Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 624: The Mechanical City in the Abyss (Part 1)

"You're fiddling with something you don't understand. This isn't the first time, Stark!" Dana raised her chainsword, the fierce silver-white teeth reflecting the golden light of Jarvis's holographic projection, like an ancient The faint fire that flickers in the cave in the long night. Dana's severe reprimand made Bruce Banner, who was almost persuaded, hesitate again, and Clint also saw that something was wrong. Even if he was dull, he could still perceive what Stark wanted to do. He expressed anger on the spot. This kind of incomprehension made Tony Stark's mouth full of scorching, and he felt his lungs were scorched by that impatience, and the scorching carbon fire filled his throat, making his breathing difficult. With indescribable scalding.

He no longer felt that his eyes could still be used, because the heat had spread to his brain.

"This is an endless loop, Tony." Dr. Banner opened his hands, "It seems to have returned to the past, and the problem happened here."

"This is the end, Banner!" Dr. Banner was taken aback by the sudden anger. Stark didn't look at the others, he let out a long sigh of relief, trying to vent his anger. "Sorry, Banner." He apologized to Bruce Banner who was standing aside, and then looked at Hawkeye and the artificial man standing in front of him, "I know what I'm doing, we have nothing else to do. The way. Ultron is the ghost in the Internet, we can’t catch it! We must create an opponent that is stronger than it and can make it fear!”

"And then? Every time an AI gets out of control, create a more powerful AI?" Dana put her finger on the engine switch. "You have no idea what you're doing, Stark. You can't control the artificial intelligence, and even if you put Jarvis in that body, the cosmic energies would completely change it," she said. It's a problem in the field of magic, you don't understand anything."

"Why didn't Salomon tell me?" Stark asked immediately, "Why didn't he stop me in the first place? Like when we first got off the plane, like when we were having a carnival, he was perfectly capable of solving it. "

"A monarch sees human possibility."

"Then are we guinea pigs for the experiment? All events are variables, and we will only come out to stop the experiment when it is about to destroy it?" Dana felt that Stark's talent for poisonous tongue did not gradually decrease as his thoughts matured, on the contrary , this person is getting more and more annoying. Tony Stark pointed at the thing lying in the cradle of regeneration, "If what Salomon wants is that human beings can face aliens independently, then this is the only way! This is the future of human development!"

"It's also a future that will completely destroy mankind, Stark. You don't understand how many possibilities the monarch has seen, and how many doomsdays you have created." Dana pressed the engine button with her thumb. The dragon's heart was beating again, pumping high-pressure blood rich in magic power, causing the unclean roar of the machinery and the dragon to resound through the laboratory again. The nauseating strong smell of blood and sulfur filled the nostrils of the mortals present, and the dragon's soul longed to taste the blood again, be it mortals or angels. All humans felt uncomfortable, but this was only one-thousandth of the power and killing intent of the dragon when it was still alive.

It wasn't until this moment that they realized what kind of determination the man-made man in front of them had.

She represents the will of Salomon.

"You know what the monarch thinks, and you also know which is more important, your life or the future of mankind." Her voice was overshadowed by the gradually increasing sound of the engine, and the others could only hear a few words clearly. They only saw the ornately decorated but still rough large-caliber pistol that Dinah took off from her waist, "I will not allow anyone to tarnish the monarch's efforts for his ideals, he made a choice, and you... ..."



"Ah! Good morning, Captain!"

"You are late, Salomon, the mission is over." Steve Rogers was not surprised to see Salomon appear here. He had a hunch that this operation would soon be in the news, but what surprised him was that the Maximov brothers and sisters actually showed happy expressions when they saw this person. Although they quickly covered up the past, this still made Captain Rogers doubtful.

"There is no need to cover up, Wanda." Salomon stood in the shadow of the train wreck and waved his hand boredly, "Kama Taj had already detected her when she awakened her magical ability. Let her cast spells at will to cause big trouble, and I also taught her some spellcasting skills so as not to hurt herself. Wanda can barely be called my apprentice, but she is not qualified." Captain Rogers remained silent, waiting Then Salomon continued. But Salomon didn't explain immediately, but greeted Maximov brothers and sisters generously, but he refused to hug without hesitation, as if a little touch of fingertips was not acceptable to him endured.

"Your hands are cold!"

Wanda Maximoff began to talk about what happened after she left the castle, and at the same time she did not forget to care about Salomon's body temperature. Salomon became more and more disgusted when he heard it. "Why don't you deform the wheel, or remove a key component? I remember I told you that the most stupid way of casting spells is the most stupid. Fire, frost and telekinesis don't always work." Salomon couldn't bear it. Can't stop complaining about the apprentice's spellcasting skills, "Or it's okay to turn the ground into a swamp."

"If a swamp suddenly appeared in Seoul, it would be difficult for anyone to explain." As a last resort, Captain Rogers had to pull the conversation back to himself, "I remember you have something to do today, is it possible that the wizarding world is also interested in artificial intelligence? Or, The reason why you came here is to find Wanda Maximoff, and you plan to pick her up?"

"No, not today, there is no magic teaching today." Salomon's answer made everyone present breathe a sigh of relief. If you want to deal with Ultron, the strength of the Maximov brothers and sisters is indispensable, as is the strength of Salomon. Wanda and Pietro wanted to solve this self-created problem-no matter how poor their previous lives were, the Maximovs had felt love, and they knew the value of life.

"I did have something to do today, so I didn't come to Seoul."

"and you……"

Salomon stepped out of the shadows, and Captain Rogers was astonished to see the sun shining through him as through tinted glass lenses. Although dim, it is still clearly visible. If anyone is still curious, Salomon can tell them bluntly that the brightness has been reduced by 85%. After thinking for a few seconds, Wanda finally remembered some of the lessons that Salomon had roughly taught her.

"Alchemy simulation!"

"Not entirely correct, it is the advanced level of alchemy simulacra, clone simulacrum. This is a replica made of ice and snow, which can accommodate my consciousness." Salomon said, "Wanda, this is the scroll prepared for you. To bring you to Stark Industries. Dinah may be able to stop Stark, but she is too aggressive, and I need you to control the situation. I am now in the outer dimension to find a solution to the problem of Ultron, if necessary I'll be back."

"Where are you?"

"Abyss." Salomon opened his eyes and looked at the blackened mechanical city cast on the ground. If the hot molten iron is the blood of the city, then the boiler built with the power of secret magic is the heart. Thick industrial smoke and dust gather on the top of the towering city. The condensed aether of the creature's malice works tirelessly. Even thousands of meters away, Salomon and Phoenix could still hear the continuous sound of beating and the pungent stench coming from the city, and the red sand mixed with iron sand under their feet followed the sound of the distant city. Their hearts trembled, and their thirst for metal came to their ears along with the breath of the city.

Here is the great gash the Abyss has made in the Material Plane, the cursed materialization of chaos. The planetary minerals swallowed by the abyss are transformed into more disgusting magic soldiers exuding curses and malice, and then sent to the demon front to devour the blood and soul of mortals, devils, angels and even the devil himself.

Pegasus shook his head, he didn't like the tingling of his teeth.

Salomon's tail ring on his left hand was as hot as molten iron just out of the furnace. The ancient contract told him that a male lion was trapped in the mechanical city.

Ask for a ticket!

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