Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 620: Legacy of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Part 1)

"What do you want?" Nick Fury asked, "Isn't the legacy of S.H.I.E.L.D. not enough to fill your stomach?"

"I have ordered all my strength to stand by, but it is far from enough." Salomon ignored the sarcasm of the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Even if he bumped into the person involved, he didn't think it would be good to plunder a large amount of S.H.I.E.L.D. ashamed. Rather than being used by the secular government as chips and research materials for the next round of arms race, as a stepping stone for the internal consumption of human resources, he can at least use those strategic resources for the safety of all mankind. I want you to use your hidden powers, Nick Fury. He said, "I want you to play a few cards. I don't believe you didn't hide a few cards, otherwise you wouldn't have come down from that secret space station alone." "

"What did you see again? I'm a poor and blind tramp now, do you think I'm as good as I used to be?" Nick Fury's one-eyed stared at the mystic, "I've retired, Salomon. I can't even pay for my next lunch."

"My missiles have been aimed at the orbital space station you built, Nick Fury." Salomon waved his hand uninterested in Nick Fury's concealment, "Great ambition, trying to let the earth go to hell in this way." Interfering in cosmic affairs. But I can only tell you that this is the stupidest idea in the world. Your approach will only accelerate the extinction of human beings, but this is not what we are going to discuss today. Don’t try to hide secrets from me, I still know that Orbital space stations don't have many orbital defenses. Now is the time for you to trade the lives of your most loyal skrulls for human lives. I think it's a good deal. How can those green-skinned bugs compare to humans , isn't it?"

Nick Fury has no doubts about the military power that Salomon now possesses, and he knows exactly how much benefit Salomon took from the Hydra rebellion. What's more, he thinks that people like Salomon don't only have those powers, and he must be developing his own power in secret. Although he didn't know whether the missile Salomon said was true or not, even if there was only one RPG-7, it would be an extremely powerful strategic weapon when paired with a portal.

"You still haven't answered my question, Salomon. What exactly did you see in your prophecy, and what problems will Ultron cause?" Nick Fury pointed to his one-eyed eye, suppressing the uneasiness of secret exposure. He would only feel this kind of mood after meeting Salomon. Before meeting this person in front of him, no one had ever been able to reveal his secret in one go.

Magic, damn magic again!

"Facing the issue of Ultron, I am on the same side as the Avengers."

"Is that all?" Nick Fury narrowed his eyes. Even Salomon needs to help the Avengers, which means that the disaster brought by this incident will not be less than the Battle of New York, and it is very likely to lead to the destruction of human civilization. He recalled the missions that he knew that Salomon actively participated in, such as the invasion of evil gods in outer dimensions, the invasion of demons, the invasion of alien fleets... He sighed and folded his arms.

"Yes, that's all."

A stranger in a black cloak walks through the war-torn city of Sokovia.

The stranger has no name, only a number, because he has not yet earned his own. He walked through the winding, rugged and broken cobblestone roads, wandering in the shadows between makeshift tents and incandescent lights, carefully avoiding tangled wires, scrapped tires and cars that never had an annual inspection, trying his best Stay away from anyone who might strike up a conversation. Even though it has been several years since the last time it was ravaged by war, the city still has not recovered from the dilapidated wounds, disability and poverty still haunt everyone here, and the vicious smell of gunpowder smoke in the air never seems to dissipate. The old buildings built half a century ago have never been restored after being destroyed by modern artillery. It seems that the place has never been far away from war.

But even so, he couldn't help but marvel at the tenacity of the human race.

Even though the faces of these people were pale due to malnutrition, and they wore clothes that had been washed and fluffed repeatedly, and they might not know how many owners they had, but after the disaster passed, they still gathered together to share the little warmth left. His course in facial analysis had taught him that these people were just having fun, as the pile of broken wine bottles he had just skipped showed. But he felt a pang of sadness, because he saw corruption here, and all human beauty is but flowers frozen in the cold wind. The boy checked the UN's aid plan for Sokovia, and all the aid was handed over to the local government. If the food had really gone to the local people, then he wouldn't have seen so many emaciated children on the streets.

Boys know why.

The previous government was a new one from the opposition following a rebellion many years ago, an administration the US helped put together after a meaningless democratic election. If it weren't for this reason, Baron Sterak would not be popular in the local area. Compared with the comprador class controlled by the Americans, Hydra seems so benevolent, let alone those local governments wandering in the mountains in order to suppress A reign of terror from the secret police established by the guerrillas.

After overthrowing the weak local government, Baron Strucker provided employment for the local area and fed a large number of people who would not have been able to survive. It is meaningless to talk about any morality and position in the face of a hungry crowd. The warehouse knows the etiquette, and the food and clothing know the honor and disgrace. This is a sentence he can think of, and it is also the knowledge told to him by the monarch. He must have ancient knowledge from different civilizations, taught by the monarch himself - he knows that in the eyes of the local people The Avengers, who shouted to liberate Sokovia and wiped out the only Baron Sterak who could feed them, are the real evil, and survival is the only justice.

"It's also the only justice in the human world in the future." He said softly, and what he saw couldn't make him make any unnecessary expressions. His mind has undergone dual adjustments of secret law and chemistry, and endless hypnosis constantly beating his soul, allowing him to calmly face any terrifying scene that would make one's legs weak, including that extremely dark future.

He jumped repeatedly on the walls of the narrow alleys between the buildings, and with the friction of the joints of the light exoskeleton, he climbed up the low roofs that were almost connected. It's hard to imagine that's the power a nine-year-old boy with kilograms of gear under his cloak should have. Through the mysterious genetic alchemy that only a few people know, this boy has a height and muscles that far surpass those of his peers. The second heart and muscles that grew while sleeping in the training cabin supported him to make a man that is difficult for an adult man. His brain and nervous system have also been modified. The implanted glands allow him to fight for a long time without getting tired. The training he has undergone allows him to survive freely in the wild and in the city. All his transformation operations will be completed in the next few years, and his master will speed up the process through time arcana, otherwise all transformation operations will take decades.

If he failed the surgical adaptation program, no one would remember him.

He planned to find an empty house to live in today, and then check his equipment one last time before the battle came.

It's not difficult, the smell of death is everywhere.

Ask for a ticket!

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