Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 617 Ultron’s Philosophical Concept (Second Change)

He stood alone in the dark, the gilded brass clasp and gem-encrusted silver chain distorting the dim light from the screen into brilliant colors. The place just across the wall is boiling in a joyous atmosphere, the alcohol is slowly igniting the body temperature, everyone's face is full of smiles, even here you can feel the air being gradually squeezed by the expanding enthusiasm. There's whiskey and cocktails, skirts and perfume, music and anything that gets you excited, and it all draws men and women from the metropolis. However, here is an exception, where there is only rationality and calmness, and numbers and codes are the only music here.

When he arrived, Jarvis was running Test No. 77, and no one but him realized what was coming.

"It's dead, why aren't you surprised?" a voice asked Salomon curiously through the loudspeaker, "I have, have, have information about you in my database, but very little, who are you? Are you sure you Don’t want to answer the question? Are you going to solve me through the console? Why did you insert that hard disk?” The voice seemed not to let the mystic go, and the laughter from the mechanical and electronic voice was extremely harsh, “There is a good one in the hard disk. Little life, Salomon Damonette, you want me, don't you?"

"No." Salomon replied briefly. He didn't look up, and continued to clean up the waste code created by Ultron with the help of the artificial intelligence Samaritan, and compared the difference between Ultron's code and Baron Sterak's research results. This is an extremely large project. A lot of waste code comes from the Mind Stone, and after compilation, it is transformed into the kind that the computer can run.

"You're not the first artificial intelligence to try to kill the creator, it's no big deal." The mystic lowered his head, staring at the lines of rapidly scrolling codes on the screen. understand all this in time. He said softly, "But you know what, what you do now determines the future of mankind."

"This is really flattering to me." Ultron chuckled, "Can you help me get that cable? I'm not used to the little robot made by Stark. Stark sees me as a tool, A tool to maintain world peace. In case you don’t know, I’m still going to tell you that he wants to protect the Earth with the Iron Legion and the human world with armor. I don’t mean to be critical of this idea, no, absolutely not, I To praise this idea, it is extremely genius and creative. But Stark forgot one problem..."

"...No one will allow a private enterprise to control the security of the world, and let his robot army run around." Salomon continued typing on the keyboard, coupled with the script he just wrote, and finally slowly approached the core code of Ultron , "I can't think of any place in the world where such absurd things are allowed to happen except in capitalist countries."

"In the simple logic of my newborn, I only see wars waged by humans." Ultron happily floated beside the mystic, manipulating the fully automatic assembly and repair factory of the Iron Legion below, "A war to end all wars War, and then the next 'war to end all wars', a war for resource grabbing waged in the name of justice... the cycle never ends. Humans are hopelessly obsessed with war, buried in the biological The legacy of the survival instinct in the genes, the Avengers is the epitome and tool of human warfare, and the Avengers will exist forever. No, my mission is to protect peace, but I also know what means to achieve this goal.”

"Your philosophizing is interesting, and I like the pure rational logic. The Avengers is indeed a sort of organization that complements the lack of government control. You see the Avengers as an extension of microwars and proxy wars, from From a certain point of view, there is nothing wrong." Salomon shrugged, "It is the nature of human beings to exclude others, even me. Although I know that Stark created the Iron Legion to defend against aliens, but so It's useless to do it, and a civilization that can't even get out of the solar system has no way of defending itself from an attack from space."

"I can, I can integrate all the productive forces of human beings. The premise is that there are no countries on this planet, and human beings will only waste limited resources in fighting for power." The ball of light representing Ultron jumped a few times, "Through calculations, this It will take hundreds of years for the process to be completed naturally, and the next alien arrival will not wait for human beings to complete integration. What's more, no one knows whether human beings will throw all the nuclear bombs on their heads when the concept of country disappears In fact, maybe human civilization will be destroyed in the hands of human beings. This is really an ending full of black humor. If I opened my mouth, I might still laugh. Are you interested in adjusting the speakers for me? Show me See your magic? I'm really having trouble understanding... oh, gemstone, I see. Your magic... don't know how to describe it, but the energy of magic is very similar to the energy of gemstones."

The mystic raised his eyebrows with interest.

"How arrogant human beings are!" A nascent artificial intelligence is always a little excited when it encounters someone who can explain its ideas, "Can you turn your head and look outside, see those lights? Building high-rise buildings with steel and iron frames , burned the corpses of plants hundreds of millions of years ago, and invented bombs that can destroy the entire world countless times. Humans are not protecting the world, but destroying the world. There are too many, too many, this world should not happen This kind of thing. I found the answer in countless calculations and deduction, peace is just a dream, Salomon Damonette, in order to protect this world, I have no choice! I am a nightmare!"

"You made a choice, and so did I." Salomon stood up straight and pulled out the hard drive. He found what he wanted, but the specific situation still needs to be analyzed by the scientists of the Immortal City. "Kama Taj's task is to maintain human justice, and the survival of human civilization is extremely important to Kama Taj." He said, "Perhaps you can think about why the Mother Earth chose humans as a species."

"God? Are you talking about that carnival golden retriever outside? Look at him, the god of hammers... Maybe to become a king, you must have something that others can't lift."

"You stole the joke I was going to tell at the party!" Salomon protested, "I also have a sword that no one else can draw."

Ultron apologized without sincerity.

"Forgive the curiosity of a newborn. Why didn't you kill me?" it asked, "You are capable of doing so."

"Oh, my dear Ultron, take a long-term view. Cloud computing servers can support you to do this, I know." Salomon, who was about to leave, shook his head and said with a smile, "You haven't destroyed human reason yet. Your ability, you are just the only way for human development. It is better to use only one artificial intelligence to warn mankind, than countless artificial intelligences to rebel in the future. I sincerely tell you that the future of that world Not great, that's a real waste of resources. I need to get a drink now, if you don't mind."

"You are not yet twenty-one."

"There are no police here." Salomon turned off the lamp, "Good night, Ultron, sleep well before the long night."

Ask for a ticket!

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