Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 619 Salomon's Blood Debt (Second)

"Do you remember Sokovia?"

"Yes, I watched it go up into the sky." There was a hint of awe in his voice, "I saw what an artificial intelligence beyond its control would do. I don't think humans in modern society ever imagined that they would one day face The enemy in the movie, and the enemy is so terrible. The choice to ban artificial intelligence is the right choice, and humans cannot always control the mind that exists in the machine."

"So what did you do?"

Faced with this question, he remained silent. After a while, he spoke again, "No, there is nothing, only killing. Only this time the enemy's neck is not blood, but engine oil and electric sparks, but this is useless. Your order Just let me cause as much damage as possible, but... I went to help, I admit it, but I failed."

"I didn't create you to be a puppet who only obeys orders, child. You are an independent thinking individual, entitled to do what you think is right, whether successful or not, including thinking about orders. This is you The purpose for which it was created." The voice sounded very happy. Immediately afterwards, there was another long silence. "I've always been curious about people in high places feeling guilty about the decisions they made. Like Stark, who created Ultron and regretted it."

"My lord, aren't you really talking about yourself?"

His expression was very calm. "I'm ready for guilt, including now."

Sokovia, a small country that is almost impossible to find on the map like Donetsk. Due to the high altitude, mountainous terrain and perennial snow cover, no country is willing to trade with this country with almost no natural resources and industrial base, but its geographical location is so important, so it often attracts the attention of many forces, regardless of Is it the Soviet Union or the United States. When the boy saw a TV report about a green beast rampaging in South Africa and causing huge damage, Salomon took him through the portal and came to the outskirts of Sokovia where it was always snowing.

He turned off his mobile phone on purpose, except for a few specific people, no one could find him at all.

"What are we waiting for?" the boy asked. He had already put on the full set of equipment prepared for him by the Immortal City. The black bulletproof power armor and full-coverage helmet could prevent him from some fatal attacks. Knife, sword and bolter allow him to kill enemies in the shortest time possible.

He's already warmed up.

"Wait for this city to rise to the sky." Salomon said, "but before that, we need to take a look at their lives and see what kind of damage the years of war have caused them. Before launching a war, we It is better to know what kind of tragedy war will cause, and then keep our blood debt in mind at all times. Everything you have seen on TV before can be said to be a crime caused by my laissez-faire, but my blood debt is far from More than that...Mankind needs profound lessons, and there is no lesson that can be more profound than the loss of life. Such as beware of aliens, beware of artificial intelligence, beware of random genetic modification..."

The boy looked at the monarch's extremely indifferent face, and he knew that day would come sooner or later.

Salomon was also there when Ultron broke free.

It's just that he didn't cast too powerful magic, but summoned a few straight bolts of lightning, which didn't damage anything except the glass and the wall. Ultron also seemed to regard the previous conversation as their little secret, and did not greet Salomon. Stark watched the wreckage of the Iron Legion in silence until Thor, who was chasing Ultron, returned to Stark Tower in a rage.

"This is a program you wrote yourself, but why does it want to kill us?" Dr. Helen Zhao asked the question that any smart person could think of, and then this question attracted Tony Stark's ridicule.

"Is this funny, Tony? If it wasn't for you fiddling with something you couldn't figure out..." Thor couldn't understand Stark's motives. He couldn't understand the fragility of the earth. A single alien pirate was enough to destroy an entire civilization, and the Chitauri pirates were just one of countless races defeated by Asgard's army. When other people think about this issue from Stark's perspective, it is very easy to understand his thoughts.

"Does anyone remember how strange the world has become?" Tony Stark spread his hands, "An alien fleet traveled from the wormhole to the earth, and we are standing under the wormhole now. What do we rely on? A god who wields a hammer? A super-soldier hidden in a block of ice for seventy years? A magician who is mysterious every day or a green monster who can lose control of his flames?"

"Wow, Tony, it's not a good time to say this." Dr. Banner stammered to stop Stark from continuing to speak.

If this continues, the Avengers will have a civil war here.

"Think about Project Insight, the Avengers should be different from S.H.I.E.L.D." Captain Rogers said, "You can't protect the world with armor and cameras."

"We are now standing three hundred feet below the wormhole, and we barely won that time." Stark said, "What if it happens again? What if the alien fleet arrives in the solar system? How do you think we should deal with this kind of thing?" ?”


"Then we'll lose."

"Then lose together," Steve Rogers said.

Salomon shook his head. "We can't afford to lose, Captain." He said softly, "Even the Venerable can't guarantee the victory of the main material plane in the long-term external dimension war, let alone go back in time after the failure of human beings. There is no need to criticize Si Tucker, maybe naive in his ways, but we have to find the future of humanity."

"I'm glad you're on my side, kid, but are you secretly calling me childish?" Stark smacked his lips, "I apologize for what I just said, and it's not the time to discuss such philosophical issues Time. Well, twenty! I remembered, for goodness sake! How many years has passed, and we're even!"

"I knew you were here." In the barn where the tractor was parked, Salomon met his old friend. He arrived much faster than the Avengers, and didn't alarm anyone. Nick Fury was not surprised to see Salomon here. He knew that he couldn't defend against Salomon's prophecy, even if he used an electromagnetic shielding cage. He tried it.

"Barton took good care of this place." Salomon sat on the wooden table with hardware tools. Nick Fury was next to him, but if it weren't for the light leaking from the wall, almost no one could see the guy in black clearly. "I believe Agent Hill has reported the situation to you. If you don't show up, I'm going to space to capture you."

"I want to ask you why you didn't go to South Africa." Nick Fury asked, "You should know that you can reduce casualties."

"I'm in class! And do you think I'm going to break Karma Taj's laws and show off magic on a bunch of cameras without scruple?"

"New York."

"I was a knight back then." Salomon frowned. "Should we continue to discuss this childish question, Nicholas? I thought the stupid question of competence and responsibility was over. I really don't know American education What's going on, there is no relationship between teaching rights and obligations."

"I'm not here to play with words, Salomon. Tell me, what's your business?"

Ask for a ticket!

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