Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 632 Blood of Innocents (Part 1)

There was no longer any good glass in the whole city, all shattered into tens of thousands of shards in the terrible tremor of the rising. As the slowly rising Sokovia breaks through the thick clouds, for a moment, the broken glass on the street refracts the sunlight at the same time, like a city covered in crystals in fairy tales.

"You're not going to die here because a vacant sky carrier big enough to hold everyone is approaching. Immortal City's engineering team fixed it and brought those S.H.I.E.L.D. employees back from all over the world." The android commander listened to the exclamation of the Avengers with satisfaction. Standing on the bridge, she looked down at the clouds whitened by the sun through the reinforced glass. "Nick Fury doesn't have the ability to activate the badly damaged sky carrier right now, only the Immortal City can repair the engine in such a short time. He will come to greet you later...he came sooner than I thought Quick! That bastard, he didn't pay a penny!"

The clouds were drawn in by an invisible vortex, and a sky carrier whose technical level was obviously inferior to the sky battleships of the sisterhood rose up. The four propellers that propel the aircraft carrier up to the sky are not the electric propulsion engine of the immortal city. The Avengers are very familiar with this aircraft carrier because they have boarded this ship. "Why aren't you surprised?" Nick Fury, who was connected to the communication, asked with a smile, "I do still owe Salomon a sum of money. That guy's fee is not cheap. I don't know when he developed Such power."

"When you are busy maintaining your self-righteous peace and dismissing the real crisis." Tita refused to let Nick Fury go at all. She couldn't understand why the Sovereign would devote the resources that the Immortal City lacked to these worthless humans. "Now the theoretical temperature should be close to minus 20 degrees Celsius. You still have time to chat. Although the monarch does not allow me to do this, I don't mind seeing you and those unlucky eggs frozen into ice cubes. And you, Tony Stark, I know what you want to do, you can do it when the ship of the Immortal City leaves. But I will tell you a cruel fact, that is, there are more Sokovians left on the ground than here , They ran out of the city when they realized that the situation was wrong, who do you think gave them this experience?"

The humiliation of the artificial man made the Avengers speechless, and even Stark couldn't retaliate, especially when he knew that the equipment of the Sokovia reactionary forces came from the Stark Group. They all know how unpopular Americans are with Sokovians, even Thor. Although the Avengers were not the root cause of the political turmoil in Sokovia, in the eyes of those civilians, Americans are Americans, and it will not change whether they are Avengers or not.

Except this time, the Avengers showed their humanity when they cleaned up the mess they caused. Even if the people of Sokovia are reluctant, they will accept help from the Avengers.

"As long as they don't know that Ultron is also Stark's trouble." Tita sneered, "Nick Fury, are you still waiting to eat human blood ice cream?"

"Ma'am, there's no need to be so angry," Nick Fury said.

Agent Hill's calm voice sounded on the communication channel, "The rescue spacecraft has been safely deployed. Disengagement preparations. Three, two... launch."

Wanda and Pietro hurried over to Steve Rogers and watched as eight huge thruster-laden rescue craft detached from the open side of the Sky Carrier and dispersed to the edge of the city. Although these lifesaving spaceships are simple in shape, their technical level is not low at all, especially if they use rough propellers like jet engines, if they are not careful, they will capsize. The marks of the Sisterhood and the Immortal City can be clearly seen on the side of the rescue spacecraft, and the engineering team of the Immortal City dutifully covered it with spray paint.

Seeing that the civilians were about to leave the flying city, Ultron immediately mobilized the reserve robot army. At the same time, it had to dedicate part of its strength to stop the sisterhood. Crude droids aren't girls in power armor with chainswords and bolters at all, and Ultron can only buy time for himself using numbers. Just as a group of robots flew towards the S.H.I.E.L.D.'s unarmed sky carrier, ten assault transport boats fully loaded with ammunition also set off from the tarmac of Crossrose and Retribution, and swept across the sky with raging firepower, killing all The robot trying to get away is completely smashed.

Even if something is missed, the super gun and secondary gun of the sky carrier can accurately hit the fleeing robot.

This airspace is already controlled by the Sisterhood, and any aircraft without permission cannot leave Sokovia.

The war machine Colonel Rhodes didn't know what to say in the face of the wreckage falling from the sky. "It was supposed to be mine." He just took off. "How can I brag at a party?"

"Catherine." Tita connected to the communication from the combat team, "report the progress of the mission."

"We have completed the layout of the magic circle, and we are evacuating to the outskirts of the city." The female swordsman's voice sounded very cheerful. The real purpose of the heavy weapons team is to break through obstacles, shorten the deployment time of the prefabricated magic circle, and quickly clear Ultron's legion is just a subsidiary function.

"I think we can use the steel wings to jump directly onto the tarmac, what do you think?"

"If the health of Praetorian Zero allows." Tita switched to the communication channel of the Avengers, "Stark, after the evacuation is over, if you don't plan to do anything, then Sokovia will be replaced by the Immortal City to deal with. All evacuated. Wanda Maximoff, Pietro Maximoff, the teleportation room on the ship is ready for you, and you can go through it now. The monarch asked me to ensure that your Life is safe, I believe the monarch has told you how to enter the teleportation room."

"What do you want to do?" Stark asked. "We can't give up the vibrating gold spiral tower. Don't you want to see this city crashing down rapidly? With the help of anti-gravity engines, this meteorite The acceleration is much more terrifying than the one that destroyed the dinosaurs! Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions...the whole of Europe will become a lava pool!"

"The Monarch has a solution to this problem."

"Where is he?"

"This is the secret of the Immortal City." Tita looked at the parchment Salomon handed her. The elegant inkblot slowly appeared a minute ago, which is the source of the order of the sisterhood. This order came directly from Salomon, and only Tita could accept it, and even Stephanie only knew about it. Only now did Tita finally understand the reason why Salomon asked the Sisterhood to carry the materials for casting spells, as well as the blood of some innocent people.

The most indispensable thing now is the innocent dead, and the Avengers can't save so many people.

"The monarch made a promise." She sneered, "He will not give up the lives of those Sokovians below, because you are not qualified to decide the life and death of those people, because in the eyes of the monarch, their lives are far more valuable than yours .”

"I'm so fed up with secrets!"

"One more request, don't break the copper rails that are placed next to the small Orthodox church in the city center. Unless you want to see everyone consumed by the fire of hell. Saul, you hear that?"

"I goat poo!" Saul blushed and tried his best to spit out a few words. Ultron grabbed his throat with a palm made of vibrating gold, and even the automatic machine gun tower left by the Sisterhood couldn't help. "I am Thor, son of the god Odin. As long as I have breath... I am running out of words, are you ready?"

Ask for a ticket!

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