Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 631 Hidden Surprise (Second)

The powerful hematopoietic system, which had undergone targeted genetic modification, began to rev up like an engine with full throttle, replenishing the boy's lost blood. His wound stopped bleeding faster than ordinary people, but even so, he still lost a lot of blood. The coagulated blood and blackened engine oil seeped into the servo system of the joint, making the noise of the hydraulic joint even louder. Behind him, in the dimly lit passageway where the electricity was cut off, the wreckage of almost ten robots was flickering with electric sparks, and the cooling cuts slowly exuded the smell of heat and burnt electronic components. A scrawny, flustered mongrel was drooling, carefully sniffing the stinking meat of the homeless man, watching the boy leaning against the wall with wary eyes, and only started after making sure it wasn't his competitor. Dine.

The boy shook his head with difficulty, trying to get rid of the overlapping black shadows in front of him.

The cuts and scorch marks on his thighs came from his mistakes, but luckily he took care of the robots anyway. He didn't know what equipment was on those robots, but Ultron seemed to find him different. The body structure transformed by genetic alchemy is more excellent, which makes Ultron very interested, and even sends more robots to round up him-this is very special, because Ultron only wants to keep the mechanical race he created, and he does not hesitate to send more robots to round him up. The attitude is not so friendly.

Maybe Ultron just wanted one more research material, who knows.

With trembling fingers, the boy opened the pouch at his waist, took out a medical pulse drug syringe from it, and injected a needle into his wound. He performed the same procedure three times, and for the third time he injected himself into the carotid artery. After doing this, he felt that he had enough mental and physical strength to continue going down, and he could face the next enemy.

The piercing hum of the chainsword and the savage howl of the bolter all pointed his way. The boy picked up the long sword again, beheaded the mongrel dog who was hungry for fresh flesh, and staggered down the stairs clutching his stomach. "The mission...continue to execute." His back rubbed against the rough iron pipe handrail, and every step he took, he felt his internal organs being pulled hard by a rope, "I will guide the sisterhood to the city center ...the Orthodox Church, that's the key there, the heavy fire teams are needed."

"Received." The indifferent voice of the intelligence officer responded, and the boy could even hear the noisy keyboard sounds and whispers on the sky carrier. As the bolter fire approached, the boy took a few deep breaths and moved quickly.

"Ha! Here he is!" Catherine grabbed the boy's arm carelessly. Her chainsword was covered in motor oil, and she was cursing the robot as she tried to wipe the grease off when the boy exited the building through the exit. Although Catherine was wearing a helmet, the boy could still feel her joy at discovering him, and the other androids peered behind Catherine, trying to see what Praetorian Zero looked like.

"We have found Guard Zero, and the information has been shared with the second and third groups." Catherine said cheerfully, "Now carry out the destruction mission."

"Sol has gone towards the city center." Without Tita's notification, Catherine could see the news on the electronic eye display on the helmet. Both the steadily advancing sisterhood and Sol have put a lot of pressure on Ultron, and Catherine is ready to face Ultron directly. It's a challenge, but Catherine sees herself as the most powerful swordsman in the Immortal City and has what it takes to solve it. The ascending Sokovia is not far from the clouds. Before Catherine said a few words, the thick clouds covered the entire city in a very short period of time, eroding every corner in every possible way. The gradually thinning air, the low The poor visibility and the sudden drop in temperature are a great test for everyone.

There are very few people in this world who can enter the clouds with their bodies. When the lead gray cumulonimbus clouds slowly press down, almost all ordinary people are filled with despair. "Start the life support system." Catherine gave the order to all members of the group, the sealing ring on the neck of the power armor was immediately fitted, and the oxygen circulation equipment began to operate. The same order was also carried out in the second and third groups. In the dim environment, their bright red eyepieces looked even more terrifying, and the airtight equipment completely cut off their voice communication with the outside world.

However, the intercom system still works.

"Can you continue?" Catherine looked at the boy shrouded in clouds. At this time, the boy also put on a mask, sucking in oxygen in an effort to maintain the oxygen level in his blood. He nodded. "Very good." Catherine handed a grenade launcher to the boy, "You won't be able to use it in the next battle, but you can use this."

"Do you have any good ideas? Stark." Captain Rogers helped a wounded man. The poor visibility also affected him.

"Not yet, it seems that the only way to blow up the city is now. I can find a way to seal the energy of the spiral tower, so that the atomic impact can be reversed." Stark said helplessly, "No matter what, we have to try our best." To avoid the aftermath of the explosion reaching the ground, if you evacuate..."

Captain Rogers interrupted Stark. "Ms. Tita, how is the civilian evacuation plan going?"

"Only a few hundred women and children have been evacuated so far. The assault transport boat can only carry the weight of fifty mortals at a time, and this is even without their luggage. This is far from enough for the existing civilians. What's more The Sky Carrier set off with a full load of ammunition and cannot carry any more passengers. I declare again that the Sky Carrier is a strike ship!" Tita was a little annoyed, because Captain Rogers always involuntarily seized the right to decide, "If you are in danger If you fail to produce a good result before the height, the sky carrier will directly fire and completely destroy the city. Don't interrupt me, Steve Rogers, the lives of all human beings are compared to the lives of Sokovians Which is more important, you should know how we choose."

"She's right. We have to make a choice, Captain," Stark said. "The rise of the city will only lead to a larger and larger area of ​​influence, and in the end it will only be the same as the meteorite that wiped out the dinosaurs."

"Captain, there is no place for civilians here, if Stark has a way to blow up the city..." Natasha Romanov hesitated to speak. But Steve Rogers shook his head firmly. Even at this juncture, Steve Rogers still did not choose to give up the lives of the Sokovians.

"We have to wait until everyone is safe before we can blow up the city."

Hearing this answer, Tita sneered twice. "The Monarch said that putting hope in the Avengers is sending civilization to a strange place." She said, "Even if you are not a utilitarian, you can answer this multiple-choice question. You are not qualified to ask Sokovia Others choose to die, Steve Rogers. But you should be grateful for the preparedness of the monarch, and nothing will go beyond the monarch's plan."

"What does this mean?" Natasha Romanov heard a little hope from this sentence.

"It means that the current situation is still within the monarch's plan. It includes resettling civilians and destroying the city." Tita is very satisfied with the feeling of teaching these people, "Halloween is over, there is no time to make trouble. Avengers, stupid Mortals, can you finally understand the wisdom of the monarch now? Can you realize that the choice made by the monarch is correct?"

"Now is not the time to hide surprises, ma'am." Captain Rogers breathed a sigh of relief, "Do you have any good ideas?"

Ask for a ticket!

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