Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 592: The Red-haired Girl's Trust (Part 1)

The girl's eyes were closed, her red hair was wetly stuck to her forehead, and the powder blue and pink spots flickered frantically under her eyelids, making her almost nauseous. In a trance, she saw the childhood nightmare reappearing in front of her eyes - that bomb, a bomb that might explode at any time. That kind of fear made her tense up, not daring to move, for fear that her breath would detonate the thing that would blow herself to pieces. She wanted to cry very much, and reason told her that she should stay away from that thing that might kill her at any time, but she didn't dare. She felt as if she had a bad-tempered master and her humble servant who could only stay under the bed and dare not move. The temperature at night in Sokovia was very low. She felt that her lungs were about to freeze, and her toes and fingers were numb from the cold.

After so many years, she is still the little girl hiding under the bed trembling.

She gasped heavily. Her heart was beating tirelessly, and it hurt her ribs. She forced herself to open her eyes again, looking at the twisted pentagram and the loathsome rune in front of her. This is crazy, this is crazy, all because of this stupid test! I don't know, I don't remember! No, no, this test is what she wants! She promised herself to study, to learn the dark and profound knowledge, to learn the terrifying truth beyond the universe.

The numb fingers were slightly bent, the scratches on the knuckles were wet with cold tears, and the tingling pain on the fingers pulled her out of the hallucination. She regained her composure. Take a deep breath, let the air fill your lungs, and let it out.

She felt refreshed.

Just like participating in "Price Guessing" [Note 1], she thought to herself. Calm down, think, don't be nervous.

Wanda's mood changed repeatedly in a very short period of time. Salomon narrowed his eyes, quietly retracted the wand aimed at her, and continued to point at the parchment, urging the quill not to be lazy. He knew what kind of dangerous thing he was doing-he tested Wanda Maximoff's resistance to filthy magic time and time again, but no one knew who else could stop Wanda after she lost control. In Kama Taj, only the Venerable and he has the experience of using the power of the old rulers. The other masters of the mystic arts did not learn deeply, because Visandi did not allow it, because not everyone is as resistant to the effects of black magic as the Supreme Master. of the fall. Just as Weishandi's energy can make people lawful and upright, this terrifying energy attribute is bound to bring madness.

The kind of black magic that is extremely filthy is the magic that is really suitable for Wanda. Salomon has already told Wanda about the danger of black magic. It is unrealistic to block the connection between Wanda and the black magic, she will one day be exposed to those. Sithorn will give her what she needs, and Salomon can't keep her under his nose all the time, so all Wanda's current studies and experiments must be carried out under Salomon's nose . He showed Wanda the black magic over and over again, and Wanda needed to keep her emotions under his watch.

This is the hardest part, Wanda's talent fits so well with black magic. For her, using black magic is as easy as drinking water. Every time she studies is a test of her will, she needs to face the nightmare and face death.

Extremely harsh, extremely cruel, extremely insane.

This is the price of learning the black arts. The more powerful the force, the more it needs to pay a price. This is the truth in the world.

When Wanda opened her eyes again, the sound of her breathing became distant and indistinct, and the narrow cell and pale lights were all blocked by the cold gray-white mist. She swallowed subconsciously. Until then, she didn't notice the conversations of several men, it was the conversations of the guards outside the cell, the voices of those who had been fooled by her with the simplest spells all year round.

But just like her breathing, the sound that should have been so clear became blurred, requiring her to concentrate to hear what they said. Just as she stood there bewildered, a loud clacking sound of dragging disgusting slime approached her - and through the icy mist, Wanda saw the creature. It was a monster growing wantonly, the simple tentacles waving aimlessly, and the randomly distributed eyes flashed frantically.

"[Spirit Body Transformation] allows you to transfer your physical body to this place, which you can call [Shallow Ether] or [Lingbo Hell]. Every spellcaster who enters here will face the same danger, that is these Extra-dimensional creatures that you cannot see in reality. They are the mother of extra-dimensional bacteria, which feed on the emotions of intelligent creatures."

When this voice sounded, Wanda's nervousness disappeared instantly. Like a warm wind that drove away all the cold, her numb hands and feet regained consciousness. She thought of warm yellow lights, tables with checkered tablecloths, stews, and noisy families. The girl laughed involuntarily and looked at her teacher.

Salomon was a little behind. Like Wanda, he is also in a spirit state, but this does not prevent him from casting spells.

"This is the target we are looking for. Take out the figurine you prepared. According to the course, you need to make this monster your own spirit hunter. It can guard, chase and attack, and it is an extremely effective tool , just like the Twelve Voices of Kabbalah I have shown you. But the spirit guard can be carried with you, which is very convenient."

"But I don't think it looks like it's voluntary." Wanda didn't forget the requirement of the spell. The recipient must be voluntary. Even if this monster's intelligence is not high enough, it still has the most basic advantages and avoids disadvantages. instinct. "And it's too ugly." Wanda frowned. "I think your golem is much cuter than this thing, especially the round stone head."

"That's because you haven't seen my past products. Flesh golem infused with elemental spirits, that thing is more disgusting than this thing." Salomon quietly rolled his eyes, "Magic is such a disgusting thing. This is this The problem of the universe, the source of our magic, is almost impossible to solve. The spells I taught you are not so disgusting. Besides, I don’t think this guy will have a problem.”

He glanced at the monster trying to escape here, his crazy and sick little eyes were extremely sober at the moment. This monster's intuition is much more sensitive than Wanda's, and it clearly realizes that it is a top predator in front of it. It wanted to run away, but it was worried that it would cause Salomon's attack, so it could only freeze there, not daring to move.

"I don't plan to use this spell yet, teacher." Wanda thought for a while, but finally shook her head and gave up the plan of making spirit body guards. "Anyway, spirit body guards are not necessary." She said cheerfully, "Let's proceed to the next step. I'm curious what you want to take me to see in the depths of the ether. You haven't told me what plane fragments are something!"

The red-haired witch had already thrown away all tension, and circled around that disgusting extra-dimensional bacteria. If Salomon didn't stop her, she would even want to open the big mouth of the extra-dimensional bacteria to see what's inside.

"We're just going to have a look, we're not going to get too deep. There could be something dangerous there."

"But you won't put me in danger, will you?"

【Note 1】The Price Is Right, a game TV variety show in the United States, contestants can win the product by matching the price of the product.

Ask for a ticket!

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