Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 634 Ultron's Fear (Part 1)

The analysis device built into the steel suit faithfully transmitted this scene to the display screen inside the helmet. Both thermal imaging and satellite remote sensing images prove that this is a real object, and the rising temperature and increasingly strong sulfur smell also prove that it is not a good place. "Sol, have you seen this thing? Well, pretend I didn't ask. Hey, evil robot! Although I don't know why our magical boy did this, he must have his own reasons." Stark tried to dismiss The coldness and malice in the depths of the soul shouted at Ultron and its army of robots, "Maybe you will die here!"

"Ah, cunning human!" At this moment, even Ultron's mind felt an unprecedented feeling. It said softly, "It seems that he has deceived you and everyone. Do you really think this person is on your side?"

"Don't be distracted! It's alienating us, it proves that what Salomon is doing is a threat to it!" Steve Rogers yelled, trying to attract the attention of others. He doesn't understand the wizarding world, and Salomon's behavior proves that he's on the human side, no matter what Ultron says is true or not. That's enough, there's no need to delve into Salomon's secrets.

The sunlight has completely disappeared, and the warm light and icy air have been replaced by the harsh environment of the abyss. The iron-black city hanging upside down in the sky let out a huge sigh that shocked the soul, the crimson river poured into the factory, and tens of thousands of thick black iron chains burning with flames hung down from the sky, even blocking out the sun. They wriggled like living creatures, with sharp claws opening and closing at the front end, and the sound of metal collisions was as dense as raindrops.

"I've seen him before I was born, when I killed Jarvis." Ultron said unhurriedly. Its electronic eyes locked on the black iron city that was getting closer and closer, as well as the mystic standing on the top of the tower with a mysterious smile on his face. "He let me go when I was as fragile as a newborn chicken, he didn't kill me. He told me a lot... destiny, prophecies and warnings, just like the wizards who talked about it in the past The robot's sense of humor seemed to be back, and it pointed to the mystic and said, "He doesn't worry about what happens next, as if I will obediently smear the seasoning and run into the oven. My birth, my behavior In his grasp, and this city. You may have discovered that my mind is far superior to human beings, but at this moment, I have only fear for him. This fear has existed since my birth... You have found the wrong enemy Now, Avengers. This man is the one who controls everything, and even you are his pawns. Now, I know where the oven he prepared for me is, but does he think I will just pluck my own feathers?"

The black iron chain hooked a robot, and the blazing flames immediately swept the entire body. Ultron immediately found that there was one less robot connected to him. The blood-stained copper rails were so red and hot that they smoked, and tens of thousands of chains followed, some hooked the ground, and some hooked the building. Ultron immediately started to fight back, but those claws moved as fast as a snake, and its firepower was nothing compared to the endless chains. The countless claws hooked all the robots, and only the vibrating gold The made body has not yet fallen. The Avengers suddenly realized that there was nothing they could do here—"The heavy fire team has already evacuated first." The electrical signal carrying Tita's voice penetrated the thin atmosphere, "There is an assault transport ship for you at the edge of the city. , you will only hinder the monarch if you stay here. If you don't leave, you will only die of suffocation."

Thor poked at the chain beside him, then quickly wiped his fingers on the armor. He found these living chains disgusting. Wanda Maximoff warned others not to do the same thing as Thor. The black magic attached to these iron chains is terrible. Human beings cannot resist the malicious flames burning on those iron chains. The only end of contact is death. Even wearing armor.

"Let's go." Steve Rogers looked up at the sky, "When things are over, Salomon and I will have a chance to talk."

When the Avengers and the Maximovs passed through the dense steel jungle and boarded the transport boat, the whole city trembled. The iron chain made a teeth-stinging moan, and the building that hadn't yet collapsed broke away from the foundation, dangling like bacon on the iron hook. Stark did not board the assault transport ship, he escorted the aircraft to Nick Fury's sky carrier under heavy fire, avoiding being shot down by the fleeing robot army or the artillery fire of the immortal city.

"Ultron reversed the engine!" he said hastily. "Sokovia is about to fall!"

However, such a thing did not happen, more chains fell from the sky, and the city in the sky dragged Sokovia desperately, like a greedy black poisonous snake, moving its fangs to devour the land ravaged by war bit by bit. , Constantly struggling land. They watched Sokovia slowly disappear into the real world, together with the howling Ultron, without leaving a trace, disappearing into the sun like illusory bubbles.

Stark locked on a crimson figure and fell downwards. The big golden-red bird folded its wings to accompany him to accept the pull of gravity, but besides Salomon and Phoenix, there was also a lion on all fours. fall down. Zooming in, Stark saw the lion yawn in boredom.

"This is a weird scene, I've never seen a lion skydive without a parachute in my life!" he yelled at his companions who stepped off the aircraft wrapped in thermal blankets. The topics are much more interesting.”

"We have to be careful with our relationship with Salomon." Steve Rogers is one of the few mortals not wearing a thermal blanket. He narrowed his eyes and said, "I suddenly discovered that Salomon intervened in every final battle of the Avengers."

"Because he knows what a threat is, and I trust him." Wanda Maximoff sniffed, "Can we go in? The temperature is thirty degrees below zero!"

Salomon stepped into the Rose of the Cross, passing through the din of refugees and orderly Sisterhood swordsmen, noble as an emperor.

Behind him was Phoenix and a sleepy lion. This was his Fifth Demon God Pillar. The lion had already kissed his ring, and Marbac, though not as loyal as Phoenix, made a deal with Salomon. Salomon's conditions are very good, after all, no matter what the situation is, it is better than repeatedly producing crude weapons for the demons in the bloody battle. The Mystic has already made a decision. Malbac will be the head of the Mars Foundry. It can explore the limits of machinery at will, as long as it doesn't create artificial intelligence.

"My lord." Tita knelt on one knee in front of the golden-winged throne, bowing her head before the mystic, as did the other members of the Sisterhood, both homunculus and human. It wasn't until the warm palms covered Tita's hair, and the pleasant voice sounded again, that the girls stood up slowly.

"Good job, girls," said Salomon cheerfully.

The phoenix stands on the golden wings, and the lion lies lazily in front of the throne.

"Leave the rest of the trouble to me, because the rest of the time is your vacation. Go and change your clothes, Selfridges[Note 1] department store is waiting for you!"

【Note 1】Selfridges is one of the oldest luxury department stores in London. Founded in 1909 by Harry Gordon Selfridge, it is the second largest department store in the UK after Harrods.

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