need to worry about infecting others, really." He turned to look at Agent Coulson, "Have you read the document Agent Hand gave you?"

Agent Coulson shook his head.

He hadn't had time to read the large document handed to him by Agent Hand. He only read the appendix, which roughly explained the nature of the obelisk, that is, alien chemical weapons. Other than those, everything else needs a professional to read smoothly. Although Whitehall had never used Terrigen crystals, he still found genetic differences between Inhumans and humans, and this sample was Skye's mother, the woman who was vivisected by Whitehall. It was the woman's organs that made the old Nazi look young again.

Today's outside gene editing technology CRISPR-Cas9 can only act on human eggs, sperm and embryos, and can change the DNA of unborn babies, but Extremis virus can do it-the special gene of the Inhumans belongs to the combination of Cree and humans The genetic engineering technology of the Cree is far less stable than that of the Celestial Group, so many Inhumans will have varying degrees of organ variation. For those aliens who have undergone serious organ mutations, the Extremis virus is equivalent to a dose of poison, and for those aliens who have not yet experienced organ lesions, the Extremis virus can be 100% effective.

Salomon needs to compare the human gene database and restore that part of DNA through gene editing technology. Maybe some magic and alien technology are needed, but in any case, he can help aliens whose organs are not diseased, or whose organs are less diseased, to become human again.

"Agent Hand recently found information about Dr. Lister and Bloom." Salomon said to Agent Coulson. Agent Coulson took Hydra's intelligence very seriously. "She suggested that we cooperate with you on this mission, but I don't mind you doing it alone." The mystic raised his eyebrows, "Of course, this is my personal idea. Leave Agent Hand a few who can do it alone." The State Department is very urgent, because some people want to see the few people who have provided political donations to them disappear, otherwise they will not be so impatient."

"Is there a Hydra in the White House?"

"This country is Hydra, Coulson." The mystic lowered his eyes. Skye listened in amazement as the two exchanged secret information in front of him, oblivious to his situation. "The word political donation was invented the moment the fundamentalist capitalist state was born. No, perhaps earlier, when power was born, the act it represented was already there. I told you already, Hydra is definitely not as simple as an organization of Nazi. The history of Hydra is much longer than the history of S.H.I.E.L.D., the predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D. established by Howard Stark, and the predecessor of modern Hydra They all go back very far. If you try to track down Hydra, you'll find that everyone is a Hydra."

"Is there a hydra in the magical world? Hydra magician?" Coulson felt as if his back was being stabbed repeatedly by thousands of needles. The information brought by Salomon was too terrifying, and he didn't want to face hundreds of enemies like Salomon.

"Maybe there is, I don't know much about it. I can only assure you that there is no Hydra inside Karma Taj."

"Are you sure?"

Salomon smiled and said nothing.

Ask for a ticket!

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