Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 627 Keep Faith (Second)

"I'll give you three minutes." Captain Rogers looked at Vision and Sol who walked out one after another, and then gave orders to the others. Although the others were still a little uneasy, the situation was urgent and they could only take one step at a time. Fortunately, the equipment kept by the Avengers in another room was not affected by that battle, and they were able to replenish consumables and put on brand new costumes.

"You should know what Salomon would do if he knew that Stark had created an artificial intelligence." When Wanda Maximoff went to pick out equipment, he stopped and told Steve "If he's going to do something, I'll be with him no matter what the decision is. I've heard of the Infinity Stones, and I know Salomon has one of the six," Rodgers said.

"I know." Captain Rogers had a headache. He knew that Salomon didn't care about the difference between Hydra and S.H.I.E.L.D. Both were the ruling class of secular society for him. But he was still able to reach an agreement with Salomon, allowing him to inform the newly emerged magician, or the magician of Hydra, so that the Avengers would not be in a hurry when they met. He hopes that Salomon can understand what kind of harm a Hydra magician will bring, and he hopes that Salomon can pay more attention to the order of the secular society rather than the commandments of the magical world.

He didn't even want Salomon to kill Vision, the Avengers still needed this artificial intelligence.

After the twins boarded the plane, Tony Stark found Captain Rogers again. Across the Avengers, anyone would confide things to him that were not easy to talk to, even Tony Stark. "Even if there is only one Iron Man left, we will lose." Stark said, "This will be a tough battle."

"I don't have any plans for tomorrow night." The captain shrugged.

"I have a plan for tomorrow night." Seeing that he still had to spend time in the staff department, Agent Victoria Hand couldn't help complaining. She regrets a little now, why didn't she get rid of Coulson's team and act with Commander Gonzalez in advance to completely attack the Inhumans. This is also an order from Salomon, but the priority is not as high as the task in front of him. She hates missions with opaque intelligence - the intelligence capabilities of the Immortal City are completely incomparable with SHIELD, and no matter how powerful the technical level is, it cannot make up for the lack of personnel. Even if she tries her best to recruit agents, she still cannot compete with SHIELD Just as blatantly recruiting college students and soldiers, not to mention instilling ideals in those who have just finished their studies.

"Nick Fury's order has been completed, and our engineering team is gradually withdrawing from the S.H.I.E.L.D. base." Stephanie ignored the restlessness of the head of the intelligence department, and she notified others of the progress of the incident in the most flat tone. She waved a few times with her fingertips wearing sensory gloves, and called up a video, a few pictures, and a model that no one could understand. Immediately afterwards, she pulled out a signed parchment from the documents sent by the staff of the Ministry of the Interior. In the dimly lit room, only the holographic projection table is the only light source. In addition to the model that Stephanie just mobilized, there are also the working conditions on the three sky carriers and sky battleships, the business list of the information department, the rescue plan equipment, the combat squad list, and the ammunition reserve , hull maintenance status, fuel status, and the progress of some secret projects that others are not qualified to know. Others can only see a bunch of garbled characters.

Ora participated in the meeting as a representative of the Sorority, which she qualified as Salomon's life assistant in the Immortal City.

"The information transmitted by our intelligence personnel and the Imperial Guard No. 0 was decoded by the staff of the information department, and a picture was obtained." Stephanie said, "Su Rui, the director of our science department, constructed a rough three-dimensional model of the machinery that appeared in the video , and deduce its general function based on intelligence. Don’t be too demanding on her, she is very busy, and Nick Fury’s orders are not easy to meet, and we have no way of knowing that Nick Fury actually repaired the sky carrier and stopped there. This proves that we're missing out on looting the S.H.I.E.L.D. legacy, and that Nick Fury has too many secret bases."

"Finally some progress." Agent Hand yawned. "There's no need to look at me like that. Before that, even I didn't know where the first sky carrier was."

"Maybe it's an anti-gravity engine. It's rough, but it's very effective." Ola looked at the notes on the model, "Using vibration gold as the energy source, as long as the volume is large enough."

"Yes, the source of this technology is still the Stark Group. But that's not all." Stephanie nodded, and she handed the parchment to Agent Hand, which was filled with Princess Shu Rui's analysis of this technology and the follow-up How to deal with it, "In fact, the Praetorian Zero found many technologies in those robots that the current Stark Iron Legion has not applied. Our previous speculation has become a reality, that is, Ultron has all the Stark K Group technology, including only theoretical technology. We should inform the sisterhood and special operations team of this news."

"Of course, but where is Salomon?" Victoria Hand asked. "He should be commanding here, or acting with the attacking force."

"If the monarch doesn't tell you what he's doing now, it means you don't need to know." Aura glanced at the head of the intelligence department. Clearly, the intelligence chief wanted to expand his authority. Agent Hand waved his hand and continued to read the report by the light. She said, "The solution given by Su Rui is very difficult to complete with the current engineering capabilities of the Immortal City alone. We can't drive construction machinery to Sokovia to dig a lot! Maybe we should tell her what to provide Such advice, not fantasy, what we need is tactical guidance."

"I think all of these can be done by Commander Tita." Aura said, "We are not ordinary people. When our Lord created us, he gave us many talents beyond ordinary humans. If not, we would not be able to complete many alchemy techniques. "

"Then send Janitor Zero to destroy the core of the anti-gravity device!" Agent Hand could no longer bear the torment of anger. She patted the alloy table hard, "We have to do something! Don't you want to see a meteorite bigger than the one that destroyed the dinosaurs fall from the sky?"

Ola glanced at Stephanie, and the head of the interior department nodded slightly. They are the few who know the true scale of this mission, they can understand Salomon's purpose, and they can also resolutely carry out the orders given by Salomon.

"The operation on No. 0 of the Praetorian Guards has not been completed. Before that, my lord will not agree to let him take risks." Stephanie said in an extremely gentle voice, "What's more, he is only nine years old. You want to make a nine-year-old Is the 12-year-old boy going to die, Agent Hand?"

"Then what can we do?" Victoria Hand sighed.

"Wait, wait for the sky battleship to arrive in Sokovia." Ola said, "As soon as the sky battleship arrives, we can send the combat team to the ground and carry out evacuation operations at the same time."

"What about the local government?"

"There's only an interim government, they can't do anything, they don't know anything." Stephanie said, "Keep faith in the Lord, he never disappoints, he will never let the extinction happen, because Kama Taj doesn't allow it. We have done what we can, and the information department is also doing its best to analyze Ultron's weaknesses. Now, just wait for Tita's progress!"

Ask for a ticket!

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