Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 629 Civilization is trial and error (second update)

Tony estimated the relevant parameters of the drilling rig through the armored sensor display, but the drilling rig was bottomless, and the new artificial intelligence Friday could not measure the specific values ​​at all. Friday was less formal and caustic than Jarvis. As a newly born artificial intelligence, many of her data sources are from the previous Jarvis, which also saves training time. "There's leftover vibranium there," she said, "unknown use."

"This is your end, Tony." Ultron said, "This is the peace of my time."

Seeing the arrival of the Ultron Iron Legion, Stark made a decision. He planned to help the civilians evacuate first, instead of fighting Ultron here. Ultron didn't stand in the way of Stark, it was content to see the Avengers grapple with certain death. Suddenly, a blast of hot plasma pierced through the stone wall and hit the drilling machine made of vibranium accurately. The sudden attack caught him off guard. If it wasn't for the energy released by Zhenjin, it would most likely be destroyed in this sun-like high-temperature plasma, and also make his plan fall short. The destruction so close at hand made him very angry, and it immediately counterattacked, ordering its own Iron Legion to carry out a saturation attack on the building that sent the attack, while it stayed here to face the phantom - its own design. Shocked and proud of the results, but when it realized that the Vision was not what it was designed to be, the mind empowered by the Mind Stone was instantly ignited with jealousy.

"They literally took everything from me!"

"The parameters are set by you," Vision said lightly, "you can change them."

"All right."

After a short period of dizziness and tinnitus, the boy rolled over on the gravel and dusty floor and got up. Although the shock that was enough to make people faint was unbearable for the strengthened boy, it was still within the tolerable range. Enduring the severe pain, he stumbled away from the Iron Legion's attack range, still holding the plasma pistol firmly in his bloodied hand. There was a wound on his forehead from broken tiles, and the wounds on his arms and shoulders were from splashed concrete. Layers of black shadows kept shaking in front of his eyes, and the violent feeling of vomiting was constantly testing his throat. ——Under the impact of the explosion, the muzzle velocity of these things is faster than the bullets. If he hadn't been wearing light composite bulletproof armor, he would have been beaten to pieces, or had twisted steel bars pierced through his chest. He felt that the wound on his forehead was rapidly stopping the bleeding, the pain in his arm was gradually dissipating, and the sequelae of the concussion were slowly reducing. The strong healing ability is not all a good thing, and some fine particles need subsequent surgery to remove.

"Guardian Zero." Tita's voice was heard by the boy through bone conduction earphones.

"Got it, heading to the Rose of the Cross..." The boy knew where he was going. It was a total disaster, a disaster caused by human arrogance, and he could even hear the screams of civilians. The monarch is right. If this problem is not completely resolved in Sokovia, then this problem will expand infinitely in the future until it completely destroys mankind. Development is a process of trial and error, but there are some costs that humans cannot afford. Guaranteeing the continuation of civilization is the bottom line of the monarch. The boy believes that the monarch is not unwilling to give humans time to try and make mistakes, but because time is what humans lack the most.

It was as bad as a plane crash site, and the homeless people he had been with for a short time in front of him had become mutilated corpses. The boy stopped and let out a long breath. He turned his aching shoulder, tearing away the inner layers of clothing stuck to the wound. He looked at the Iron Legion robot searching for traces in the passage ahead, and used his other uninjured arm to draw out the long sword on his back. He activated the switch on the sword, the azure current jumped on the blade, and the servo motor of the knee joint made a slight noise.

"...Estimated time, three minutes."

"Where do these people come from? I didn't ask." Stark glanced at the girls in black power armor, and immediately understood that it was Salomon's handwriting. The arrival of the Immortal City has brought down the pressure on the Avengers. Bolt guns and chainsaw swords can easily tear apart the iron men of Ultron Legion with extremely poor protection—in order to accommodate synchronization signals, flight and various functions, each robot The weight needs to be accurately calculated. This also led to the fact that these iron men did not have much defensive power, especially in the face of large-caliber bombs and brutal chainsaw swords, the delicate iron men suddenly became vulnerable, and their advantages were almost nonexistent.

"This is Tita, Commander of the Combat Department of the Immortal City. Now this battlefield is under the command of the Immortal City. In the name of the monarch!" The artificial man accessed the internal communication of the Avengers. Despite the cacophony of communications, she spoke to the Avengers in the strongest of terms.

"Who are you?" Captain Rogers raised his head and looked at the three sky carriers that were rising simultaneously with Sokovia. He couldn't see the Sisterhood holding the chainsword, so he couldn't tell the origin of the Sisterhood, but he still vaguely recognized the shape of the three sky carriers and the three curved wings headquarters in Washington during the Hydra rebellion. The three sky carriers raised are somewhat similar, so I have some guesses in my heart. Stark explained it to him in time, and the others cheered up when they heard that it was Salomon's power. "This is Salomon's sky carrier. When did he come?" Steve Rogers couldn't help but raise his voice, his tone full of relief. He slammed the shield down hard, severing a droid's joint, "I knew he wouldn't miss this fight!"

"To disappoint you, this is his android army." Stark curled his lips. "Our magical boy is not here at all. You should consider doing this when he arrives. Friday, Vision?"

"Boss, he succeeded. He has isolated Ultron from the Internet."

"Very good." Tita said, "The Immortal City is cleaning up all the subprograms that Ultron left on the Internet. The armed satellite is about to shoot down the synchronous communication satellite that Ultron captured, completely paralyzing Ultron's information network."

"Hey! Miss! How did you hack into my private communication!" Stark protested, but this protest was ignored by Tita. The firepower of the three sky carriers is astonishing. As long as Ultron's Iron Legion appears within a certain range, they will be immediately sniped by super guns. After unloading the combatants, the assault transport ship followed the Sisterhood to the center of the city, and the special operations team composed of mortals stayed on the outskirts of the city to help the Avengers clean up the robots.

"Boss, the core magnetic field made by vibranium gathers the land below the city together" Friday gave his conclusion. The AI ​​warns Stark that if the city falls now, it will kill all civilians stranded in Sokovia.

"Okay, miss, is there a way for you to land this city safely?"

"Yes, but please explain why the Ultron Legion has the plasma technology of the Immortal City? Although the power is extremely low, I can see it."


"I don't think this is the time to say that, Ms. Tita." Steve Rogers gasped. The robot is really difficult to deal with, and he has to use all his strength to destroy the weak position of the robot's protection. "Our purpose is to save lives, isn't it?"

"No, the task of the combat troops is to eliminate Ultron." Tita said extremely coldly, "The monarch has already warned you, and you must be responsible for your mistakes."

Ask for a ticket!

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