Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 590 Cooperation Plan (Part 1)

No one in the world can support Agent Coulson's fight against Hydra more than Salomon, but this support has a premise that he will support Agent Coulson to take those snake heads after Stephanie seizes the properties of those snake heads. Get rid of old guys who have lost their use value. In the hands of Hydra, those properties will only be used as tools to fight for power, or become the cost of a luxurious life. But in the hands of Salomon, those numbers that were originally rolling in the financial market will be transformed into real factories, mines, and laboratories. Crazy investment in industries and the opening of factories have slightly eased the industry under Stephanie's name. and unemployment in parts of Europe. All talents and materials will be used as a reserve for future wars, and he does not have much expenses himself.

It is a very good deal for Salomon to exchange meaningless numbers in financial games for real steel, coal, oil, non-ferrous metals and precious metals. Only gold is the currency in his eyes. Works of art are ornamentals rather than commodities. Scientific knowledge should be given to those who want it instead of being shelved. Clicking charges is called paying for knowledge. It's just that if Agent Coulson wants to hit Wall Street one day, Salomon promises that he will fully support it.

From a moral point of view, Salomon's approach is undoubtedly evil. His attitude towards the Inhumans is evil. He is evil towards the rich who plunder their wealth without any output. Humans are also evil, and there is no humanity at all anyway. Although the cold logic of this lawful camp is not the optimal solution, if you look far away, it will be difficult for anyone to point to his approach.

But it is difficult for ordinary people to have his perspective. His thinking is too far ahead of others. This is not the thinking that human beings should have. Therefore, even Nick Fury, who is also on the standpoint of "human beings", can hardly bear Salomon's ruthless approach. No one knows whether Nick Fury will regret it. Didn't send Salomon to a mental hospital forcibly when he was still young.

This kind of thing can't say who is right and who is wrong, it's just a different perspective.

On the other hand, good appearance and rich knowledge also make Salomon extremely attractive. In Stephanie's eyes, this charm is maximized. No matter who he was talking to, whoever he was, or what his job was, he always had the right sense of humor. He never felt that there was anything special about him. Even if he was a weapon made by the Mother Earth, he could only prove that he was capable of doing things that others couldn't, that's all.

Up to now, even Agent Coulson can't raise objections to the cooperation plan, because the current goals of both parties are exactly the same, and they are both Hydra. Lister, Bloom, the names of these hydras are in Coulson's memo, but they are still poisonous snakes lurking under the dirty water for the time being. Coulson would run into the expected political resistance if he wanted to seize them immediately. Now without the protection of S.H.I.E.L.D., Agent Coulson can no longer arrest politicians at will like in the past.

Therefore, he desperately needs the help of Agent Hand.

At least for now, unless Agent Coulson knows that the guy standing in front of him is the most powerful Hydra snakehead. In a sense, this view is not correct, because the conservative Hydra has been transformed by Salomon into the head of the Immortal City's Ministry of Interior, and Stephanie is no longer a Hydra after abandoning her beliefs. She just keeps in touch with the other Hydra heads. Now she belongs to another organization than the superstitious, greedy and cruel Hydra.

Salomon left Agent Victoria Hand and her team here, and left Agent Coulson's "secret" base alone. He was really busy, so busy that when he came to visit Skye, he could only take an old book in the dimension bag that he had read many times as a gift. It's a pity that the female hacker with a high school degree didn't know how important that philosophical book called "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" was to her. Especially in the case that her body organs have not suffered from major lesions, the book about the tension between the senses and the mind is very suitable for her today-even if the human mind can understand that the acquired special abilities are harmful to oneself, but The feeling of gaining superpowers is enough to overwhelm reason. Salomon doesn't like to preach, so he uses this book to remind Skye.

Unfortunately, she thought it was a boring academic tome.

Since he didn't have the tools to preserve the blood samples, the storage of negative energy was not reliable, and the temperature of the ice and snow spell was too low. He had to return to the Immortal City as soon as possible to store this thing at a suitable temperature. Seeing that Maya Hansen was not happy, he could only open the refrigerator and put the blood sample in it.

"Just look, Maya, it won't be long," he said. "It's about the future."

The biology lab supervisor sighed.

"Okay." She waved her hand annoyed. Maya Hansen's heart was already filled with impatience when she thought that she might have to temporarily stop the genetically modified warrior project in her hand. She took off her glasses and looked down at her toes. "I'll take a day to look at this stuff. Regardless of the outcome, I'll get back to my project."

"That's enough, thank you." Even in the face of impatient employees, Salomon was still very gentle. Maya Hansen's salary is high, but money is not important to her, what she wants is knowledge. As it happens, Salomon has a lot of knowledge. "I'm going to go to the inner plane next." He said, "I'm curious about what the coordinates brought by the guards are. Whether it's a spell or a sign, it seems that it's a fragment of the plane. It will take time and hands to decipher what's inside, so I'll be busy with that for the rest of the time."

"Oh, what do you think it could be?" The director of the biology laboratory suddenly flashed a curious light in his eyes. The future hard disk and the knowledge in the alien storage device have raised the level of theoretical mathematics, theoretical physics and theoretical chemistry of the immortal city to a whole level. Now that scientists in various departments are busy digesting knowledge and holding seminars, Salomon also agreed to stop for a while and study hard, and he also plans to make it a regular academic lecture. For Maya Hansen, who is now the head of the biology laboratory, shared the knowledge of computational neuroscience and genetics, she wondered if there is more knowledge in the coordinates of the inner plane, or if there is any suitable for her knowledge.

Man's desire for knowledge is infinite, and this is also the concept that has existed since the establishment of the Immortal City. The city was founded on a large fraternity of scholars from all over the world for ten thousand years, and knowledge and art are the main themes of the immortal city.

"I don't know." The mystic shrugged. The future self has already given enough knowledge to the present self, he can't think of what else the Immortal City needs today, and he doesn't know what else is worth the effort of the future self to send to the present. He quickly returned to Karma Taj to recruit people. Recently, the outer dimension has been very quiet—in fact, this is the normal state of the outer dimension. Wars between the main material plane and the outer dimension do not happen all the time. Coupled with the escalating skirmishes between the Upper and Lower Planes, the Prime Material Plane was left on the sidelines for a while.

As long as devils, demons, and angels don't come to the material plane to drag people into war, Kama Taj won't bother with these dogs eating dogs. Anyway, it's not a good thing, and it's what the Venerable would like to see most if they beat each other to death.

"You should focus on the silver key." His Holiness shook his head disapprovingly, "I know that there are risks in exploring dark knowledge, but the silver key is your further reliance on the path of magic. Wei Shandi Knowledge will not be infinitely open, and the books in the Karma Taj library will not allow you to achieve unprecedented amazing achievements. Go indulge in dreams, child, and we can talk about the inner plane later."

Ask for a ticket!

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