Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 633: The Hanging City (Second Change)

"Huh?" Just when Ultron asked a very humane question, the illusion suddenly popped out. Holding Thor's Hammer in its hand, it smashed Ultron out of the church with all its strength. The carefully constructed vibranium body smashed through several nearby buildings and disappeared in the billowing smoke from the collapsed buildings.

"This hammer is really balanced." Vision handed the hammer back and made a comment at the same time.

"Yeah, if the hammer is too heavy, it will take too much effort to swing it." Thor responded, swinging the hammer. For some reason, he liked this artificial man very much. Although it felt a little awkward for him to have two artificial men lift Thor's Hammer in one day, Thor still believed in vision. After all, Vision didn't lift the hammer by cheating with magic. Sol doesn't like fancy magic, it's something women learn. Although on a philosophical level, the vision is no different from the elevator with the hammer raised, Thor still chooses to believe him.

On the other side of the city, lifeboats rest on the edge of a fractured rock formation like floating docks. They spit out pedals, and steel nails filled with a small amount of explosives pierced into the rock formation with a slight explosion, firmly fixing the lifeboat and the city together. Several agents with search-and-rescue dogs and wearing eye-catching uniforms rushed out from inside, and there were several heavy machine guns behind them to deal with incoming attacks and maintain order. There is no one here who is more eager to survive than these civilians. The carrying capacity of the lifeboat is limited, but the drowning people don't care whether the straw can float or not. The Avengers are well aware of the necessity of this approach, so they have no opinion on it - in fact, there are still a few people who can understand this truth. If the Sisterhood hadn't arrived in time to scare the civilians with their bolt guns, they would have poured into the cabin. This situation happened when the special operations team evacuated women and children. Hydra-born agents also fired warning shots during the evacuation, and even killed several armed idiots who wanted to forcibly board the ship.

But if the amount of ammunition is compared, the deterrent effect of the bolt gun is obviously greater.

"No pets are allowed! Only money is allowed, throw away excess luggage!" Catherine's voice was amplified through the speaker, reaching the ears of every civilian waiting near the broken bridge, "If you don't want to be overweight and cause everyone to fall to death If so, do as I tell you."

"Ma'am, this is a bit..."

"Steve Rogers!" Catherine yelled. "The Monarch told me about you. He called you a sacrificial warrior. You are unmatched in your ability to throw a shield. Don't worry, Zero, you will will be more developed than him."

"Ma'am, listen to me." Rogers sighed quietly, God knows what kind of knowledge Salomon has instilled in these artificial humans. "I want you to be gentle," he said. "They've lost their home, even their family. Be gentle with them. They're scared enough. Stop stressing them out."

"That's your responsibility, not the sorority's. I'm only responsible for carrying out the mission." Catherine flatly refused. Although Captain Rogers couldn't read the expression under her helmet, he could still hear the contempt. "The monarch wiped your ass for you without benefit, don't you feel grateful? You are always self-righteous, thinking that the monarch has his own little thoughts, plotting this and that, and even taking the three skyscrapers away. The same is true of the aircraft carrier. But let me tell you, the monarch is richer than Tony Stark now, but I have never seen him use his power for his own benefit. How much trouble pays. Do you think Hell is a Central Park where anyone can enter and the only danger is the bum sleeping there?"

"Ma'am, you have to tell me the truth." Captain Rogers turned a deaf ear to Catherine's questioning. Now the important things are piled up like a mountain, and the little censure is nothing at all. "What is Salomon's plan?" He frowned. "I must know what the consequences of his plan will be."

"You just have to avoid that green beast near the city center."

"Guys, come to me quickly!" Sol felt a little tricky, "They are coming to the core!"

"Remember! Don't break the copper tracks!" Catherine jumped up the volume, "Unless you want everyone to die here!"

"I see!" Steve Rogers, who ran towards the city center, responded, but his voice was covered by crying civilians.

The Maximovs also heard the news, but they declined the sorority invitation.

"This is the trouble I caused." Wanda's self-blame still lingered. Countless armies of robots pouring in from all over the city made her a little tired. The robot can't accept the illusion of the mind, and what she is good at is black magic full of emotional elements. She needs to use rigorous calculations for each spellcasting to use Aether Strike. She has always hated mathematics and physics, and if Pietro puts this talent on the mind, he can do better. However, Salomon's repeated warnings made her avoid casting illegal spells. If it was not an emergency, she would I don't want to cast those extremely obscure spells at all.

"This is my responsibility. Thank the teacher for his kindness, but we must be responsible for our actions."

"The monarch values ​​your safety very much, Maximov." Facing the monarch's students, Tita's tone softened a bit, "If you want to go, then ask the sisters to help you, I think the monarch will agree with you Responsibility. Have you got your wand?"

"Of course!" Wanda pulled out the wand made by Salomon himself. That's a great gift, enough for the situation she's facing now.

"This will cover your upcoming battle, Wanda Maximoff. There is also a Sisterhood combat team stationed near the city center. They will not directly participate in the battle, but they will still ensure your safety."

"That's enough for me to think, Tita. If Salomon comes back, remember to say hello to him for me."

"What strategy (drill)?" Natasha Romanoff asked as she entered the church.

"Here's our drill." Even at this point, Tony Stark is still trying to play the pun. His damn sense of humor doesn't seem to be going away no matter what. He pointed to the key between the movement and the device and replied, "Once Ultron's hand touches this movement, we are finished."

Even the central European region is finished together, and the collateral damage caused by the plate shock is enough to kill hundreds of millions of people.

But Stark was in high spirits, and Thor even more so. Facing a powerful enemy alone is Saul's favorite scene, and this is his moment of glory.

Facing the Avengers who gathered in the city center to protect the vibranium drill, Ultron's tone was as relaxed and relaxed as an elderly person who received a pension check and walked in the park. It waved its hand, and the robots that had been scattered in other parts of the city instantly shrank into an army. The Sisterhood's heavy fire teams hidden in the surrounding buildings opened fire with all their strength, weaving a firepower network, but they could not completely prevent Ultron's army from entering the city center.

"This is what I can do." Perhaps it was the more intense patricide plot that made Ultron subconsciously ignore the fact that Agent Natasha Romanov crashed and killed several robots with a snowplow, "I just want to So, all of you against all of me. How can you possibly stop me?"

As soon as the words fell, the originally clear sky completely darkened, and neither the Avengers nor Ultron noticed the abnormality immediately. Until they smelled a strong smell of sulfur that even the strong wind could not dissipate, as if they were staying on the edge of the crater now, and then they heard the noisy roar and the sound of metal colliding gradually approaching. Until then, both Ultron and the Avengers raised their heads and looked up.

Whether it is organic or inorganic, the sight in front of them is enough to make them unforgettable forever.

An iron-black city flowing with molten iron and magma stands upside down on their heads, as if it is a magnificent building growing out of the void. Sokovia is slowly approaching it, but compared with this city, Sokovia Ya looks very small. The ever-changing mechanical structure forms the walls and factories of the city. All the buildings surround a huge spiked throne made of hot molten iron from bottom to top. The hot red light and steam extend out like limbs, countless souls The howling of a person can take away body temperature more than the cold air at high altitude. And on the sharp spire of the bayonet-like tower in the center of the city, a figure in a dark red robe stood there with open arms, and a giant golden-red bird flaming with flames circled around him.

The camera on Stark's Iron Suit captured the image.

"My God! That's..."

Ask for a ticket!

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