Marvel Book of Magical Events

Chapter 636: Emergency (Part 1)

Salomon unilaterally declared that the bodysuit was the best invention in the world.

Maybe yoga pants would also be in the list, but the exact ranking depends on what Bayonetta is wearing today, or what Salomon tore up again. He was in a much lighter mood than the mired Avengers, and the scolding from Steve Rogers and Tony Stark didn't really affect his mood - the anger was real, but at best it made him He frowned, so as not to really lose his temper. Kicking them off the carrier just because he's about to open the portal to send the Crossrose sky carrier to London, then kicks off the previous appointment, giving the sorority girls a full day of luxury shopping and fancy restaurants experience.

That is a delicacy that the aircraft carrier kitchen cannot provide. After all, the aircraft carrier has a limited area, and even the preparation of dishes needs to be done in the base. Salomon didn't want to complain, the engineering team had done their best, he just wanted to kill the chef who made him pasta! He'd never eaten anything so nasty, and that lump of spaghetti was comparable to Marmon's fart! Where the hell did Stephanie find a cook who couldn't even cook pasta?

"News frontline content next week: We'll discuss the aftermath of the Avengers conflict in Sokovia, and the current rescue situation in the area. In fact, there are many new faces in this conflict, according to people familiar with the matter. The part of the city that rises from Sokovia disappeared inexplicably. The reporter learned from the local population that they saw an extremely terrifying scene on the day of the conflict. Experts do not rule out that the existing video data has been modified, but some religious People, conspiracy theorists, alien descendants and flat earth supporters claim on their public websites that this is a harbinger of God's punishment, or a secret weapon of aliens. They believe that the government has concealed the truth, and the cause of the whole thing It's actually an alien invasion... and we'll also be looking at the latest news on cybercriminal Scott Lang, a former employee of Vesta Enterprises a few years ago. He will be released from prison on July 17. Read more Follow our website…”

“Thanks again to the Sokovia Panel and UN representatives, the issue of superhero government regulation and transparency continues to be a hot topic of public debate. When the public sees events on the other side of the world, the topic continues to escalate further. Now we look back at what happened a few years ago A case..."

Bayonetta turned off the TV because she would not allow anyone to disturb the mystic now.

"Mamma Mia, this is extremely delicious!" Salomon chewed a few mouthfuls before swallowing it whole, and praised in his half-baked Italian. Hearing what Salomon said, the witch showed a satisfied smile. The plate of pasta was the whim of the Witch, and she added sugar and vinegar to the sautéed diced tomatoes, and Beunita was so enthusiastic that she even came to the bedside with the plate, that Dinah thought she Lost my job. The mystic ate ​​with tears under the expectant eyes of the witch, because the food made by Bayonetta tasted the same as the alchemy potion.

On the bright side, at least you can fry the diced tomatoes this time, can't you?

Maybe I really shouldn't have fired the Russian chef and given him more grace instead of telling him to go back to his restaurant in Moscow. I bought it not long ago. Although I have never been there, I still need my manager to give those employees a good impression. Even so, Salomon gets angry when he thinks of the chef—Xenia, Курицынсын! Petty thief! Stephanie should have had the chef on board instead of an assistant!

"I can assure you it's the best pasta I've ever had." Salomon sniffed. "I'm not crying, it's just a little hot. Your homemade skins are delicious, Bayonetta. I think We can leave some for Joan, she must miss the taste of her hometown very much."

"Okay, the pasta in New York is terrible. Besides, I've already asked you to leave, dear." The witch blinked and smiled, "Anyway, you are not in a hurry to attend Jane Foster's report , isn't it?"

"It's just a Nobel Prize. It's nothing. I want to call Daxi. I have missed 110 calls. She must be crazy." Salomon put the plate on the table logically. table, and under the gaze of the witch, he picked up the phone and called back. "Darcy, I'm sorry, I just returned to Earth yesterday. Yes, it was in Sokovia. I met Sol, but I didn't ask for an autograph. He went back to Asgard... I won't go there specifically. A trip to Asgard just to help you get an autographed photo... No big cigarettes, you can shoot those old guys, they can't do any research anyway."

“Stephanie, give yourself a vacation, and I will pick you up.”

"Agent Hand, yes, I'm listening..." Salomon's face was constantly changing, anger and sadness were like the ever-extending black shadows of the Rocky Mountains in the setting sun. "I see, thank you for contacting me at the first time. Find all the remains of Commander Gonzalez and prepare a decent funeral for him." He said in a deep voice, "The blood debt of human beings must be paid with the blood of other races. Cleaning, this time is no exception. Tell Agent Coulson, this is my will, if he insists on being buried with him, I hope you will not be lenient."

"What happened?" Bayonetta's elegant eyebrows twitched, "Did someone important die?"

"Yes, a venerable mortal. Bayonetta, perhaps I need to go to a negotiation, or a massacre."

Just as Skye took down a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, Melinda May rushed over. "We're trying to figure out what's going on, but you gotta hold back, Skye."

"What did you do?" The mixed-race female hacker came over aggressively, "Gonzalez shot and wounded my mother, and he declared war on us! You should stop!"

"We're going to see Gonzalez, where is he, what can we do to fix it."

"It's too late, take your people and go."

"I have to see Gonzalez first."

The rookie agent has been tempered in mission after mission, and Skye is no longer the dull little girl who just joined S.H.I.E.L.D. But Melinda May didn't expect Skye's will to be so determined that he would reach out to stop her. Melinda received the news that Agent Victoria Hand immediately dispatched an assault transport ship to land in [Afterlife], the Inhuman gathering place immediately after the gunshots, and Agent Hand is said to be on that aircraft. Melinda intends to solve this problem as soon as possible. If Victoria Hand makes her move, that woman's cold-blooded style and Salomon's technical support will be enough to cause a massacre in [Afterlife]. This is not what Agent Coulson wants to see, Agent Coulson wants peace not war.

Victoria Hand found an unconscious Melinda May, who she thought had died at the hands of the Inhumans. After diagnosis, the Chinese-American agent had a slight concussion, and then contacted the previous chaotic scene, Agent Hand had no idea who attacked Melinda May.

Victoria Hand contacted the former head of S.H.I.E.L.D., the commander of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s only aircraft carrier after Gonzalez. "Tell me, Agent Weaver, what is Gonzalez's gift for the leader of the Inhumans?" she asked. "Gonzalez is dead, and your alliance with Agent Coulson is void. I am not Cole Agent Sen, I know what to do in this situation and I have the ability to do it, which Agent Cole can't. He is no longer an agent, his emotions are greater than his reason. Tell me everything you know , let me judge."

Ask for a ticket!

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