Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 625 Bloodline of the Macedonian Dynasty (Second update! Ask for votes!)

The pale sunlight was refracted by the mirror, and came in from the holes in the dilapidated and dirty heavy curtains. The boy's eyelids trembled a few times and then opened quickly. The sudden light didn't make his pupils uncomfortable. The night in Sokovia is as quiet as a dead zone. Even the crying of a baby will be hidden by the mother under the thick quilt. The shadow brought by the Avengers who just left a few days ago and the local government that has returned is not so great. It is easy to dissipate, and many people are still worrying about tomorrow's food.

He stayed up all night, but never felt tired. Even in the silence of night, he will not let down his vigilance.

As the first user of genetic alchemy and biological laboratory transformation surgery, he has gathered many things that future genetically modified soldiers and even the Guards will not have—his monarch is like a king on a blank sheet of paper. An artist who splashes paint, transforming according to the idiosyncrasies of each subject. The genetic alchemy, which is extremely deep and dark, and only controlled by the monarch, continues to work subtly, gradually reconstructing him from the micro level until it is perfect. And more importantly, some extremely pure transformation rituals, the special transplanted glands that store the sacred genetic code will be absorbed and replaced in the future, and become his original organs, just like the heart and brain that he should have originally organs like that.

This kind of transformation will not only endow him with an endless lifespan, but also endow him with eternal resistance against the terrible outer dimension erosion, making them the sharpest weapon for the monarch to rule the material world and conquer the outer dimension. The entire process of transformation is a secret known only to the Praetorian Guards, and Salomon is not afraid to reveal the dark secrets to the boy.

This process will take dozens or hundreds of years to complete completely, and it needs to be supplemented by the unique surgery bestowed on him by the monarch. It is also accompanied by a high death rate and failure rate, but the boy firmly believes that he can survive those trials, because the monarch treats him well. And every future Praetorian has expectations because he is true to his mission. The blood of the Macedonian dynasty flowed in his body, and the outstanding qualities of all the monarchs in the most glorious period of the Byzantine Empire were integrated into his body, and together with the sacred gene source, he was shaped into a unique guard.

The boy walked to the other side of the dusty windowsill, opened the curtains and looked out.

Here you can see the small Orthodox church in the center of the city. The building is of great artistic and religious value, and even the guerrillas and the local government do not intend to completely destroy it. After reconnaissance the night before, he found that some kind of large-scale machinery was being built underground in the city, and the factories buried deep underground kept working all night, glowing with an industrial brilliance that Sokovia had never seen before, and the light that penetrated the ground Slight tremors have also become a nightmare for Sokovians. The steel left by Baron Starkla became the weapon of Ultron. By manipulating the network and the Iron Legion, Ultron obtained many high-tech electronic components that could not be manufactured here. Through the dense underground pipelines and a series of thrilling stealth assassinations, he figured out the approximate location of the large machine.

It's just that because there are many robots guarding that place, he can't get more accurate information. The manufacturing capability of artificial intelligence is unparalleled, but he still thinks of the monarch's warning - if the artificial intelligence problem is not solved here and the human desire for artificial intelligence engineering capabilities is stopped, then when human beings march towards the sea of ​​stars, this problem will become more serious. Just like a tumor in human civilization, it grows bigger and bigger, and finally gets out of control completely, turning against customers.

The monarch's choice is to puncture the sore in advance, squeeze out the foul-smelling pus, give human civilization a chance to heal itself, and leave a vigilant scar. But even so, the coming war was never expected by human beings, and no one would thank the monarch for his kindness.

Several disassembled robot heads lay at the boy's feet.

Although he is not particularly good at fiddling with machinery, he has learned the basics. He sent the data in the storage devices of these robots to the Immortal City through his personal terminal. After being decoded by the information department, he can obtain the images that these robots have seen, so as to obtain information and find out what Ao Chuang created. What is it. This information will also be submitted to the strategic and tactical staff department, after research, and after giving opinions, it will be sent to the monarch. Intelligence is the key to the ultimate victory in combat, but it is not the key factor in winning the war.

Perhaps after a complete transformation, he can solve this problem alone, but not now. His task is to obtain intelligence, and then take the opportunity to kill enough targets. What really solves the problem is the guns and chainswords in the hands of the upcoming sky carrier and the mortal army and sisterhood ready to go, and the heavy firepower stored in the warehouse.

Victoria Hand, as the head of intelligence, was called to attend the staff meeting, and her and Tita's opinions would directly affect the way the mortal army and the Sisterhood fought. Agent Hand was not very happy to participate in this kind of meeting, because not long ago her agents had just found the Inhumans living in China, and the female hacker in Coulson's agent team also "infiltrated" that organization. She was preparing to cooperate with Commander Gonzalez of the remnant of S.H.I.E.L.D. to launch an all-out attack on the organization when the order from the Immortal City arrived on her aircraft carrier and summoned her back.

"What we are facing now is a crisis that may destroy the earth, right?" She looked at the various people standing beside the holographic projection table. There are cyborgs with serious faces and wearing power armor, there are red-haired braided girls wearing light bulletproof suits with a wilderness atmosphere, and the head of the internal affairs department who wears jewelry made by Salomon himself. The three departments of operations, intelligence, and logistics worked together under the orders of the mystic to ensure that the operation in Sokovia could be completed smoothly.

"So this is the result of your work?" She glanced at the expressions of other people in the room, and then looked at the holographic projection again, "Dinah, if the BOSS says to prevent the birth of a new Ultron, then you should call our Armed Forces!"

"If I can't do it, your mortals can't even do it. The reason why the Master didn't send you on this mission is because he knew about it. The reason is simple, because Thor came, no matter how many armed ships It’s also in vain.” Dinah in the holographic projection remained expressionless, and she raised a small mud hammer engraved with many runes in her hand, so that others in the staff department could see, “At that time, I had temporarily seized Mjolnir's might, but it still hasn't stopped Thor from powering the Cradle of Regeneration."

"The upper floors of the Stark Group have been completely destroyed. According to the investigation, it seems to be the result of a large amount of out-of-control current, because the Stark Tower was struck by lightning twenty-six times in a row! This can be seen from the news, you Do you want to see what impact your battle has had?" Agent Hand had a headache for the group of man-made humans with special powers possessed by the mystic, and they didn't listen to anyone's orders, and even she couldn't order them directly. "That is to say, not only did you not prevent the birth of new artificial intelligence, you may have killed all the Avengers except Thor! I don't know if there is any situation in the BOSS's plan, but I'm sure he didn't expect you to be able to do it. This kind of thing."

Tita was silent.

"My fight didn't involve anyone else, because Wanda Maximoff was there and she was able to keep everyone else safe... If I had to say, I kind of liked the feeling of wearing that Thor armor. Sol doesn't say It's the god of thunder, rather the god of the hammer." Dinah stretched out her hand and pulled the curled hair on her forehead. The witch has booked a beauty salon for her, and she is going to have her hair cut later. She said blankly, "I don't care about the broken glass that fell down the stairs. I only care about the task."

"But you failed, and a new Ultron was born."

"This is also expected by the Master. This is just one of the possibilities." Dinah waved her hand, "If necessary, we can kill that artificial intelligence again, although it is now on our side."

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