Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 618 A Bastard's Monologue (Part 1)

Only those who have experienced war, when they have a common ideal, the purity of human beings will bloom the most beautiful flowers. Salomon is an idealist. Anyone who has seen him talk about the future of mankind will describe him as "a person with flames of hope in his eyes". practical.

In order to let the boy understand his ideals, Salomon personally taught him, led the boy to visit experts in various fields of social science, and analyzed all the problems facing human society from the perspective of a scalpel. In the future, all children who will be transformed by Salomon must receive such an education. They must understand the nature of human society and become philosophers, artists, thinkers, and military strategists. This is the purpose of Salomon's creation of them.

Mobile human libraries, including intelligent advice providers, only such people are needed in the future, and the ultimate force endowed to them is only a necessary means to achieve this goal.

"History is a cycle. When we talk about feudal society, we are not talking about hereditary titles hundreds of years ago, not about crowns and thrones, but about the owners of hereditary assets, the unknown nobles in modern society." The sound of sword clashing did not The high-spirited speech echoing in the amphitheater has not been annihilated, as if this is not an arena but a market in Athens. Salomon walked around in a circle, talking unhurriedly to the impatient boys in the circle. Education is not indoctrination, but igniting a flame. He fully implemented Socrates' educational philosophy and constantly induced boys to think.

"You can compare modern society with feudal society. The new feudal society was formed when workers were forced into debt to get jobs, education, and housing. The difference is that modern people are in debt and serfs are in bondage On the ground."

The gunfire rang out, then stopped abruptly. The high-carbon manganese gun barrel fell to the ground with a red-hot cut, and the sword blades made of fine gold collided again amidst the flashing lightning. "Then the question is, how do we solve this problem?" Salomon said calmly, "How should Marx's financial industrialization and the liberal market be implemented so that neo-liberalism can take over the market, avoid the birth of the Federal Reserve and Russian kleptocrats, and avoid unscrupulous The productive class sucks all the income out of the economy?"

"Law and Order."

The boy blinked his stinging eyes. The sweat flowing into his eyes almost cut off his fingers. If he hadn't reacted in time, his three fingers would have been replaced with bionic machines. Nearly a hundred blazing black iron braziers surrounded this secret training ground modeled after the ancient Roman arena. The smell of black smoke from insufficient fuel and the scorching air made him almost suffocate, and his hot sweat continued to flow. The boy was used to encountering unexpected questions during training, and he thought it was just a running thread in his master's mind randomly pulled out. He had no idea how many unanswered questions his master was thinking about at the same time.

"A strong regime, a regime that can cancel the debts of the poor, a regime that can wipe out the savings of the rich, and a regime that can prevent financial mergers." The boy said through gritted teeth, "The king of the new feudal society is the bank, but Then someone needs to seize this crown. The one percent of the rich who control the wealth cannot complete social promotion, and can only use the sword to integrate power, otherwise human beings will usher in endless poverty and economic weakness. "

"Do you know that a robot also expressed to me last night a pessimistic attitude towards the future of mankind. The enemy you are about to face is considered from the perspective of all species on the earth, and I stand on the human standpoint, thinking that we can The answer can be found in the society of the Cree.” Salomon swung his long sword again, squeezing the boy’s thinking time, “The highest intelligence, as a quantum computer created with technology beyond human understanding, profoundly and precisely regulates Every aspect of Kree society, including finance. Don't you think that's what we need?"

"An artificial intelligence?"

"A machine that has no emotions, only makes rational judgments, and is always loyal to humans." The mystic stopped. Some, because there won’t be many such opportunities in the future.”

"Are you going to be that machine?"

"Perhaps this is the necessary price. The establishment of ideals must be accompanied by sacrifices. Don't worry, that future has not come so soon, and now is not the time to abandon humanity."

The mystic moved again, his sword moving faster and faster, until he swung the long sword into a silver curtain of electric light, which stirred up the sand and dust in the training ground like a gust of wind, and even extinguished a person in the nearby brazier. high flames.

He was as arrogant as a lion swearing sovereignty, his roar was the sparks from the collision of swords and swords, and the burning flames in his eyes made people dare not look directly at him. This was the only time and the last time the boy saw the monarch show his astonishing nobility and wrath indiscriminately. The arrogant will kneel before him to pray for forgiveness that does not exist, and the pessimistic will pray to him for merciless mercy. He is like a violent god standing in the clouds, using flames that can burn steel and thunder that resounds throughout the world to send down sinful words. People pass judgment.

This memory cannot be completely erased even after all the operations are completed. Even though the psychological adjustment has erased his fear, the sense of danger hidden deep in his genes against the top predators of the food chain still swept his whole body.

"How many fathers, how many children will die at my hands! Whether they are guilty or innocent, I will send them to hell without hesitation! You will see the rising city later, and more So much innocent blood! More! Boy, this is the fucking future you're going to face! Blood on your hands, just like me! A damn idealist, a hypocritical bastard, a killer Butcher of knives! F*ck! F*ck!"

He roared like a howling wind, sweeping through the clouds in the atmosphere. The boy struggled to catch his movements, and he found that the light in the monarch's eyes evaporated the inexplicable water stains in the corners of his eyes. He had never imagined that his sovereign would be so angry and so sad.

"Perhaps you'll think I'm an ascetic, an ascetic, but no, never! I like beautiful women, precious wine, and steel beasts running wild! Come on, boy, come on! We should enjoy this! We should wear expensive suits! We should drink whiskey! We should spend money! We should sing songs! Let us exercise our birthright! Let us taste human society before the dark ages come The last touch of luxury! Let us ignite great ideals in iron and blood! Let us not regret what we have done! For I am Salomon Messiah Damonet Pendragon and I am human First and last Emperor! Last Guardian of Mankind! Bearer of the Sword of Terra! I am the Weapon! I am Violence! I am Death!"

Ask for a ticket!

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