Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 591: Dreams and the Etheric Body (Second Change)

Dreams play an important role in magic. Dreams are mirror images that reflect the real world. For spellcasters, omens and illusions in dreams are all things to be wary of. Just like the dream that Merlin expelled and blocked for Salomon in the past, that dream also reflected part of the truth. Dreams are also closely related to astral projection. Using astral projection to visit the stars and outer dimensions is a study tour for Kama Taj. The symbol of becoming an arcane master is to travel around the astral world. In the grotesque main material plane, emotional projection and Take a swim in the mirror.

In other words, he was able to survive without going crazy.

Compared with other mystics, Salomon can rely on the silver key to go one step further. Theoretically, the silver key can help him lead to the astral world of another universe. Although this is only a theoretical possibility, Salomon's past dreams show that he has reached the mirror image of the real world in another universe, the one called phantom. place of dreams. That place, like the outer dimension here, the Faerun star world, belongs to the spiritual world outside the main material plane. There is no doubt that this is the ability brought by the silver key. The favor of Yog-Sothoth is beyond the reach of ordinary people. Those illusions, unpredictable dreams and terrifying prophecies that cannot distinguish between false and real are enough to drive people crazy .

Fortunately, the Venerable found Merlin, allowing Salomon to establish a psychological defense line when his spell resistance and willpower were relatively weak, completely preventing the dream from driving him crazy from happening. At the same time, based on this phenomenon, His Holiness also determined that it is feasible for Salomon to cross parallel universes, but the Time Stone and the Silver Key can only allow him to observe the possibility at present, rather than interference. His Holiness hoped that Salomon could explore a larger magical world. For a spellcaster, knowledge equals life and money. Exploring the knowledge of another universe is an unimaginable temptation for a qualified spellcaster.

There is a huge gap between the difficulty of observation and interference, and he only has the quantum suit given by Stark of another parallel universe to help. Of course, there is also a physicist who has to be mentioned, the bad-tempered Dr. Pym-that old guy has no good looks at anyone, until Salomon exposes the nature of Pym particles, and when it comes to Dr. Hank After the things he didn't know and the new concept of outer dimensions, he gradually accepted Salomon and regarded the mystic as a person who could discuss knowledge together.

No matter how bad-tempered Hank Pym is, he is a pioneer in the world's research in the quantum field. His knowledge is extremely helpful for Salomon's theoretical physics research, otherwise he would have fought with that old guy . But this annoying guy refused to join the Immortal City, so the academic communication between Salomon and Hank Pym was basically limited to mail and door visits. There is no afternoon tea and refreshments, only the kind that accidentally eats bullets, full-power bullets from World War II.

To sum up, dreams are also a window for Salomon to observe the inner world of the caster, and occultism is always inseparable from dreams.

Although Wanda does not yet know about astral projection, but according to the principle of astral projection—that is, when the consciousness leaves the body, it will be powered by chakras in the etheric layer near the physical layer to generate an etheric body, and move in the etheric layer or other astral layers. When dreaming, the etheric body will also reflect the subconscious mind into the dream, and Salomon can check Wanda's mental health by asking about her dreams and etheric body.

When Salomon went to the border of the galaxy, other Karma Taj mystics never stopped testing Wanda, but they tried not to appear in front of Wanda Maximoff. Not only did they fail to establish a good relationship with the Maximov siblings, but it was also because Wanda's ability was too powerful.

The mystics who carried out this work were carefully selected by His Holiness, and their will was extremely firm, but this could not prevent them from being infected by Wanda's power—according to the report seen by Salomon, Wanda was in a dream The power leaked in is gradually affecting the soldiers in the castle. Fortunately, the power of Weissander is very effective in clearing the pollution of Sithorn's power, just like "Book of Weissandi" and "Book of Darkness", so the mystics have to work overtime to clean up the pollution. At the same time, ensure that you are strong-willed and stay away from corruption.

"To me, your power isn't that bad." Salomon, who was working overtime temporarily, handed the parchment to Wanda, completely ignoring the difference between the magic resistance possessed by other mystics and himself. The reason why Wanda's illusion was not very useful to Salomon was that her spells could not completely penetrate Salomon's magic resistance. Like a Hollywood 80s sci-fi movie, full of cheap special effects.

The red-haired girl frowned, carefully reading the densely packed text on the report. It was a report written in Latin, which made Wanda, who had never received an education before, feel her scalp tingling. Naturally, Salomon would not forget the Latin language required for magic, so this report became Wanda's reading comprehension test questions.

He was simply too lazy to look for lesson plans, so he used this report as a supplement.

Pietro looked like he had nothing to do with himself, and was still eating and drinking. The only commendable thing about American food is its high calorie content. For adolescents like Salomon and Pietro, there is not enough to eat. Hunger is a double torment both mentally and physically, especially during the growth period. Luo is really hungry and scared, no matter how many things he has, he will try his best to eat. In the past, he was not fat because he was poor, but now he is not fat because his superpower consumes a lot of calories.

"Did I really affect others?" Wanda asked, frowning.

"I don't know, it doesn't affect me anyway. When you learn enough and become proficient in your own power, this kind of problem will disappear." Regardless of whether they have been to En-Galais, Salomon and Maximov The style of getting along between siblings has not changed much, as if the terrifying scene there could not shake his mind, making him see Wanda as the culprit for Sithorn leaving the seal. The essence of Wanda is the same as that of Salomon. It is the product of the deep combination of the power of the outer dimension and the body, which also makes Salomon feel sorry for this girl-this kind of existence will certainly gain unimaginable power, but at the same time It will also make this person bear a huge responsibility and face a fate that cannot be resisted.

Salomon is ready to resist fate, but he doesn't think Wanda can have such a firm will.

"I want to learn more, sir." Wanda tugged on LS Lomon's sleeve.

"I know, I know, I'm just thinking about what to teach you." Considering Wanda Maximoff's growing and nearly out-of-control power, Salomon also searched his brains, trying to find out what would be suitable for Wanda and at the same time endanger him. Teach her the magic of little sex.

"Want to learn how to turn people into animals?"

"Are you talking about the [Beast Awakening Method]? You also told me that there is no need to study those folk magics in depth."

"What about self-transfiguration? Hmm, it's not something from Harry Potter."

"[Bat Transformation] has been learned."

"Then where did you learn about plane studies? Have you finished reading the creature illustration of the shadow plane?" Salomon pointed to the tome that was put aside, which was the homework he left for Wanda before he left. . Although the light in the cell was not very bright, it was enough to see the dust on the cover.

"Question, what kind of energy are shadow creatures generally resistant to?".

"What does this have to do with controlling power?" Wanda asked.

"It doesn't matter, but you can understand your own situation with knowledge. Although this is a crash course, as a spellcaster, you should be independent as soon as possible. I can't follow you all the time and help you clean up the mess. So, let's learn today Learn how to borrow the power of the Shadow Plane to become a dragon! I love this spell!"

Ask for a ticket!

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