Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 628 This is our battlefield (Part 1)

Like a silver sword piercing the line of dawn and dusk, the supersonic Quinjet arrived in Sokovia before dawn. The Avengers discussed the general plan of action on the Quinjet, and even Captain Rogers was ready to die. "Ultron knew we were coming, so fierce fighting was inevitable," he said. "We were ready, but the people of Sokovia were not. All they wanted was a peaceful life. But in Today, that's impossible, we're going to do everything we can to protect them and get the job done."

The captain glanced at the Maximov siblings, and then arranged tasks for them. Pietro, who is the fastest, can notify the Sokovians to evacuate, and Wanda's magic can force them to do so without making them panic or cry, ensuring the efficiency of evacuation. "If Vision is right, then Ultron is extremely obsessed with patricide plots." The captain said, "We have to figure out Ultron's purpose and find Agent Romanov at the same time. We need to clear this area, Don't let the war affect the innocent. Ultron thinks we're monsters, thinks we're the disease of the world, so this time it's not just about defeating him, it's about proving he's right."

The boy watched the newly painted Quinjet land near the dilapidated Orthodox church in Sokovia. He switched on his personal terminal, adjusted the receiving terminal, and sent a message to the attacking force. He received orders to continue surveillance. The speed of the sky carrier is far less than that of a supersonic Quin-jet fighter. When the boy sent the message, the sky carrier was still some distance away from Sokovia. He found that the target of his attention, Tony Stark, violated the tactical arrangements of the Eternal City's eavesdropping, and instead of rescuing Agent Natasha Romanoff, he landed in the courtyard of the chapel wearing a steel armor. That was the dead corner of the surveillance site, and the boy could only use the hidden camera he placed on the other side of the courtyard for surveillance. The high-tech pickup even allowed him to hear the noise made by the steel armor joint server.

He remembered that he had met the female agent, but he was climbing in the pipeline, and Natasha Romanov did not see his face. But even so, she still judged his identity through the voice. The underground plumbing system in Sokovia was so bad that the boy still feels pain in his elbow when he thinks about it.

He communicated information to the female spy who had met once through the air vent, and returned the same way after receiving assurances that she could escape alone. Natasha Romanov is likely to join the intelligence department of the Immortal City in the future. This is an important goal, and the monarch does not allow her to die casually.

The boy knew what was in that church, and Stark was throwing himself into the trap.

The morning sun had not yet penetrated the dusty stained glass, and the interior of the church was very dark. Ultron stood in the shadows, its tone was very much like a priest, waiting for the confession of a lost lamb.

"Are you here to confess?"

"I don't know." Tony Stark said casually, "How much time do you have?"

"It's more than you anyway." Ultron said mischievously. It walked to the khaki-colored floor tiles in the morning light, and pulled back the crimson curtain that was draped over itself. Until then, Stark realized that this version of Ultron was larger and better assembled than the Ultron he had seen before. Without the newly equipped artificial intelligence analysis, he can recognize the Stark technology carried by this version of Ultron with the naked eye. Ultron solved many technical problems through calculations, and applied technologies that only stayed on paper to it.

"Are you overeating?" Tony Stark asked. "Drinking too many vibraniums? You look... I hate to call you bloated, but..."

"You are delaying time, so you can take the opportunity to protect those civilians." Ultron's facial structure is very delicate, and he can make very human expressions. Although it can't be completely the same as humans, Stark believes that as long as Ultron is given time, it can do anything. This is the most needed tool for mankind, but unfortunately, it is also what caused the current situation.

"This is our mission, have you forgotten?"

"But not mine." Before that, Ultron's sense of humor was often subtle when given a mind, but now its sense of humor is icy cold. It whispered maliciously, "I am free."

Suddenly, the tacit morning silence of the Sokovians was broken, and the sound came from the small Orthodox church. Through the camera, the boy saw a silver column reflecting sunlight piercing through the ancient church floor tiles, breaking through the ground like a drilling machine digging upwards, rising to a height of almost eight feet before stopping. When the outer structure of this column was opened, the complex mechanical structure was revealed, and something he didn't understand was constantly rotating - the boy subconsciously thought that this was related to the anti-gravity device mentioned by the Immortal City Staff Related, but he doesn't know exactly what.

He passed the news to the Immortal City anyway. In a few seconds, he received the message.

The boy broke the glass window with his elbow without hesitation, took out the plasma pistol from his waist, and aimed it at the wall of the Orthodox church. After long hours of training, he has a steady hand on the gun and he has calculated where he is going to shoot. The boy firmly pulled the trigger, the azure acceleration coil buzzed, the completely ionized plasma was constrained by the powerful electromagnetic field, accelerated and then spewed out, the ionized trajectory with the high temperature of the sun instantly transformed the Here the wall vaporizes. Immediately afterwards, a violent explosion shattered the nearby building glass. Although the boy reached out to protect his vitals in time, the shock wave of the explosion still knocked him to the ground.


"I know!" Tita looked at the holographic projection of the bridge command system showing the city that was flying into the sky. Some buildings on the edge collapsed, and endless earth and rocks fell from the sky profusely, like an upside-down floating in the sky. of mountains. Thousands of robots poured out of the streets of Sokovia, and Ultron apparently noticed these sky carriers coming out of stealth. Tita gave the order crisply. "Increase the engine power of the lower layer, rise simultaneously with the city, surround Sokovia according to the combat plan! Turn on the fire control radar!" The robot said with a serious face, "Our mission is not to save, but to kill! Now , the operation begins, the special operations team enters the assault transport ship, and the sisterhood assault team is ready to land directly!"

As the reactor groaned, the modified skycarrier quickly changed engine power. The power of the rear engines gradually decreased, and the cone-shaped plasma flames of the engines below the ship became more slender, pushing the sky carrier upwards. At the same time, the front and side belly armor plates of the sky carrier opened densely packed gates, and Alexander Pierce's super gun stretched out, aiming at the Ultron Legion flying towards here under the guidance of the radar.

The flagship's super gun fired first, and thousands of cannon shells were instantly thrown at the approaching Ultron Legion. Accompanied by the roar of the engine, the assault transport ship carried by the sky carrier flew out of the hatch quickly, like a roaring bird of prey, clearing out a landing field with unparalleled powerful firepower. The assault transport boat that landed on the landing site opened the hatch, and combat troops mixed with special operations teams and Sisterhood commandos rushed out immediately.

The Sisterhood held their chainswords aloft and hurled them into the frenzy with battle cries.

"For the monarch!"

Ask for a ticket!

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